HELLO!!! New Girl Here ------>

tasiac23 Posts: 48 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! My name is Tasia and I'm 23 yrs. old! I just joined the site today and I'm glad that I was informed about this it. I'm excited about this new weightloss challenge I'm gunna be facing!! I know it's gunna be hard cuz I looooove foodand hate trying to lose weight. But I have to! I hate the way I feel as a resuly of not working out and eating badly so I am really looking forward to losing the weight and feeling better!


  • racharla
    racharla Posts: 92 Member
    Hey Tasia... welcome aboard ... you will love this site :)
  • downshifter2000
    downshifter2000 Posts: 23 Member
    I am new too...so far im loving the way i can keep up with everything,speciall with the iphone app! goodluck!
  • Twig72
    Twig72 Posts: 11
    Hello and welcome. You are going to love this site.
  • hello iam new too . . . .
  • I have only been on a few days and am loving it. It helps you keep track of everything you neet to. Good luck with your goals and just remember to not get down. You will do great.
  • thart1
    thart1 Posts: 1
    I am new too and also named Tasia, can someone help me make sense of this thing, I'm all set up put my food and exercise in for the day and it says 400 calories left, is that left to burn or left to consume?? stupid question maybe?
  • downshifter2000
    downshifter2000 Posts: 23 Member
    I believe its to consume
  • Hi!

    I'm "new" too, I've been using the app for a while but I'm new to blogging and using the forum, I'm hoping it helps keep me motivated. I'm 24 and I love seeing other girls my age on here, if you ever need someone to talk to or help keep you motivated just let me know. I'd love to help out :)
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