Juicing, support for husband



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Once again, someone has made a choice that others don't agree with and has politely asked those who don't agree with her to not comment. And yet they do. To those who disagree with juicing, you don't have to be in this thread. Nobody asked for your opinion.

    To OP

    I think the thing that keeps me juicing is how amazing I feel. Maybe as your husband incorporates more and more juice in his diet, he will see how amazing he feels and really jump on the juicing bandwagon. I feel amazing. I have an autoimmune disease and currently everyone in my house is sick except me. I'm the only one juicing. I think that's a great testament to it's worth.

    To avoid general input from populous the best place to inquire about a specific lifestyle or dietary decision is to search groups. Simply entering "juice" in the group search brings up several viable options, and typing "reboot" in instead brings up 2 boards. Otherwise, public forums receive answers from the public.

    My thoughts on juicing: I received a juicer as a wedding gift, we used it once, looked at all the "stuff" and great fiberous material in the dump bin and the mess on the counter and that was the end of that . . . I either have it boxed somewhere or took it to goodwill. In my opinion, juicing was just a waste of nutritional and financial resources in my house and it would never be a substitute for my chocolate or the hubs hot tamales. On the junk food replacement front, you are probably fighting a losing battle.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Once again, someone has made a choice that others don't agree with and has politely asked those who don't agree with her to not comment. And yet they do. To those who disagree with juicing, you don't have to be in this thread. Nobody asked for your opinion.

    To OP

    I think the thing that keeps me juicing is how amazing I feel. Maybe as your husband incorporates more and more juice in his diet, he will see how amazing he feels and really jump on the juicing bandwagon. I feel amazing. I have an autoimmune disease and currently everyone in my house is sick except me. I'm the only one juicing. I think that's a great testament to it's worth.

    ie: Do not comment unless you agree wholeheartedly.

    No, she asked for advice on helping her husband juice and about juicing in general. So unless you are doing that, don't comment.

    This is a public forum. She doesn't get to dictate who uses it. If she only wanted responses from people who support her choice then she should have posted this question on her newsfeed.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Hey there, I juiced through the holidays and am on day 25 now and am planning on stopping at day 30 for a little while before I get the rest of my weight off. I loooove it. Nothing was making my weight move before now, and I worked my butt off literally. I was stuck for about 6 months. Finally and thankfully my weight is moving again. This was a big decision for me too but it was a great one. My hubby juiced with me for 7 days and another friend juiced with me for about that same amount of time. I even have my kids drinking the juice and they surprisingly like it a lot. My nails are so strong and my hair is no longer falling out. It may not be the answer for everyone but it certainly is for me and my family and what I have been doing has inspired so many other too. I have an exit strategy and plan to continue juicing daily even when I am not only drinking juice. Most people don't eat enough fruits and veggies and it is the best way to learn how to enjoy them. No one can tell me taking supplements and pressed vitamins are better than the real live vitamin packed juice that I consume every day. My husband has been craving veggies and fruits now and he continues to drink with me even though he is eating food too. It is a very healthy thing as long as you look at it the right way and have a good exit strategy. Feel free to friend me. I am very passinate about juicing. I also run, lift weights and am the healthiest I have ever been. Losing has been the problem for me, not maintaining.
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    i love to juice. i don't think i could do a reboot. i do juice regularly. mostly in the evenings but when i don't work i like to juice when i wake up. i love a citrus juice with mint. for me juicing and eating fruit take the place of my sweet cravings. then i'll move on to wanting something salty and crunchy. that's when i load up on nuts.

    maybe you two can allow a cheat day once or twice a week. maybe you can come up with some healthy snacks yourself. look up banana girl and megan elizabeth on youtube. they have great recipes for snacks. all vegan. i wish you guys the best.
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    I have not done the Reboot, but do own a Nutribullet and I LOVE IT! I've had it for a couple of months now and just figured out and admit I went overboard with the fruit juicing and actually gained weight from all the sugar. Now that I have things under control, I'm doing more veggies. I juice once per day, usually in the afternoon, which I get that mid-afternoon crave and it does the trick. Keeps me full and I'm not eating as much for dinner.

    Below is a link for 25 detox smoothies from Prevention magazine (link below) this month. Maybe some of those will help.

  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    I have not done the Reboot, but do own a Nutribullet and I LOVE IT! I've had it for a couple of months now and just figured out and admit I went overboard with the fruit juicing and actually gained weight from all the sugar. Now that I have things under control, I'm doing more veggies. I juice once per day, usually in the afternoon, which I get that mid-afternoon crave and it does the trick. Keeps me full and I'm not eating as much for dinner.

    Below is a link for 25 detox smoothies from Prevention magazine (link below) this month. Maybe some of those will help.


    Wow, this is great!

    Also, yeah I try to avoid fruit heavy juices for the exact same reason. most of my juice has at least one fruit in it, but for the most part it's veggies.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Regarding the junk food, I find MFP was great for getting me off it. I just had to look at the amount of calories, fat and sodium in a burger and fries and I'd bypass and head to subway instead. Make sure your husband is really understanding what's going into his body.

    I've grown to look at it this way - calories are money, and activity is your job. You earn calories through exercise, and spend it on food. Eating junk food is like taking a loan from a loan shark - it has to be paid back eventually or it'll catch up with you eventually and do you physical harm or worse.

    Ok, so the metaphor could use a little work. But you get the point.
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    Regarding the junk food, I find MFP was great for getting me off it. I just had to look at the amount of calories, fat and sodium in a burger and fries and I'd bypass and head to subway instead. Make sure your husband is really understanding what's going into his body.

    I've grown to look at it this way - calories are money, and activity is your job. You earn calories through exercise, and spend it on food. Eating junk food is like taking a loan from a loan shark - it has to be paid back eventually or it'll catch up with you eventually and do you physical harm or worse.

    Ok, so the metaphor could use a little work. But you get the point.

    I think that's a great metaphor!
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106
    Wow- great response to this, awesome! Thanks everyone!

    So I will respond to everyones comment here;

    jcharlotte - We bought the breville ($199 @ The Bay) and we love it, works great! We debated between the Breville and the Magic Bullet....all I can say is, the reviews definitely helped. And I think as long as you take care of it, you're good to go.

    sphomphak - also the reason we started Reboot...what a great story it was!

    SideSteel - His goal, and I guess mine too...is to help shed those last few stubborn pounds...we've been pretty good with gym time and lifestyle changes...me more so than him :P But I am personally finding it very difficult to drop just a tad more...and, well, I'm always looking for ways to better improve my diet. I think for the most part my diet is pretty healthy and balanced, but I think I can still do better. I think his weakness is once he starts with junk food, he can't stop..and just wants to keep eating it. It's fine to treat yourself...once in a while...in moderation....but he has a very difficult time doing that. I want to help him clean up his diet, but he can be so stubborn :P

    rebelate - I have to agree with you, I don't often crave either...which has been great! I'm starting slow- juicing mostly, but having 1 solid meal until I am used to it all. Reboot is suppose to be a type of "cleanse" program

    fishgutzy- i agree and disagree with you. Yes, much nutrients is wasted on the output, HOWEVER, a juice "cleanse" is not meant to be a full time diet. When you add in a whack load of greens, various veggies etc...*I* personally am getting nutrients I wouldn't on a daily basis...to be honest, I didn't even know what the heck kale was until I started this...I have missed out on so many interesting veggies out there....juicing makes it easy and convenient to get these veggies into my body.
    As for the apple seeds- I'm not sure what the huff is about this...if the seeds were that terrible, I should be dead....I used to eat them as a kid..

    Bold_Change- in your opinion, however, I am not taking it as a "cleanse". Most "Cleanse" diets I have seen lack serious nutrition.

    escloflowne- well it worked! And even if one doesn't do a juice diet, it's still awesome for making fresh juice....which will be especially appealing to me in the summer time

    psulemon- THANK YOU! for keeping things on topic. When I say I'm in the medical field...it means I have knowledge and understanding of how food and the body works- nutrition etc...I'm not a Dr and don't pretend to have the knowledge that they do. I'm not a nutritionist....I have a basic understanding of how a body works, how it uses nutrition and what it needs for fuel...and again, I believe this is something that is right for me, right now. When I say "weight loss" I use the term loosely. I realize I do have fat on my body that needs to be shrunk.

    djshari- definitely easier...especially with an already busy lifestyle....I find this better than not eating at all- which does happen when one gets too busy

    xxcooneyxx- Thank you :) I agree, so far...the first couple of days have been a bit rough...but I've heard many people talk about how good they feel...and after I have juice, I do actually feel pretty good.

    UsedToBeHusky - is there really a point in wasting your time here if all you want to do is post negativity? Seems like you may have too much time on your hands..? Perhaps none of MFP friends have done juicing...hence why I have done an outreach to others that might have.

    NeverGivesUp- Thank you for your wise input, I do appreciate it. Send you a request...I look forward to hearing more about your experience, and ways I can improve my own

    bootsandfros- thank you, I agree...at least 1 small cheat is always a good idea....no matter what kind of "diet" plan you are following. I will definitely look those people up, thanks!

    lhalket- Excellent, thank you! I will definitely be checking out that site for recipes

    douglanglois- great analogy :) I try to help him with the whole "what you put in your body thing"...I wish I could say subway was his healthy choice....but a footlong meatball sub is not really "healthy" in my books :)

    I want to thank EVERYONE for their input on this subject...though the negativity of some was not necessary, I understand you are expressing your opinion just like everyone else. If you do not choose to accept my lifestyle choices, that really matters not to me. I look to MFP for support, and for the most part, I do find it in some really great people here.

    As a side note to EVERYONE saying that all the nutrients is being shot out and not being consumed when you make juice....Why don't you plan to use that ruffage....make fibre muffins! Zucchini or carrot muffins....apple even....that material is still useable...everyone thinks that it's just being tossed away. There are LOTS of things you can do with it after it's been spit out from the juicer...sheesh!

    In conclusion...again, thank you everyone!!! And I hope to talk to more of you through this journey :)
  • Burnsdill
    Burnsdill Posts: 5 Member
    I love juicing! We have a Breville and a Vitamix (I agree the pulp is great in some cases). My husband has done the Master Cleanse a few times. It has worked for him in the sense that he likes to "reset" and help stop some of his major cravings. If this cleanse is doing that for you, then great! If your husband still has issues with his, then see if a "cheat" day is in order! Also, get the small portion sizes of his favorites. That might help, too. Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    So here is what I will say. If you want to use juicing as a supplement to nutrition it's great. It's no different than a recovery shake post workout or using a meal replacement shake for those busy days. But if you are a healthy weight and you are looking to cut the last bit of fat, then you want to ensure proper nutrition. So a moderate caloric deficit (with sufficient macro-nutrition) and a workout routine conducive to fat loss would be ideal. Generally, you want to aim for 1/2 lb per week and eat back 50% of your exercise calories if MFP is estimating. Or you can calculate your TDEE and cut 20%. But 95% of the women I have helped set up calorie plans are eating 1700-2000 calories.

    In terms of macro-nutritients, you want to aim for of protein and .35 g of fat per pound of lean body mass and the rest should be carbs. With that said, I have found the ratio of 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats generally works. Additionally, a workout routine of heavy resistance training and moderate cardio (preferably HIIT) and adequate rest, you will be able to concentrate on fat loss as opposed to weight loss. Ideally, you want to maintain lbm as muscle is tight and lean so if you want that for your body, the more muscle you have, the tighter and more lean your body will be.

    So while I don't think juicing is bad, I do believe, like protein shakes, it's there to supplement meals or more likely, snacks.
  • k0pir
    k0pir Posts: 7

    Great job. You're on the right track and I applaud your desire to get fit and stay healthy. IMO juicing is a great way to eat better and stay healthy. You make some excellent points in your response. Again, great job!
  • fuzz_pawz
    fuzz_pawz Posts: 106

    Great job. You're on the right track and I applaud your desire to get fit and stay healthy. IMO juicing is a great way to eat better and stay healthy. You make some excellent points in your response. Again, great job!

    Thank you k0pir