anything but running?

hi everyone. i just have a question and i guess wanted some opinions. i have lost almost all of my weight by basically just using my treadmill. ive ran occassionally but it was usually just a fast paced walk. about a month ago i sort of plateaued and was looking for any way to break that. i had 10 more lbs to go and fortunately after i started adding more running into my routine i lost that plus more. now im just looking to maintain and im not sure exactly what to do when it comes to exercise. i absolutely positively hate running. today is the day im supposed to do it and ive been dreading and feeling down about it since last night. it honestly gets me anxious and stressed just thinking about it. i really would just like anything i could do that doesnt involve running. if im going to exercise for the rest of my life i need it to be something i can enjoy. the problem is im afraid my body is so used to the high impact of the running that doing anything else besides it will not be beneficial and i dont want to see weight start coming back. i was thinking of just going back to only walking but then im worried it would not be enough. if anybody has any suggestions that would be great. :smile: i dont belong to a gym. i only have a treadmill at home and i do jillian michaels quick trouble zones on on demand about twice a week. thanks!


  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    Try a group class like zumba or kickboxing! Group fitness keeps you accountable, it's fun, and most of the time, the workouts are pretty good. They are done by people who are trained in what they do, so I've always found that the intensity is pretty high. Also, with group fitness, most of the time there are modifications if there are moves you can't do or feel uncomfortable doing.

    Good luck!!
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    oh and i also forgot to add that i have bad scoliosis and i think running may be making it worse. ive been having a lotttt of pain lately and also pains going down my leg. does anybody know what that could mean, or if it could really be getting worse from running? and thanks i think i will definitely look into zumba or something along that line. :smile:
  • kimberlygo
    I initially lost 30 lbs from walking on a treadmill only. The thing that got me over the plateau was weight lifting. Not serious body builder lifting, but toning. It worked great.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    You could always try the elliptical machines at the gym; they're similar to running but without the high impact so it's much easier on your knees/joints. If I can't get out to run, that's my choice over a treadmill any day! Regarding your scoliosis, I suggest calling a dr if it doesn't get better after finding/trying a substitute for running.
  • heathersu
    Ever consider walking at a steep incline on the treadmill? It does not have the same joint impact but iis a great workout. An hour or so of this and those calories will burn right off.
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    I am not an expert at maintenance stuff yet, still on the losing train.. but, I think if you are going to have a chance you HAVE to find something you like.. otherwise, you wont continue, and moving is the key. Maybe get a cheap bicycle? I am sure this time of year you can find something cheap if money is an issue for you, craigslist, want ads, something, and take a spin around the block. it is much lower impact but still works muscles and cardio too if you go fast :) also, is there a Y close? swimming is good for you too.

    good luck
  • kevinj
    kevinj Posts: 2
    try cycling or swimming - neither is as damaging to the body as running, cycling is in my opinion the way to go esp if it means that you can ditch the car for a couple of journeys a day - of course as it is more efficient than running you have to put in a lot of effort to burn the same calories per hour.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    try cycling or swimming - neither is as damaging to the body as running, cycling is in my opinion the way to go esp if it means that you can ditch the car for a couple of journeys a day - of course as it is more efficient than running you have to put in a lot of effort to burn the same calories per hour.

    I was goign to say the same thing! I love cycling and the calorie burn is amazing! Plus it's really good for your butt :tongue: :tongue: Plus it's fun to find new places to go.

    If you live somewhere with crappy weather (like I do), you can buy stands that let you bike indoors when it's cold and/or rainy.
  • morleybear
    I just read that putting the treadmill at 5% instead of 0 increases calorie burn by 60%! I also like to swim once or twice a week because I also hate the treadmill and it's easier on my body.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    I was going to suggest running outside until I read the part about your pain. I love to run outside but hate when I have to do it on the treadmill.

    Do you have cable that has on demand? My cable has Exercise TV on demand so you can always find new workouts to do.
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    thank you all for the suggestions. if im gonna keep this up i gotta find something i like. i think im going to start playing dance dance revolution for awhile and start looking for exercise classes i can take.