OneChanceOneLife Member


  • How about a logically, genuine guy that happens to be a gangster but also a businessman?
  • Really? Lucky guy :P
  • Hey, what's up with your protein intake?
  • Why does everyone make everything so complicated. Just do it! I base everything off of risk/reward. If you think it is worth it go for it. If you don't think so then don't and if you are true to yourself you won't regret it. If you regret it, then you made the wrong choice.
  • If anything I would do it the other way around. Personally, when I do HIIT I am so tired afterwards that I get home, shower and pass out. I wouldn't be able to stay awake the entire day after one of those workouts. Doing some moderate cardio workouts in the morning is a good way to get the blood flowing and start the day…
  • WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?! Bananas are my favorite. I literally have one every single day. I can't live without them! As for the onions I enjoy the challenge of trying to cut as many as possible without tearing up, haha.
  • Protein shakes that get clumps in them even if you shake it for 15 minutes straight like you are trying to beat an imaginary person over the head with all of your fury or stir it in a glass until your arms feels like it is going to fall off. Btw, I've tried the hard boil egg trick and it works just as often as it normally…
  • Your first issue is that you are probably putting bananas in your pants, which means they will always be rock hard... I do get mad when I make a salad enough to last me 2 or 3 days but sometimes the lettuce and tomatoes are bad the next day. No idea why it happens sometimes and other times I forget I did this and I check…
  • I agree with this but also remember that the reason that you are always told to eat more times during the day is to keep your metabolism up and burning more calories while at rest. It requires calories to break down what you eat. When it comes to storing fat, essentially the process begins immediately. Depending on how…
  • Idk why but that made me laugh and the ending was pretty unexpected. I thought it was going to be the same thing for the full length of the video.
  • Can't get enough of The Big Bang Theory. I watch it all the time and can't stop! Constantly makes me lol.
  • No one wants to see see guys' side boobs, lol. I can see women wanting to see guys pecs though.
  • Men want to see too much, women don't want to show enough. lol
  • Before and after a workout usually, and sometimes during the day. Depends on how hungry I am and if I am trying to increase my protein consumption or not.
  • Eat more meals throughout the day. If you get cramps during your workout you are either eating the wrong foods, eating too much, or not giving enough time between eating and working out. For the most part I avoid fiber or anything else that might mess with my stomach if I do cardio (i.e. eggs), but I try to keep to the…
  • No water or milk needed? I'm trying this in the weekend.
  • I will reiterate the obvious... lower body fat %, but I will also add that you can gain muscle mass in that area. If you have more muscle there it will help spread the fat a bit. It is the same concept that women love to refer to as toning. Lose the fat and gain muscle = toning.
  • I agree with this but also have to say that there is a difference between love and attraction. People in general will always be attracted to healthier looking people but that shouldn't change how you feel about a person. If you love them, gaining a bit of weight shouldn't affect it. Of course at higher levels of weight…
  • I agree, women can look sexy in all kinds. Boxer briefs all the way for me. Never understood how guys can wear boxers, especially in the summer or working out...
  • I don't think you should deprive yourself of them but try to control them. As bad as my sugar intake is now, it is lightyears away from how bad I was before I started my lifestyle change. I think desserts are the worst because they have much more than just sugar in them, so I cut that out from my diet for the most part. I…
  • The truth is that you should eat after workouts to make sure you feed your muscles. I tend to work out late, although I am working less hours so I no longer have to start around 11. If you are really worried about it, just make sure to eat foods that are low on bad fats. I like to eat cereal and nuts because they fill me…
  • ^^^^^All of the above, haha. JK. I'm just hoping to fit into my old clothes and not feel uncomfortable when I take my shirt off in public.
  • Unless you are in investment banking or other profession that requires crazy hours where working 80-100 hour weeks and commuting another couple of hours a day to work everyday is the norm, you can make time for working out. Even if you have crazy hours like that you can always chose the stairs instead of elevator, park…
  • Great job! You look amazing and inspired me not eat dessert tonight, lol. Keep it up and thanks for the motivation!
  • If you really are eating 1270 calories a day and burning 1000 that is horrible. You are really in starvation mode and your body won't burn calories properly. You are definitely not getting the proper vitamins, nutrients, etc. either. Elliptical is not as good as many believe it is. Lifting is good as long as you are truly…