Planet Fitness: Should I get a membership?

_Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
Im considering getting a Planet Fitness membership, because I want to start strength training. The biggest appeal is they are open 24h 7d/w, which I really need, because Id love to workout at about 2am. I just wanted to know if there is anything I should know about, lookout for, ect.


  • jesirabbit02
    I love planet fitness, it really is the no judgement zone.

    only downfall is it's only machines, no class, daycare etc. But I don't mind, because I have an XBOX at home and I have tapes for classes.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I have a Planet Fitness membership and I would say it is worth the money. There are plenty of strength traiing machines and cardio machines. And we also have an ab circuit and a 30-minute workout circuit at ours. You are really only limited by the amount of effort you put into it. No, it doesn't have classes like aerobics classes or a pool, but for the amount of money you are paying it is a good deal. And they do have people to train you to use the machines correctly.
  • nnapieralski
    nnapieralski Posts: 132 Member
    I'm a PF member. I love it!
  • netsirk12
    netsirk12 Posts: 220 Member
    dont waste ur money on the black card... and it isnt "judgment free".

    Id go back but only because it is the only gym around. Staff at every one I have ever been too is rude. gl!!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I know that they are inexpensive which is a plus, but personally I would not be a member. Most of our local gyms are around the same price and offer classes. From what I have been told about our local one is that there are not any personal trainers on staff that can help, majority of the employees are overweight themselves and many do not have knowledge of the machines. They also offer pizza and donuts certain times of the month. Not sure how you are but for me I like to know when I walk in to a gym that the employees have knowledge of the equipment and that if I use the equipment I will lose weight. Also I do not have the willpower to walk by pizza and donuts just yet so I do not want to put myself in tempting situations. I have also been told that they have an alarm that goes off it is called a lunk alarm. Not sure what sets it off but I have been told that they do not want people that are serious weight lifters not sure if it is true just what I heard. I thought their motto was a judgement free zone, but evidently not.
  • jessdb19
    Joined recently and have to say, that for the price (we got the 10$ a month membership) it's a great deal.

    The staff seems really knowledgeable, but mostly there are A LOT of machines/equipment. (I'm not at the stage where I'll be taking a class....) but they do have some circuit ab training, and did I say A LOT of machines?

    Most the people I've seen there are similar to myself (just trying to get into shape), as opposed to some of the other local gyms which were filled with grecian gods and goddesses...
  • Maqsparrish
    Maqsparrish Posts: 24 Member
    I absolutely adore my PF membership. If you plan on tanning or using multiple gyms go for the black card it does have some good benefits if you are going to use them. I would check with your local gym that you would go to most and see how their trainers are because my experience is that the trainer is great considering what you pay. You need to make use of them. My experience is that they are there when I ask and they are wandering around often enough for me to grab one if I need them. I love love love Planet Fitness.
  • jcr85
    jcr85 Posts: 229
    Its a gym for women (see above). If you are serious about lifting find somewhere else to workout. Tons of places are 24/7.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I like Planet Fitness. However, they claim to be judgement free, but they judge you if you workout hard. They don't like "lunkheads" but some times you need to grunt and groan when lifting! I HATE the lunkhead alarm, and they use it quite liberally. They keep the gym and locker rooms really clean, and it never has that "gym" smell because they have good air circulation built in. They are a great gym for gym-beginners!
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I belonged to PF, cost $10 a month, automatic debits my checking account. Never went, it's a 30 mile round trip to PF. But now am thinking about rejoining and actually going in 3 times a week. I just read an article that basically said aerobics does not give you weight loss, cardio and fitness, yes. In order to get weight loss, you need strength training. I had no problem canceling my membership and stopping the withdrawals from my checking account.

    There are several big fitness places in Canada which will not cancel your account when you want to quit. CBC had a show about the problems with the Canadian health clubs. Check out CBC.CA for more info.

    I am thinking about getting a Bowflex PR1000 home gym for the summer. I have no place inside for the gym, but will get some kind of shelter for it during the summer.