Anyone work out later? Need advice.



  • ThePinkPachyderm
    ThePinkPachyderm Posts: 140 Member
    Eating late has a bad reputation mainly becuase of the types of foods people eat late at night. Its snacking on junk late at night that is the problem. So a lot of dieticians will tell people to avoid eating after x oclock, because that helps people avoid loading up on useless calories. Your body doesn't need a whole lot of fuel to sleep, so late night calories don't really provide any benefit to you. However, as long as you are under your calorie goal, those calories also won't do any damage.
  • OneChanceOneLife
    OneChanceOneLife Posts: 26 Member
    The truth is that you should eat after workouts to make sure you feed your muscles. I tend to work out late, although I am working less hours so I no longer have to start around 11. If you are really worried about it, just make sure to eat foods that are low on bad fats. I like to eat cereal and nuts because they fill me up and are healthy. They provide a nice balance of nutrients as well.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    The truth is that you should eat after workouts to make sure you feed your muscles

    Post-prandial state. Look it up.
  • WinwillLose
    WinwillLose Posts: 101
    I just try and skip carbs when eating late...but I have belly fat I'm trying to focus on. I don't skip carbs often just at the end of the day if I'm eating late.