Any other artists out there?



  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    I studied Graphic Design & Photography at college. Was accepted into every University I applied for to study Photography but my camera and all the lenses and equipment were stolen which put an end to that dream.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Artist and Art instructor: My web site is:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member

    sorry he's so big, I tried to resize lol The original is only 4" x 6"
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Artist and Art instructor: My web site is:

    Just out of curiosity-- what's your medium? I love the fungus piece. :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Jewelry Artist here! :smooched:
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Artist and Art instructor: My web site is:

    Just out of curiosity-- what's your medium? I love the fungus piece. :)

    Thanks! :bigsmile:

    I use primarily colored pencils.
  • I'm an illustrator for children books and a graphic designer too :)
    I see I'm not alone! Yay!
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Used to do photography, but with my new career my work has been focused on graphic design...

    Would LOVE to get back into photography (one of the reasons for my weight loss!)

    I am into photography. Just signed up for a course. Super excited. I just purchased a Nikon D5100. Not the camera of my dreams but it was an upgrade.

    Hope you get back into it!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Artist and Art instructor: My web site is:

    Just out of curiosity-- what's your medium? I love the fungus piece. :)

    Thanks! :bigsmile:

    I use primarily colored pencils.

    That's what I thought it was but I couldn't believe it-- well you do great work with them :)
  • Absolutely love these!
    Would LOVE to get back into photography (one of the reasons for my weight loss!)

    Funny enough, that was one of my motivations. If I got in better shape, I could go for hikes to get cooler pics... And then that changed into, if I get into better shape, I can fish all day, walking along the shores of the Montreal... Hahah.

    I don't know if I think of myself as an artist. I am creative, sometimes, and my outlet is music and photography. Just hobbies, though. And programming, as my job, but that's less creative now than it was when it was just a hobby.

    Edit: just saw your last post asking for some samples, so here are some of my 2011 pics (seems they are cut off a bit, might want to right-click and go to View Image or whatever in your particular browser so you can see the full pic):




  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    I'm a musician. I do that for work but am also an amateur photographer and decorator and like to do paper crafts.
  • Photography, drawing, sculpting and recently moved into painting. Acrylics mostly but because it's what I had in the house already and I have not ventured over to oil yet. :D
  • ajp913
    ajp913 Posts: 100 Member
    I write poetry as a hobby. Never studied writing or poetry... just love to express what I'm feeilng that way.
  • I did this a couple of years ago to go with a few asian antiques/artwork we had, and needed another large piece for the living room wall.

    Love this!

    I'm a huge fan of Asian inspired art
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Most recent was a wedding gift for my niece. I like portraits and pets best, so this was right up my alley!

  • tinamatteson
    tinamatteson Posts: 125 Member
    Most recent was a wedding gift for my niece. I like portraits and pets best, so this was right up my alley!


    OMG! That is amazing! GREAT JOB!
  • emaxtastic
    emaxtastic Posts: 41 Member
    I'm a playwright! :)
  • Here is my Facebook fan page. stop by and like it =)

    and here is my Etsy page to purchase items. If you "like" the fb page than you can get updates and coupon codes when i have sales and things on my etsy =)

    hmm, i guess you cant just click on these links to have you directed straight to them, hmm must be a MFP setting or something. anyways just highlight the link, copy it and then paste it into your browser. =)
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    I love art .. I started my degree in arts but only completed the first year ...I Had too much going on in my life at the time so I regretfully defered .. I will eventually take it up again .. I love sculpture and drawing .. Life drawing with charcoal was and still is my favorite .. I enjoy painting too .. Especially using and experimenting with different mediums !!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i really like to draw, but I'm not very good at it~~~some of you guys are amazing. ^-^ Its really fun seeing your beautiful photos and art pieces!

    I've been trying to get more into drawing recently...really inspirational. Thanks u guys~