

  • My yorkies name is Pacino, call him Cino for pup will prolly be De Niro whenever that is.
  • I have no idea even how to start on the braids, hair definately isn't long enough yet. I like wearing a bandana but I learned last weekend that if I leave it on the whole ride I end up with a nice tan line across my forehead this is giong to be a work in progress.
  • You know there is a thing called beef bacon! lol its made out of the beef brisket. Worked at a locker for 6 years so I know all the parts of animals!
    in pig or cow? Comment by cino2684 May 2012
  • I wouldn't do it. I had a guy recently ask me out at work and I rejected him, found out today hes saying it was the other way around, not happy here. It will complicate things IF they are in the same department and work closely together. So IMO I wouldn't get involved.
  • Once I start i'm good and don't stop but that initial starting sucks. First and second meals of the day are smaller so by the time I get home from work i'm so hungry and just wanna eat! I'll find my motivation again just don't know when. :(
    in Help! Comment by cino2684 April 2012
  • I can't afford a class...If I could afford a gym membership I'd probably have one. I also work 2nd shift so that makes it hard to kind of figure out a plan. What I wanted to do is zumba before work and then p90x after but I just haven't found the motivation...i'm usually too tired or hungry. Excuses excuses..old habits die…
    in Help! Comment by cino2684 April 2012
  • I'm a very picky eater which means the healthy stuff I do like I eat quite a bit of. My diet has started consisting of chicken breasts, tuna, green beans, corn, potatoes, salads. I do cheat at least once a week but try to workout so I do work off the calories. I do chocolate protein bars, I'm a girl that needs her…
  • It will honestly amaze you the change in your attitude and how you feel when you eat healthy. I've been snacking on candy and not eating as good as i have been and I can tell in my moods and skin. At least for me I can tell. Protein bars, I do protein bars too.
  • I have the same problems. I haven't yet figured out the portion control thing because I like to eat, but if you change what you eat you can eat a lot more. Such as veggies. When I watch TV I tend to want to munch on things...usually I try to keep myself busy. Whether it be on laptop or using apps on my phone. Doesn't…
  • 5'4. Currently 158. I've been up to 200 back down and up again.... Muscle is an amazing thing, it thins you out and makes you look learner. Goal is 135-140.
  • I'm 5'4" and have a relatively low bike. I can be flat footed but usually I just stop on my tippy toes. I'm lucky enough that the previous owner put a different seat on it and its 2 inches shorter than the one on their now. Its hard (according to the guys who have ridden it for me) butt doesn't fall asleep and I…
  • Same 2 HP...definately not enough!
  • I spent usually 40-60 a week on groceries. Thats just for me alone, but healthy food seems to cost less the junk food. and FYI I go to BWW once a week, kind of a cheat day. If you get the Southwest Queso Wrap with the Salsa and Chips its only 740 and fills ya up!
  • Same issue...the guy I was working with after work got a part time job so I've went a whole week without working out. My diet is starting to suffer as well. I've been alot more tired and can tell the difference....Need to light a fire under my butt!!!!!!
  • lol yeah but you looked like your got some wind though!! I have never been able to do braids myself plus hair isn't long enough yet.
  • Dang I was hoping for an answer like 'put this on your hair and it'll keep it nice" lol.... I don't get the girls who let their hair blow in the wind while riding on the back and not have it be a rats nest!
  • That'd be fine. I got no issue being in the middle, but the people behind me might, I'm a little slow going but its just more reason to push to get better!
  • I'm currently a follower so it won't happen anytime soon but I can guarentee someday I will take the bull by the horns and beat ya to the bar!!
  • I may not make smooth shifts, may not take corners the greatest. But at least I am the hot chick on the bike all you men look at when driving by!! Respect the fact that I am learning to ride, struggling and overcoming the odds that no one said I could do it! Eventually I'll be passing your *kitten*! lol
  • Starter and only bike 2000 Kawasaki Vulcan 800 Classic. Went to a Harley dealership today to use a gift certificate I got and i want a HD!!! I can definately dream. Started riding July 2011, never been on one before and I love it. Definately need to get alot more miles under my belt before getting a HD.
  • I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 158. i think I'm around a size 10/11. I have never looked my weight at quite a bit of muscle.
  • I was on Effexor and gained quite a bit of weight. Stopped taking it and dropped 15lbs. It was the worst antidepressant for gaining weight for me.
    in effexor Comment by cino2684 March 2012