Skinny gals who complain about being fat!



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    I know what people are saying but it can be frustrating for people who are trying to watch their weight and arn't too heavy. I am at 140 lbs. I don't ever go around telling people that I am fat BUT i do get comments when I turn down desserts or food and I say No sorry i am trying to watch my weight. All the time people say things like, thats stupid you don't need to or look at me I should be watching my weight. I just want to say YES YOU SHOULD. They try to make me feel bad for not eating it or for saying that I think I need to loose weight. I wasn't fishing for a compliment when turning down food, just explaining why I am not eating it.

    Also, I have had a close friend who was very thin who ended up having an eating disorder. So if you have friends saying things like I am so fat, start paying attention to what they are eating and all of their habits to make sure they are healthy. It may be annoying but what are friends for!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Skinny gals who KNOW they are skinny and complain about being fat bother me!! If you won't listen to me the first time, don't ask again because the answer you get might not be the one you were fishing for!!! :laugh:

    Oh, for sure. Skinny girls who KNOW they're skinny and talk about how fat they are drive me crazy. I was not put on this planet to follow you around and reinforce the fact that, yes, you're hot. :p

    Whenever someone smaller than me says they want to lose weight, regardless of if they're fishing for compliments or being genuine, I give them the same response. "Well, if you'd like, you can be my weight-loss buddy! We can exercise and count calories together. :)" If the person was just fishing for compliments, it's usually a disappointing answer, lol. If they really DO want to lose weight/get healthier/whatever, then I wind up with another person to be accountable to.

    I like your response. That way if they are serious about exercising and being healthier they will be... if not they don't get the attention they were seeking!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Skinny gals who KNOW they are skinny and complain about being fat bother me!! If you won't listen to me the first time, don't ask again because the answer you get might not be the one you were fishing for!!! :laugh:

    Oh, for sure. Skinny girls who KNOW they're skinny and talk about how fat they are drive me crazy. I was not put on this planet to follow you around and reinforce the fact that, yes, you're hot. :p

    Whenever someone smaller than me says they want to lose weight, regardless of if they're fishing for compliments or being genuine, I give them the same response. "Well, if you'd like, you can be my weight-loss buddy! We can exercise and count calories together. :)" If the person was just fishing for compliments, it's usually a disappointing answer, lol. If they really DO want to lose weight/get healthier/whatever, then I wind up with another person to be accountable to.

    Haha! Love that! I think I'm going to use that line instead of my pretend-i-didnt-hear-you response. I'm sure they won't want to be coming with me running or counting calories. haha! love it!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    It is really frustrating, and sometimes it's just downright scary. I have a friend who lost 30 lbs. after high school, falling into the underweight category. She constantly talks about wanting to "lose 5 lbs." and "tone up", etc. It all just sounds frustrating, until you realize that her skinny tushy actually believes that she needs to lose that weight.

    It's hard to tell apart when it's just fishing for compliments and when it might actually be a serious issue. :\
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Everyone is entitled to feel anyway they want about their bodies. Just because someone is smaller than me does not mean they can't talk to me about their problems with their body. One persons opinion of "fat" could be different from someone elses. Really it comes down to how confident a person is with themself as to whether or not a person smaller than them talking about her body upsets them. Just cuz I am not 115 does not give me the right to say only I can complain about my body. That is childish.

    I love this comment. Well said.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Everyone is entitled to feel anyway they want about their bodies. Just because someone is smaller than me does not mean they can't talk to me about their problems with their body. One persons opinion of "fat" could be different from someone elses. Really it comes down to how confident a person is with themself as to whether or not a person smaller than them talking about her body upsets them. Just cuz I am not 115 does not give me the right to say only I can complain about my body. That is childish.

    Sure, everyone is entitled to feel how they want, but they don't HAVE to nor are they entitled to tell me! And frankly, if they are fishing for compliments or sympathy...I don't care whether the person is fat or skinny... I don't like when people manipulate others to get a reaction THEY want. And then they are unhappy or offended when they didn't get the reaction they wanted. They can tell me their concerns/opinions on their weight, but that isn't going to promise that the answers or suggestions or advice I give them will be what they WANTED to hear. (Granted this is separate from those with eating disorders, etc). We can tell these people over and over what they want to hear....but they won't listen to has to come from within themselves. And frankly, I don't want to hear it if they don't want to listen or want the advice!!

    Examples for clarification:

    1) Skinny girl, naturally thin (no disorder), 5'5", 110 pounds, my friend. She proceeds to tell me how fat she is and how she doesn't even want to go out tonight because no guy is going to even look at her because she is fat. Okay, my reaction is "Girl, you are not even fat, you are so hott! That shirt looks amazing! We're going to go out tonight and you are going to have fun." Her response "How can I have fun when I am SO FAT and ugly?? ughhhh". My next response, "I really don't know why you think that, you look great. Well, maybe we should just go to the gym tonight to make you feel better?" Then, she is pissed "oh so you DO think I am fat?!?!?!" Me- "No you are definitely not fat, but if you aren't going to have fun, then we should do something thats going to make you feel better." "Okay fine, lets go out" (Verdict- she was a FISHER for compliments. She wanted me to go on and on about how hott she is and how guys drool over her. Which I could have said! But, I don't see a need to keep fishing tons of compliments when the person DOESN'T want to listen.)

    2) Slightly overweight, always been athletic, 5'5", 170 pounds, cute girl, my sister. She proceeds to tell me how fat she is and how she can never lose weight and how she's never going to get married because she is so fat. My initial reaction "I'm sorry. I think you are so beautiful and I hate to see you upset! Have you went to see a doctor? Maybe you're not losing weight for some medical reason that a doctor could help with?" Her response "No, I haven't seen a doctor but its not like he can help me anyways, I'm always just going to be fat. And I'll never get married." My reaction "You just need to do whatever makes you feel happy. I hope you do see a doctor if you think that there could be reasons as to why you aren't able to lose weight. " Her response- "I don't know what a doctor is going to help with, I'm just fat." (Verdict- she was a FISHER for sympathy, and I wasn't going to agree with her that the doctor couldn't help her. She thinks she is ultimately hopeless, and until she realizes that she CAN take action and feel better about herself....she's never going to TRY. I can give her advice all day long- and trust me, I have, but its up to her).

    Bottom line.... they may be entitled to feel how they want. But, it is not my responsibility to agree with how they feel. I'll be sensitive and tell them how I feel and express concerns. But, I shouldn't have to listen to their image problems all day long-- FAT OR SKINNY when they won't listen to me anyways.

    FYI- I am not offended, angry, etc with the quoted statement...I appreciate all views! ....I just had this situation happen with my sister TODAY and needed to share my opinon & clarify :)
  • Everyone is entitled to feel anyway they want about their bodies. Just because someone is smaller than me does not mean they can't talk to me about their problems with their body. One persons opinion of "fat" could be different from someone elses. Really it comes down to how confident a person is with themself as to whether or not a person smaller than them talking about her body upsets them. Just cuz I am not 115 does not give me the right to say only I can complain about my body. That is childish.

    Sure, everyone is entitled to feel how they want, but they don't HAVE to nor are they entitled to tell me! And frankly, if they are fishing for compliments or sympathy...I don't care whether the person is fat or skinny... I don't like when people manipulate others to get a reaction THEY want. And then they are unhappy or offended when they didn't get the reaction they wanted. They can tell me their concerns/opinions on their weight, but that isn't going to promise that the answers or suggestions or advice I give them will be what they WANTED to hear. (Granted this is separate from those with eating disorders, etc). We can tell these people over and over what they want to hear....but they won't listen to has to come from within themselves. And frankly, I don't want to hear it if they don't want to listen or want the advice!!

    Examples for clarification:

    1) Skinny girl, naturally thin (no disorder), 5'5", 110 pounds, my friend. She proceeds to tell me how fat she is and how she doesn't even want to go out tonight because no guy is going to even look at her because she is fat. Okay, my reaction is "Girl, you are not even fat, you are so hott! That shirt looks amazing! We're going to go out tonight and you are going to have fun." Her response "How can I have fun when I am SO FAT and ugly?? ughhhh". My next response, "I really don't know why you think that, you look great. Well, maybe we should just go to the gym tonight to make you feel better?" Then, she is pissed "oh so you DO think I am fat?!?!?!" Me- "No you are definitely not fat, but if you aren't going to have fun, then we should do something thats going to make you feel better." "Okay fine, lets go out" (Verdict- she was a FISHER for compliments. She wanted me to go on and on about how hott she is and how guys drool over her. Which I could have said! But, I don't see a need to keep fishing tons of compliments when the person DOESN'T want to listen.)

    2) Slightly overweight, always been athletic, 5'5", 170 pounds, cute girl, my sister. She proceeds to tell me how fat she is and how she can never lose weight and how she's never going to get married because she is so fat. My initial reaction "I'm sorry. I think you are so beautiful and I hate to see you upset! Have you went to see a doctor? Maybe you're not losing weight for some medical reason that a doctor could help with?" Her response "No, I haven't seen a doctor but its not like he can help me anyways, I'm always just going to be fat. And I'll never get married." My reaction "You just need to do whatever makes you feel happy. I hope you do see a doctor if you think that there could be reasons as to why you aren't able to lose weight. " Her response- "I don't know what a doctor is going to help with, I'm just fat." (Verdict- she was a FISHER for sympathy, and I wasn't going to agree with her that the doctor couldn't help her. She thinks she is ultimately hopeless, and until she realizes that she CAN take action and feel better about herself....she's never going to TRY. I can give her advice all day long- and trust me, I have, but its up to her).

    Bottom line.... they may be entitled to feel how they want. But, it is not my responsibility to agree with how they feel. I'll be sensitive and tell them how I feel and express concerns. But, I shouldn't have to listen to their image problems all day long-- FAT OR SKINNY when they won't listen to me anyways.

    FYI- I am not offended, angry, etc with the quoted statement...I appreciate all views! ....I just had this situation happen with my sister TODAY and needed to share my opinon & clarify :)

    I did not say anything about you having to listen to it all day. If you don't want to listen to it that is your problem they still have a right to say what they want about their bodies. And your examples are the way YOU look at weight not the way everyone else might. I am not going to get irritated by anyone talking about their body images it is not worth it. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt I have no right to assume they are fishing for commpliments and if they are maybe they will better if I do. Bottom line is we as humans are not mind readers. And if they are fishing for compliments so what everybody does at some point in their lives.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    As I said a few times in my post...this is eating orders aside. I honestly feel so bad for people with eating disorders, because I know how messed up your mind is, trust me...been there before. But, like I said, this whole skinny gals complaining they are fat are eating disorders aside. And those eating disorders should really be taken seriously, and some sort of intervention or serious talk needs to take place.

    Also, I agree with what you said that everyone fishes for compliments at some point in their lives...heck I did it to my husband last week and it bothered him too! He flat out told me that he wasn't going to listen to me babble on when he loved my body, etc.

    I know that having skinny-fat people who complain about their weight constantly can bother me. I obviously don't let it bother me to the point that I'm angry...but its definitely annoying. But, I can be bothered by skinny or fat people complaining about their weight JUST as much as you can be bothered that we are talking about it.
  • Sorry if I offended anyone, Everyone has a right to be bothered by complaining just as much as everyone has a right to complain that all I was saying.
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I have learned a couple great things from this post:

    1. For my friend that is fishing for compliments, I need to tell her it is hurtful to me as I struggle on my journey.

    2. While my weight loss struggle may be a bigger project than others, it does not make theirs less significant.

    3. And while my struggle may be significant to me, others may have a longer road to go and they may not be as sympathetic to my plight.

    I think it is just important for us all to be respectful to our audience, whether it is is some smaller, bigger, has an eating disorder, etc.
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    i used to always hate hearing my friends say it because i was heavy and they were all thin or 5 lbs overweight at the most. i know some of them probably wanted compliments but now i know how they feel. i still say im fat all the time mainly around my sister and she cant stand it. she looks at me and sees so much improvement that she doesnt want to hear it and tells people how im just fishing for compliments, but honestly im not. i really do not see me not being overweight because ive been used to seeing an overweight person for so long and it hurts when people think im just doing it for a compliment because i struggle with my body image every minute of the day.
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