

  • no problem, i didnt take it as rude at all. i probably should have mentioned i knew i had a problem. im gonna do some aerobic classes or something late this week. thanks
  • ok, that makes sense. thanks, i am definitely going to start eating more its just really hard to break such a bad habit. but i dont want any serious damage down the road.
  • thanks for the info. some of it i wasnt exactly sure on. ive heard that you can lose muscle, but because i am not considered underweight would my body still be eating away at the muscle or whatever fat i have left? the scale did start to level off, but why would it go up if im only on maintenance calories?
  • i do have an eating disorder. well technically doctors would say it isnt because im not "dangerously thin". im 5"3 and weigh 121 so im alright for my height, however i do have an issue. i lost all of my weight in a very healthy way except for the last 10 lbs or so then i started to go downhill.
  • i also have another question if somebody could help haha. i plan on doing about 3 times a week now for exercise and was wondering does it matter what three days? like if i decided to do wednesday thursday and friday, would that make a difference considering saturday sunday monday and tuesday would all be without?
  • i actually realized this the other day. i used to constantly have a sore throat and about 5 colds a year maybe more. i had a cold back in may i think and ive had nothing since. winter is usually horrible for me and this year has been fabulous!
  • i agree that it overall is so beneficial. ive been exercising steadily for over a year and i hate to admit that i still do hate it :ohwell: some days i have soo much energy and i just wanna move all day and others i cry at the thought of the treadmill haha. i think people just have to find something they love. there's…
  • i'll have to take these things into consideration and ask my doctor haha. I weigh around 125 and im 5"3 so i'm not underweight. i just think my body got shocked a bit by the weight loss. i will have my body fat checked though.
  • i use Thomas Sahara wheat pita. just a normal pizza sauce from a can. i add mushrooms and onions and some weight watchers mozzerella cheese. and if i calculate it right its only about 250 calories if that. and its really good.
  • thanks, thats interesting because I actually have pretty bad scoliosis and have been looking for ways to help with pain. I think I'm going to be starting physical therapy, but have also been told going to a chiopractor may help.
  • thank you all for the suggestions. if im gonna keep this up i gotta find something i like. i think im going to start playing dance dance revolution for awhile and start looking for exercise classes i can take.
  • oh and i also forgot to add that i have bad scoliosis and i think running may be making it worse. ive been having a lotttt of pain lately and also pains going down my leg. does anybody know what that could mean, or if it could really be getting worse from running? and thanks i think i will definitely look into zumba or…
  • well everybody is different. what may look good on you may look too thin on somebody else. i am the same height as you and wearing about a size 5 and i am 124 lbs. everybody is telling me i look way too thin. my mom especially would love to see me be 140 again. so i would say if you are happy where you are at and you feel…
  • thanks :smile: i am seeing a therapist and looking into a nutritionist so hopefully that will be of some help.
  • good for you! keep with it, you can do it.:smile:
  • i would definitely try to get something done by talking to somebody in charge. in my old highschool the food there was horrible. it was probably one of the biggest reasons i was overweight. i ate cheesefries and a brownie everyday. and yes fries were the main entre. you would be lucky on a day they had fried chicken with…
  • that kinda stuff makes me feel really bad for those kids. i see it and i just think why. why do you have to feed your kid all of that stuff. the parent is supposed to set the example and obviously they are not. i was overweight since i was 7 and it sucked. my parents always cooked healthy and then they started fighting and…
  • ive done the no more trouble zones for about 3 weeks three times a week and ive lost around 5 lbs and some inches. its really hard while doing it and i dread it everytime but i feel so good when im done. the first week my thighs and arms were killing me and i used only 3 lbs.
  • :smile: :smile: oh ok well ill definitely have to look into that im seeing my doctor soon, thank you :smile:
  • i am still losing, usually about a lb or so a week. im just so confused lately haha. but thank u very much,
  • ive had like three dreams recently where i ate like 3 donuts in each. it was so realistic i woke up thinking there go my calories. haha and i thought i was the only one.
  • thanks for all the tips and encouragement i will keep going!
  • thanks for the tips. i actually used to do about an hour on the treadmill but i wore myself out, so i just recently started doing 30. haha i dont know if i could physically add anymore days. i have started running off and on so hopefully that shocks my body or something.
  • this is exactly my problem. i too usually went under 1200 and now that i have about 5 or so to lose ive been so hungry all day. i feel like im snacking all the time and i still dont even reach 1200 calories most of the time..
    in hungrier? Comment by lbpw December 2009
  • i used to always hate hearing my friends say it because i was heavy and they were all thin or 5 lbs overweight at the most. i know some of them probably wanted compliments but now i know how they feel. i still say im fat all the time mainly around my sister and she cant stand it. she looks at me and sees so much…
  • You look really good! congrats :smile:
  • I basically just had enough I wanted to be able to buy clothes in the sections everybody else my age were. I was so stressed out about it that literally on new years day I started. The toughest thing I think is just getting into the swing of things and sticking with it. After about a month it was routine. So my advice is…
  • If you can't run walking would be fine. I usually run for about a minute off and on and can't do anymore. I walk at 4.5 mph but I had to work up to that. My body definitely got used to the treadmill so after awhile I started increasing the speed. You can do it, good luck!
  • i think once a week is good in the beginning because people seem to lose more initially and you can use that as a motivation. but after awhile i reccommend once a month. things tend to slow down a bit as you get to your goal and it can be discouraging, well it was for me at least. good luck! oh and you also may want to…
  • i know how you feel. i live with this everyday and it sucks. the worst part is because im in a healthy weight range no doctor wants to hear it. they keep telling me well you can lose 10 more lbs your not going to be a bone, but they dont understand how i feel in my head. i do eat and i do eat very healthy but i have a…