megannoonan Posts: 24
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Do you think my boyfriend would mind if I wore a HRM in bed? lol

It sounds strange but I'm actually curious to see exactly what's happening when we're intimate.

He may be insulted, I don't want him to think that tracking calories and exercise has become more important to me. But as an experiment it might be fun.


  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    He probably wouldn't mind. You could always wear it under a sexy outfit that covers it (difficult I know) then he may never know lol
  • I don't think I would want to hide it from him, that's worse than using him as an experiment in the first place.

    How ever, it may be fun for him, testing how high heart rates can go and what-not..... he may enjoy my experiment after all ahah.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Make it kind of a game to see how many cal you can burn, then try to beat it the next time.
  • That's a good idea

    That will be a fun way to burn some extra calories and spice up the love life while finding out exactly how many cals can be burnt during intercourse.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Do you think my boyfriend would mind if I wore a HRM in bed? lol

    It sounds strange but I'm actually curious to see exactly what's happening when we're intimate.

    He may be insulted, I don't want him to think that tracking calories and exercise has become more important to me. But as an experiment it might be fun.
  • mrscates
    mrscates Posts: 559 Member
    Make it kind of a game to see how many cal you can burn, then try to beat it the next time.
  • Glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks that way lol

    It's common knowledge you burn cals during sex, (unless you're really not putting in an effort lol) I'm really curious to see how much. I can't trust what anything on Google says considering there's all sorts of factors that differ time to time, I don't see how accurate any of the sites can be. That seems like something that's pretty specific to the individual.
  • I think if you wear it you have to commit to doing a lot of work, then of course you have to share the details.... not all the details but just length of time and calories burned!
  • I think if you wear it you have to commit to doing a lot of work, then of course you have to share the details.... not all the details but just length of time and calories burned!

    I would definitely share, I'm not shy and besides if others want to use their time with their spouse to add a little extra exercise in their day I'd love to provide ideas for getting the most out of their love lives.

    Let's be honest, were all adults and we all know that sex happens.. we might as well get the most out of it.
  • i love the way you think!
  • I'm liking it too!!

    Not only does this mean I put extra effort in to make special time with my man, I'm finding ways to make that time a little more fun. I think we will both benefit from it, our relationship can only get better with more/better sex lol!!

    I'm not seeing a single down side, I think everyone could benefit from trying this out.
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