Parks0613 Member


  • My cheat meal! I dont want to know because if I did I wouldnt cheat!
  • I use to sell the stuff and from experience its not worth the money nor does it contain "All Natural" products. Best to go with something else thats more affordable. I Use It Works Or Greenwise both affordable and you get your money's worth.
  • Exactly, Totally agree, what are you going use it for is the question... I use Protein as a snack or for recovery. I also mix it with greens and milk usually. I dont use it as a meal replacement as clean foods are the best for you. I use It Works Profit brand Love it! Totally affordable and tastes great
  • "unless your creating a surplus" that was my point, at the end of the week she has created a surplus of high sugar intake which will in turn become fat. Maybe you should reread what you type to be sure you make since.
  • Your welcome also I second the maybe you should put on more muscle. I mean you do look great but maybe that will give you the look you want!
  • You should really watch your Macros, You can still emphasize on eating fresh but your consistently high with your sugars extra sugar means extra fat is stored. Try some hanging leg raises and do some toes to bars maybe some mason twists as well. You can work your abs moderately everyday But if your doing it hard Every 2…
  • I went through and looked at your Diary, Did you set your Macros (Fat, Pro, Carbs)? Did you set your cals? Reason I asked is that your consistently not with in +/- 5 of your Macros. That could play a big factor on results. Also are you doing abs daily? Friend me and I can help you!
  • I think its a bad idea! I use to sell those things! SO not Worth the Money and to many toxins put into your body! Eat real food that is your best bet! But the clean eating diet cook book by Tosca Reno Amazing Recipes! Also we love the Abs diet cook book!
  • I'm in Pre Prep, I have weight to lose before I can contest prep, But I read a wonderful study written by Doctor John M Berardi you can Download the study on the website. Its a really great read and very simplified. My husband for years had told me that I should do it…
  • I am a certified personal trainer as well and have been for the last 6 years, I believe its still possible depending on her body. But like you said she may sacrifice some muscle mass but not enough to be a big deal. It would be a big deal if she has trouble gaining weight or muscle. But from her stats that doesn't seem the…
  • The key phrase there was "Without Sacrificing a Lot of Muscle" You are not going to lose all your muscle..... I have read studies and I have taken nutrition classes. As long as she stays on point with her diet it would be possible to drop the weight. I know for me I dropped about 10 lbs worth of water weight after I…
  • What Kind of competition are you looking at would be my first question? I haven't competed yet and I am working towards it. I am about the same stature as you are and almost the same weight I know I do not want to have 112 lbs of lean mass I'm shooting for 105 lean mass and about 15% body fat. I'm doing a ms. fitness…
  • Thank you, I found one, but not sure if we will still be in ga then, We are only here for a short while. I guess I will train and play it by ear.
  • My goal by the time I'm 30 is to enter into one of the Ms. Fitness competitions whether it be Universe or not. So I have a little under 2 years to complete it. I'm also a mother of 3 boys ages 2 1/2 and 5 . I'm also a CPT but not currently working. I am just starting to get rid of the fluff I put on from bearing children.…
  • exactly what I was thinking.....
  • If you abso0lutly have to workout at that time then its better than nothing. Honestly though its better workout 1 1/2hrs after you eat breakfast or if your just doing cardio first thing when you wake up before you eat.
  • Goodness, I would have cried if my son ever told me that and that is actually one of my motivations to reach my goal is because I know as a child I was really embarrassed of my overweight mother and I did not want her to go to anything because of that. Now I do not want my children to be embarrased of me and that is one of…
  • I have my zune a blairing and my goal for the day in sight! Eye of the tiger I am!
  • Yes, but you should workout because it good for the heart! :)
  • Online calculators are not accurate because they do not take mucle into consideration. You can have a personal trainer at a gym do you body fat or your doctor can request you to have it done by Hydrostatic Weighing which is done in water and the most accurate way to be done!
  • If you want the most accurate count of Kcalories bruned you need to get a Heart rate monitor with a chest strap that you can personalise with your height weight and age. The Machines as the gym do not accuratly monitor your heart rate as every person is a different height, weight, age and have different Cardiovascular…
  • Hey I have a 4year and 21 month old twins.
  • I'm new too! I have 3 children all boys! ages 4 and 21 month old twins! You can Add me if you want!