

  • North Bay, Ont. Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm liking it too!! Not only does this mean I put extra effort in to make special time with my man, I'm finding ways to make that time a little more fun. I think we will both benefit from it, our relationship can only get better with more/better sex lol!! I'm not seeing a single down side, I think everyone could benefit…
    in HRM Comment by megannoonan January 2011
  • I would definitely share, I'm not shy and besides if others want to use their time with their spouse to add a little extra exercise in their day I'd love to provide ideas for getting the most out of their love lives. Let's be honest, were all adults and we all know that sex happens.. we might as well get the most out of it.
    in HRM Comment by megannoonan January 2011
  • Glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks that way lol It's common knowledge you burn cals during sex, (unless you're really not putting in an effort lol) I'm really curious to see how much. I can't trust what anything on Google says considering there's all sorts of factors that differ time to time, I don't see how…
    in HRM Comment by megannoonan January 2011
  • That's a good idea That will be a fun way to burn some extra calories and spice up the love life while finding out exactly how many cals can be burnt during intercourse.
    in HRM Comment by megannoonan January 2011
  • I don't think I would want to hide it from him, that's worse than using him as an experiment in the first place. How ever, it may be fun for him, testing how high heart rates can go and what-not..... he may enjoy my experiment after all ahah.
    in HRM Comment by megannoonan January 2011
  • Welcome! I think portions is something a lot of people have a hard time with, you'll notice after a while of sticking to smaller portions you will fill fuller sooner. It's been just over a year for me of eating small portions, I still eat what ever I want, just very little of it. I find I get full very quickly now and even…
  • Made it to the gym, for 45 min at that. Came home and ate a turkey pepperette and a granny smith apple. NOT kfc or poutine (kfc poutine mmmmm) Yay me! I haven't contemplated supper yet, but I'm sure it wont be delivered or covered in gravy. My day is turning around.
  • You win. Lol I sincerely hope tomorrow is a much better day
  • LOL! I always get a kick out of those who don't know what poutine is! They don't know how lucky they aren It's frnchfries with cheese curds and gravy on top. I love it, I wish I didn't know what it was though, it's the devils food.
  • ya I can't wait for northern ontario to drop to -30, should be soon. I'm passing a kfc momentarily and all I can see is a big sign that reads "guilt" lol so I'll just stay on the bus and transfer and hopefully get on the right one.
  • I know I'll regret it if I give up on the day. I'll still make it to the gym just have to spend another half an hour on the bus lol The 20 min walk doesn't seem so bad right now. Lol
  • I love peanut butter, I tend to eat it off of a spoon a lot :P
  • Thank you! I think my next tattoo might be the word Maintain somewhere lol. I often forget that maintenance is just as hard as the initial loss
  • I agree 104 is dangerously low and I imagine I'll look pretty gross.I don't WANT to go that low but the monster inside of me says if that's the "lowest" point before I can't argue I'm sick why not push it a little and drop to 110. I battle an eating disorder, and I am really trying to tone up to satisfy the image in the…
  • Hi! I'm "new" too, I've been using the app for a while but I'm new to blogging and using the forum, I'm hoping it helps keep me motivated. I'm 24 and I love seeing other girls my age on here, if you ever need someone to talk to or help keep you motivated just let me know. I'd love to help out :)
  • Ya pretty much. You also have to consider how much time, effort and money they dump into looking the way they do. Personal trainers, chefs, nutritionist, dietitians...etc... they have it all. The rest of us normal folk don't have all those services on demand for our every whim. Aspiring to look like them is a never ending…
    in Rant Comment by megannoonan January 2011