codename_steve Member


  • I liked black bean brownies, they just had a different texture, a little more crumbly, and my bf didn't like that. I've thought about trying avocado pudding, but never can bring myself to do it; if it doesn't taste good, then I just wasted delicious avocados!
  • I reached my original goal and have maintained it for about a year. But now I've decided to try for another 5 pounds and see how that feels. Recovering from a marathon and retain a crap ton of water doesn't really help...
  • I'm actually the opposite, I think I sweat more on this WOE. regarding dehydration, I stop/less sweating when I'm dehydrated.
  • I've been doing it since November 2016, and I'm loving it so far. "Just" counting calories wasn't easy for me to sustain because I was always hungry and obsessed about food. Now, I feel more carefree about food, I don't need to count calories to lose/maintain, and I have more energy.
  • @cstehansen oh, ok!! that makes a lot more sense. thanks for pointing that out :smile:
  • If you're drinking that much water, you need to increase your sodium intake as well. I used to get migraines while running, until I stopped being afraid of sodium (went from <2300mg to >6000mg daily). Your body needs sodium to retain the water you're drinking, otherwise it just runs straight through you, i.e. going to the…
  • Me too!! We went grocery shopping with my BF's dad while he was in town, and got two 5 pound bags of cheese (two different flavors). He said "that'll last you a month or two, right?" and we both laughed and said "no, more like two or three weeks!!"
  • The shirts that I used to be bulging out of, are now too big and need to be taken in. Also, I'm in control of my eating habits for the first time in what feels like ever.
    in NSV's Comment by codename_steve May 2017
  • I would say even more sodium (unless health concerns interfere). I typically need 5,000-7,000 mg, otherwise I get headachy and dizzy.
  • I've been successfully maintaining within a 5 pound range for about a year without counting calories. MFP is just a tool, and there is no shame in using it again. You'll never know if you'll be able to do it until you try. So try. What finally made the difference for me was keeping in mind that a break or reaching goal…
  • @Sunny_Bunny_ I do supplement sodium during long runs by taking thermotabs. But the last couple of days I'm at the point where I can't even manage 2-3 miles. my body is just too exhausted. and I'm only averaging 25 miles, so I doubt it could be over-training.
  • I'm a runner too! I actually find it rather easy to lose while training for a half, harder while training for a full. Like @spiriteagle99 , I've been successful with the 90 calories per mile equation or MFP calculations.
  • It's rare that I get sore after an intense workout. My performance is better (lifting heavier, running faster). I no longer get headaches after running. I'm no longer obsessed with food, nor am I hangry. As others have mentioned, my overall mood and sleep have improved. I'm not depressed/anxious, and I sleep soundly…
  • Hidden Valley Ranch packet mixed with sour cream or guacamole are usually my go to for dips.
  • I second the suggestion for magnesium. Should help with the sleep and the cravings. I've seen different numbers, but usually between 70-80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium.
  • Could you add avocado and/or mayo to the burger? Even with the lower fat hamburger, those toppings would add a bit of fat.
  • I didn't steal any french fries off of my BFs plate!! Further more, I had absolutely no desire to steal any :smiley:
  • Have you decreased your sodium intake? Often when people start a new way of eating, they tend to eat less processed foods and this can lower sodium levels. I feel as you've decided when my sodium is too low.
  • I avoid runger by increasing fat, as well as the protein previously mentioned, and ensuring to re-hydrate after a run. For strength I do Stronglifts 5x5 2 days a week during full marathon training, and 3 days a week in between training cycles.
  • I'm not sure about pes anserine bursitis, but I had Trochanteric (hip) bursitis bad enough to need injections and I'm back to running. Now I'm more in tune with how I feel, and pay extra attention to stretching/rolling the muscles that need it most.
  • I'm currently in Utah, but originally from WA, a small town about an hour north of Seattle.
  • Was finally able to finish a 16 mile run!! So I think I've finally figured it out. I took two salt tablets at the start of my run, then 2 more at each 30 minute interval. It ended up being somewhere around 15 tablets. Is that normal/ok? Thinking back on my runs a couple weeks ago, I realize that around miles 6-8 I would…
  • I've been running for a few years now, but this is my first low carb year!
  • @cstehansen thanks for the reply! I will try taking the sodium closer to starting next saturday as well as a little more water with it. Would getting sodium right help with possible blood pressure weirdness? Do you think I should lower my carbs further? I did think about the avocado instead of banana, but (thinking about…
  • I'm still really struggling with my long runs!! I picked up some sodium tablets from the pharmacy, and on saturday I took one 90 minutes before my run, another as I started, and a third at 6 miles. So, I definitely wasn't low on sodium!! The first hour was ok; the gym felt a lot warmer than normal so I was sweating a bit…
  • I wanna try this Moon Cheese stuff!!
  • I third this!! I tried the cauliflower crust and my boyfriend and I hated it! But Fathead is AMAZING!!
  • I've noticed that I get nauseous when my sodium is low. That's usually the first symptom for me, before the dizzy, fatigue, and headache. But like others have said, a general decrease in appetite is normal for me, even with adequate sodium levels.
  • They did also say it's just a correlation. I know quite a few people that smoke weed on a regular basis (like daily) and they are all normal weight. Some strands of cannabis have an energizing effect, so while one may be eating more due to the munchies, they may also be moving more, therefore their CICO equation is still…
  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone!! I'll have to look into the at home option; if it's delicious and we can do it more often it's a win-win. Rolled in cucumber sounds yummy too! Though my BF wouldn't like that so much haha