Juicing, support for husband

Hello MFP...

So I've decided to try a new approach to my weight loss. Since starting with MFP and becoming a vegetarian and beginning a regular exercise regime 15 months ago, I have lost 20lbs and kept it off...which I am SUPER stoked about! Along with me on my journey is my husband, who has also lost just about 20lbs by regular excersie and healthy eating habits.

**I would ask that if you hold ANY negative comments about my new diet choices I am about to discuss...please, keep them to yourselves. I have done my research, and I feel this is right for me at this time...I work in the medical industry so I know the pro's and con's of the actions I have taken and will be taking...I just ask for advice and support here, please...***

My husband and I both decided we wanted to try the Reboot cleanse....starting was a rough go, and to be honest, as a first time juicer...I just couldn't do it. So I decided that I would try my very best at juicing all day, but also have at least 1 solid meal. My husband will be doing the same, but with 2 meals.

My issue is this...
My husband LOVES his junk food...and I find his willpower is not as strong as mine. I am running out of ways/ideas to help support him. He's the type of person that if he does not like something, he will not do it...end of discussion.

He is the one primarily making the juice (which was the agreement since I bought the juicer and have been tired of cooking in general)...he was all for it, was excited to try it. But I think because he is not used to the huge dose of nutrition and the taste of raw, plain veg and fruit it is very difficult for him to proceed.
He has made some pretty good juices thus far, and I know a lot of these will be trial and error based on our likes and dislikes anyway.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has done Reboot or something similar, and how did you get past your initial hurdle? Where do you find strength? What made you push through and continue on?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


  • pookeyst
    I'm a big juicer, I love it! I had my husband watch "fat, sick and nearly dead" to give him motivation to do it a little with me. I like to cook so I made all the juices and juiced full time, while he juiced for breakfast, and had a small juice with his lunch and dinner. What kind of junk food does your husband eat? Mine likes just about anything, but when he was craving something sweet like ice cream I would get him a dish of Greek Gods Honey Vanilla yogurt. It is sooo good, and sweet enough to make him feel satisfied. If he likes chocolate, pack him a couple pieces of dark chocolate with his lunch.

    You can make milkshakes out of coconut milk, ice and chocolate protein powder, and grocery stores like Sprouts or Trader Joes have healthier versions of cookies and things like that. My favorite is a brand called Newman-Oh's, they are oreos and are so good! If he likes soda, there is a brand called Zevia that's sweetened with stevia instead of sugar that tastes pretty similar to the brand names- my favorite is the black cherry.

    Also, when we were juicing we got a juicing recipe book off Amazon called "the big book of juices"- it has 405 recipes for juices and smoothies, and was only around $15 and well worth the investment. Hope this helps!
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106
    Hi Pookeyst,

    Currently, my husband juices for breakfast and snacks. He eats a healthy meal for lunch and for dinner. We also watched ""fat, sick and nearly dead"- and yes, it was a inspiration and a motivation for us as well!

    Junk food he eats...anything and everything...he loves candy, chocolates, fast food...you name it! If it's bad for you, he probably wants it!

    Hmm, I've had the Chapman's frozen yogurt before which is a really nice ice cream replacement (I thought anyway) for taste.

    Regularly we drink almond milk- but I'll have to try coconut for the milkshake idea, thanks!

    Wow- these are some great things to choose from, thank you for all of the ideas of healthy alternatives :)

    I will definitely have to take a look for that book.
  • jcharlotte
    jcharlotte Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I just saw this topic after watching Joe's video online. I ordered a breville juicer on amazon today. My husband and I have a lot of headaches..we've gained weight..So we are going to give this a go. Can't wait for it to get here. I'd love to know about your success.
  • sphomphak
    sphomphak Posts: 94 Member
    omg I just saw that documentary this weekend and also ordered the same juicer from amazon. should be here Sat.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    What are your goals with this juicing and is there a reason your husband can't incorporate some junk food that he enjoys ?
    STAYSEAH Posts: 11 Member
    For the past month, i've been having a protein smoothie for breakfast, eating a healthy/hearty lunch, then juicing my dinner. It works for me. I don't see a reason to go all out juicing myself. Doing it this way makes me stay healthy and gives me so much more time in the evenings. I don't have to cook! If the juice doesn't hold me, I'll eat an avacado on whole grain crackers or something. It takes time to adjust, but after a while, your body gets used to it and craves juice and simple whole foods. You will just feel bad if you eat junk after you eat this way for a while. The motivation is to feel better, the by-product is the weight loss.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    I juice. I haven't done the the reboot. I don't know what it is, to be honest.

    BUT! I juice in the morning for my boyfriend and I, and it's a lot easier than I thought. Carrots sweeten up the juice a lot, and if you're using apples, take out the core because the seeds can make it bitter. Ginger and lemon help a lot as well. I juice in the morning everyday, and on my days off I juice twice or more a day.

    The only junk food we have now is air popped popcorn, and some chocolate. We just don't keep it in the house anymore. For me, I don't get as many cravings for "junk food" or candy like I used to. It just takes some time, but I think everyone should be able to budget in a bit of junk here and there.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Juicers are a waste, in my opinion. They leave up to 90% of the nutrients in the garbage.
    My choice is a Vita-Mix. I put the whole fruit in except the skins of certain fruits that can't be properly cleaned.
    Cantaloupe seeds have more protein per ounce than beef. Juicers throw these away. The Vita-Mix pulverizes then.
    Apple seeds have essential B complex vitamins and a healthy traces of arsenic.
    And in the summer, a mix of fresh and frozen fruits makes an awesome frozen drink.

    It makes the best cauliflower mashed you will have too.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    You have a liver and your kidneys....why "Cleanse"? This is what your body does Naturally.

    It's fad.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    omg I just saw that documentary this weekend and also ordered the same juicer from amazon. should be here Sat.

    So at what point does everyone realize that movie was made to sell juicers!?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You have a liver and your kidneys....why "Cleanse"? This is what your body does Naturally.

    It's fad.

    This. The only reason I can see that anyone should juice is if you have problems digesting solid food or you have no teeth.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    She's in the medical field. She knows what she's doing. You guys are so mean.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I want to remind everyone of the forum rules. Please stay on topic.

    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting

    Please stay on-topic within a forum topic. Off-topic or derogatory remarks are disrespectful. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.

    Forum Moderator
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    You have a liver and your kidneys....why "Cleanse"? This is what your body does Naturally.

    It's fad.

    This. The only reason I can see that anyone should juice is if you have problems digesting solid food or you have no teeth.
    While I agree with you I also see why people do it - it is an easier solution than actually cooking and planning more meals.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    She's in the medical field. She knows what she's doing. You guys are so mean.

    Being in the medical field doesn't automatically qualify you as knowing what to do. I know plenty of Dr's that know very little about nutrition but it doesn't make them back doctors.

    OP, I would concur with SideSteal, what are you trying to accomplish. And junk food won't prevent weight loss if you are burning more calories than you take in. It MAY affect recomposition, but calories in vs out is what creates weight loss. But protein + resistance training prevents muscle loss. Fat loss is more ideal than weight loss.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    What are your goals with this juicing and is there a reason your husband can't incorporate some junk food that he enjoys ?

    tell me about your junk.

    not going to talk about it but I'll show you...
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    Once again, someone has made a choice that others don't agree with and has politely asked those who don't agree with her to not comment. And yet they do. To those who disagree with juicing, you don't have to be in this thread. Nobody asked for your opinion.

    To OP

    I think the thing that keeps me juicing is how amazing I feel. Maybe as your husband incorporates more and more juice in his diet, he will see how amazing he feels and really jump on the juicing bandwagon. I feel amazing. I have an autoimmune disease and currently everyone in my house is sick except me. I'm the only one juicing. I think that's a great testament to it's worth.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Once again, someone has made a choice that others don't agree with and has politely asked those who don't agree with her to not comment. And yet they do. To those who disagree with juicing, you don't have to be in this thread. Nobody asked for your opinion.

    To OP

    I think the thing that keeps me juicing is how amazing I feel. Maybe as your husband incorporates more and more juice in his diet, he will see how amazing he feels and really jump on the juicing bandwagon. I feel amazing. I have an autoimmune disease and currently everyone in my house is sick except me. I'm the only one juicing. I think that's a great testament to it's worth.

    ie: Do not comment unless you agree wholeheartedly.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Personally, my opinions on this are...
    **I would ask that if you hold ANY negative comments about my new diet choices I am about to discuss...please, keep them to yourselves. I have done my research, and I feel this is right for me at this time...I work in the medical industry so I know the pro's and con's of the actions I have taken and will be taking...I just ask for advice and support here, please...***


    Never mind.

    Great job, OP, for making an MFP forum post. I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals.* :flowerforyou:

    *(c) DrMerc 2012. All rights reserved. Use of this phrase without express permission of DrMerc is prohibited. (PS: DrMerc is remarkably encouraging and supportive. Everyone should send him a FR. You're welcome.)
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    Once again, someone has made a choice that others don't agree with and has politely asked those who don't agree with her to not comment. And yet they do. To those who disagree with juicing, you don't have to be in this thread. Nobody asked for your opinion.

    To OP

    I think the thing that keeps me juicing is how amazing I feel. Maybe as your husband incorporates more and more juice in his diet, he will see how amazing he feels and really jump on the juicing bandwagon. I feel amazing. I have an autoimmune disease and currently everyone in my house is sick except me. I'm the only one juicing. I think that's a great testament to it's worth.

    ie: Do not comment unless you agree wholeheartedly.

    No, she asked for advice on helping her husband juice and about juicing in general. So unless you are doing that, don't comment.