just not my day.

megannoonan Posts: 24
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
First I woke up feeling fat and lost all perspective on happiness > scale, I then find out it's -15 and windy outside. In northern ontario that's not a fun day. But rather then let that stop me from getting to the gym, which is a 20 min walk just long enough to freeze to death, I decide to take the bus. But I got on the wrong bus, now I'm at the local Canadian Forces base and now where near my gym. Maybe I should join the CFB gym, I know which bus to take now lol.

I would like a bucket of KFC, a poutine and a bottle of rot beer, that's the only way this day will end well.


  • Don't give up! Your dedication and motivations has brought you this far!
  • It was -18 here this morning, a very crappy day, the sun is shining though and that helps some. Hang in there, its just a day, tomorrow will be better.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    then you stay up all night in regret mode..and tomorrows workout will be horrible cause you will be tired and pooped. dont worry about the gym walk around the block,walk up some stairs,do some shoveling,clean your shower from top to bottom anything find a YOUTUBE Zumba and get movin! Dont worry if you cant log it ...your just discouraged cause things didnt go as planned ..its life and part of this battle ..this is your first test to overcome it and to determine if your in this for the long haul...pass or fail..you decide! you can do it!!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I know how you feel I wake up that many mornings but still manage to survive, now I have trouble getting off of the couch and actually doing my Turbo Jam until I can get back to they gym. I understand your weather pain as well, I live in Alberta and I woke up this morning to calmness (finally) but -30 with a windchill factor to -40, a lovely day and wished I could have just stayed in bed today. On the bright side the sun is shining today it's been awhile since we have seen it.

    So whenever you are ready for your KFC I will join you and together we can wallow in our despair.

    But really no we can't do that, it will get better it always does, today is just not your day, yesterday it was not my day. We can do this together - Good Luck with your buses and I hope you make it to the gym eventually and bypass KFC :wink:
  • Absolutely hang in there. KFC. If that will help you then do it. Just don't eat the whole bucket. And then exercise more tomorrow and eat right the rest of the day. As for poutine, I have no clue what that is but if you need it to feel better I say go for it. I try to be good every day but there are those days that you just can't and if today is your day then do what you have to and get back on track tomorrow. You can do it. Keep up the good work. Lisa
  • then you stay up all night in regret mode..and tomorrows workout will be horrible cause you will be tired and pooped. dont worry about the gym walk around the block,walk up some stairs,do some shoveling,clean your shower from top to bottom anything find a YOUTUBE Zumba and get movin! Dont worry if you cant log it ...your just discouraged cause things didnt go as planned ..its life and part of this battle ..this is your first test to overcome it and to determine if your in this for the long haul...pass or fail..you decide! you can do it!!!

    I know I'll regret it if I give up on the day. I'll still make it to the gym just have to spend another half an hour on the bus lol

    The 20 min walk doesn't seem so bad right now. Lol
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    Its no good when Murphy is your bestie - last week one day my alarm didn't go off, I ran out of shampoo in the shower, then locked myself out of my house. I definately didn't make it to the gym that night, but the next day everything was better. There's just some point where ya just have to laugh! At least laughing burns calories! =o)
  • I know how you feel I wake up that many mornings but still manage to survive, now I have trouble getting off of the couch and actually doing my Turbo Jam until I can get back to they gym. I understand your weather pain as well, I live in Alberta and I woke up this morning to calmness (finally) but -30 with a windchill factor to -40, a lovely day and wished I could have just stayed in bed today. On the bright side the sun is shining today it's been awhile since we have seen it.

    So whenever you are ready for your KFC I will join you and together we can wallow in our despair.

    But really no we can't do that, it will get better it always does, today is just not your day, yesterday it was not my day. We can do this together - Good Luck with your buses and I hope you make it to the gym eventually and bypass KFC :wink:

    ya I can't wait for northern ontario to drop to -30, should be soon.

    I'm passing a kfc momentarily and all I can see is a big sign that reads "guilt" lol so I'll just stay on the bus and transfer and hopefully get on the right one.
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    AWWWW...Megan...what a bad begginning. I totally sypmathize...here's my day so far...

    Snowed another 3 inches, get out the shovel and clear driveway. Still could not get out had to beg sleazy neighbor for help. Ug.
    Carefully drive up huge snow covered road to feed ungrateful snotty horse. Spilled coffee on the way.
    Greeted by ungragteful snotty horse who decided to stroll out of his fence and was way up the driveway goofing around.
    Gratefully, such he is such a food *kitten*, recapture was not an issue.
    Fix fence in 10 degrees...swear loudly...resist urge to beat Mr. Snotty Britches (not really...well..umm...the thought was there)
    Slip n slide home again . City Street Plow had tipped over the garbage can, which was sitting outside since yesterday, being Garbage guy never did show up.
    Curse loudly and gather up smelly garbage, eyeing neighborhood dogs trying to "be friendly".
    Finally, home again. My wiener dog has eaten part of my beautiful sheep scin chair cover...arghhhhhhhhhh.
    Clean up little puffs of stuff all over and vacuum...search for Wiener Boy to have ammends for yelling...
    He is under bed and has barfed all over my duvet cover onto my down comforter.
    As you can notice, for some reason my computer is now not typing CAYS...as in ma e....or s in...AWWWWWWWWWW......

  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    then you stay up all night in regret mode..and tomorrows workout will be horrible cause you will be tired and pooped. dont worry about the gym walk around the block,walk up some stairs,do some shoveling,clean your shower from top to bottom anything find a YOUTUBE Zumba and get movin! Dont worry if you cant log it ...your just discouraged cause things didnt go as planned ..its life and part of this battle ..this is your first test to overcome it and to determine if your in this for the long haul...pass or fail..you decide! you can do it!!!

    I know I'll regret it if I give up on the day. I'll still make it to the gym just have to spend another half an hour on the bus lol

    The 20 min walk doesn't seem so bad right now. Lol
    LOL and you could have logged it as part of your excercise! hang in there and dont get that bucket of greasy fat haha
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    Have you considered geting some exercise DVDs for those days when the weather just majorly sucks? I just started on this journey and I discovered that a nice walk DVD fits the bill!! Chin up chickie and stay strong!!!
  • Absolutely hang in there. KFC. If that will help you then do it. Just don't eat the whole bucket. And then exercise more tomorrow and eat right the rest of the day. As for poutine, I have no clue what that is but if you need it to feel better I say go for it. I try to be good every day but there are those days that you just can't and if today is your day then do what you have to and get back on track tomorrow. You can do it. Keep up the good work. Lisa

    LOL! I always get a kick out of those who don't know what poutine is! They don't know how lucky they aren It's frnchfries with cheese curds and gravy on top. I love it, I wish I didn't know what it was though, it's the devils food.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    AWWWW...Megan...what a bad begginning. I totally sypmathize...here's my day so far...

    Snowed another 3 inches, get out the shovel and clear driveway. Still could not get out had to beg sleazy neighbor for help. Ug.
    Carefully drive up huge snow covered road to feed ungrateful snotty horse. Spilled coffee on the way.
    Greeted by ungragteful snotty horse who decided to stroll out of his fence and was way up the driveway goofing around.
    Gratefully, such he is such a food *kitten*, recapture was not an issue.
    Fix fence in 10 degrees...swear loudly...resist urge to beat Mr. Snotty Britches (not really...well..umm...the thought was there)
    Slip n slide home again . City Street Plow had tipped over the garbage can, which was sitting outside since yesterday, being Garbage guy never did show up.
    Curse loudly and gather up smelly garbage, eyeing neighborhood dogs trying to "be friendly".
    Finally, home again. My wiener dog has eaten part of my beautiful sheep scin chair cover...arghhhhhhhhhh.
    Clean up little puffs of stuff all over and vacuum...search for Wiener Boy to have ammends for yelling...
    He is under bed and has barfed all over my duvet cover onto my down comforter.
    As you can notice, for some reason my computer is now not typing CAYS...as in ma e....or s in...AWWWWWWWWWW......


    Your reply just made me smile!! Thank You!!:smile:
  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    I recommend downloading some high beats per minute music and dance your heart away in the privacy of your own home. 6 songs approximately 250-300 calories burned! there are 2 volumes that each have 12 songs. here is the web address if you would like to get more information. or just google biggest loser workout volume 1 & 2. and they are free!:smile:

  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I'm in Ontario too and it's just too cold to go out there reguarly, so I'm been doing some exercises at home. The internet is full of amazing ideas!

    And that KFC sounds soooo good! I'm so glad I don't have to pass one on my way home!

    (Poutine = french fries covered cheese curds and hot yummy gravy (melts the cheese and makes everything all warm and gooey). Doesn't sound like much, but it's a Canadian delicacy.)
  • AWWWW...Megan...what a bad begginning. I totally sypmathize...here's my day so far...

    Snowed another 3 inches, get out the shovel and clear driveway. Still could not get out had to beg sleazy neighbor for help. Ug.
    Carefully drive up huge snow covered road to feed ungrateful snotty horse. Spilled coffee on the way.
    Greeted by ungragteful snotty horse who decided to stroll out of his fence and was way up the driveway goofing around.
    Gratefully, such he is such a food *kitten*, recapture was not an issue.
    Fix fence in 10 degrees...swear loudly...resist urge to beat Mr. Snotty Britches (not really...well..umm...the thought was there)
    Slip n slide home again . City Street Plow had tipped over the garbage can, which was sitting outside since yesterday, being Garbage guy never did show up.
    Curse loudly and gather up smelly garbage, eyeing neighborhood dogs trying to "be friendly".
    Finally, home again. My wiener dog has eaten part of my beautiful sheep scin chair cover...arghhhhhhhhhh.
    Clean up little puffs of stuff all over and vacuum...search for Wiener Boy to have ammends for yelling...
    He is under bed and has barfed all over my duvet cover onto my down comforter.
    As you can notice, for some reason my computer is now not typing CAYS...as in ma e....or s in...AWWWWWWWWWW......


    You win. Lol
    I sincerely hope tomorrow is a much better day
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    AWWWW...Megan...what a bad begginning. I totally sypmathize...here's my day so far...

    Snowed another 3 inches, get out the shovel and clear driveway. Still could not get out had to beg sleazy neighbor for help. Ug.
    Carefully drive up huge snow covered road to feed ungrateful snotty horse. Spilled coffee on the way.
    Greeted by ungragteful snotty horse who decided to stroll out of his fence and was way up the driveway goofing around.
    Gratefully, such he is such a food *kitten*, recapture was not an issue.
    Fix fence in 10 degrees...swear loudly...resist urge to beat Mr. Snotty Britches (not really...well..umm...the thought was there)
    Slip n slide home again . City Street Plow had tipped over the garbage can, which was sitting outside since yesterday, being Garbage guy never did show up.
    Curse loudly and gather up smelly garbage, eyeing neighborhood dogs trying to "be friendly".
    Finally, home again. My wiener dog has eaten part of my beautiful sheep scin chair cover...arghhhhhhhhhh.
    Clean up little puffs of stuff all over and vacuum...search for Wiener Boy to have ammends for yelling...
    He is under bed and has barfed all over my duvet cover onto my down comforter.
    As you can notice, for some reason my computer is now not typing CAYS...as in ma e....or s in...AWWWWWWWWWW......


    Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you're having a bad day but your post totally cracked me up!

    I hope everyones day gets better!!! :)
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Ask for a bucket that says kfc and ask for just a grilled chicken breast in it =). Im in Mn and I feel your paid. Mind over matter stay the course =)
  • Made it to the gym, for 45 min at that.

    Came home and ate a turkey pepperette and a granny smith apple. NOT kfc or poutine (kfc poutine mmmmm) Yay me!

    I haven't contemplated supper yet, but I'm sure it wont be delivered or covered in gravy. My day is turning around.
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    It started out as a great day for me, except I didn't do my regular Zumba routine this morning, I skipped it because I knew I was going to go to 2 different zumba classes today plus the health club. Then, it started snowing about...and it still hasn't stopped, so I didn't make it to either class or the health club because the roads weren't too good, plus me and snow do not get along so I don't risk going out in this type of weather. GGrrrrr!!!!!:sad: On a postive note, I do have Zumba dvd's so I will probably do one of the routines later tonight!! Love them!! :-) Hope everyone else had a better workout day than I did. (I haven't been on MFP in a long time, so hopefully joining this forum will keep me going.)
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