jcharlotte Member


  • I was once in your shoes, always keep a healthy snack w/you! An apple, a pear nothing processed and a bottle of water. Walk everywhere:) park the furthest away. When you think your hungry grab your apple. You'll lose it. ox Jenn
  • Hi I just saw this topic after watching Joe's video online. I ordered a breville juicer on amazon today. My husband and I have a lot of headaches..we've gained weight..So we are going to give this a go. Can't wait for it to get here. I'd love to know about your success.
  • You look amazing and your such an inspiration to so many of us, thank you for posting!! WTG! Jenny
  • I would say egg white omelettes, loads of protein, toss in some veggies., cheese..keep it real:) & what 1morerep91 said..
  • I'm not sure if water has made me bloated before, however I have noticed a huge difference lately..I haven't had a lot of bread or carbs..you know cereal and stuff...I've had eggs for breakfast, and I have a flat stomach..now...I feel really good...not on purpose though just a change up...more energy too:)
  • That is so adorable, I love that, everyone in my house loved this:)
  • Hey Jessica, I need motivation too!!! Would love some new friends & support! Just sent a friend request:) I was 174 & now I'm 144 my goal is 125!!
  • You've done excellent so far! I was 174LBS..Now I'm 144Lbs. my weight fell off faster when I gave up soda, I made myself, it was hard but I did..I do occasionally have one maybe one a month but I drink ice water w. lemon. And if I make a chicken or tuna salad, I use a light mayo or a greek yogurt FF or low fat.. w. dried…
  • What a great idea I love this! My personal goal and I don't know why I've waited for so long is to become vegetarian. So now is a better time then ever for myself. I will use my scale and aim for a goal of 2LBS a week. Goal 2500 calories to burn! See you next tuesday! I love to walk but I will add sprinting to my brisk…
  • Hi there I've been on MFP for 10 days now, and would love some fitness friends too! I'm a mom of two teen boys, and no weight loss yet but I'm trying real hard! I'm in my 30's and for some reason the older I get the harder it gets to take the weight off..
  • 5Lbs a month is awesome, you worked so hard for it! Way to go, you'll want to keep it off that much more..I'm new here, but have been down this road before..when I hit a target like a 5 LB mark I reward myself..maybe a new lipstick, nail polish, or even a healthy green smoothy..it keeps me motivated:)
  • I completely here you!!! The moment I see 139 I'm gonna scream from the top of my lungs!! So what ever you do don't give up we will triumph!
  • I really love everyones reply's, THANK YOU!! ..It makes you think that your not alone..It's a little strange, that my calories went to negative but that wasn't until I entered my exercise at the end of the day..strange..the calories set for me was 1200...by MFP..so I ate over that obviously..I did walk & jog 10 miles…
  • Oh the sweet tooth, and for me snacking especially at night..just awful, if I had my way and just had a moment to dream I would live somewhere warm, and ride my bicycle on beautiful trails and play tennis every day....I love the out doors..the smell of fresh flowers, a garden growing in the back yard with basil &…
  • Thats a good idea weighing my food!! Thanks..I have caught myself snacking a lot!!! My son has been home sick this week so its been even worse..144 seems to be my cursed number.. I measure my cereal every morning..then after that lunch I hit a wall..hmmm...I feel great at 124-126..oh how I miss my blue jeans:(
  • Great question, I'll add you, I'm new here:)
  • Awesome, way to go!
    in Hi Comment by jcharlotte February 2012
  • Hi I have about 20+30+ LBS to lose but I'm new here too I hope this website works!! So excited for a new start
    in Hi Comment by jcharlotte February 2012
  • I just started yesterday, you can friend me if you'd like I have 20LBS to lose and would like some friends along the way to do it with! I'm from Connecticut.
  • Hi there, I just signed up yesterday...my calories are 1200..and I'm very excited about losing 20LBS..would like to meet some new folks! food ideas, exercise...I can't wait to shed these pounds!
  • Today is my first day w/ mfp ...hoping to meet some new friends along the way & drop these stubborn 20Lbs. working out 5 days a week add me if you'd like:)