mandacloye Member


  • Thanks. I have tried that one site that tracks your path, but did not have much success with it. I know most of th distances I travel as I travel then in my car. We are not fortunate enough to have much in the way of bike paths here. Some people have not been real supportive, but I just laugh at them and ask "What do you…
  • I am new to this bike riding so no thought has been given to other forms of excerise. I am aware I need to do strength training, and I am looking into that a bit. I am pleased that I am even doing this much, but thank you for your concern.
  • In February I knew I was going to be diagnosed with diabetes once I made it in to my PCP, so I began to loose the weight I knew he would ask me to. I started needing to loose OVER 100lbs, and it seemed so daunting. Here I sit a mere 6 months later and I now have LESS than 100lbs to loose! I feel your excitement and share…
    in OMG!!!! Comment by mandacloye June 2012
  • I have been fortunate on the advice end of things. I would encourage each of you to know your own body. I "listen" to what mine tells me and work with it instead of against it. Talk to LOTS of people in the fields you want help with and be willing to at least try things. Once YOU know what won't work for you, stick with…
  • Try this approach next time.....Approach the woman with a smile and begin a conversation regarding the similarities of your workouts. Give her encouragement. Be friendly. In other words, make a friend. Once that has occured there is likely to come a time when you can open up about what you have learned. As an over-weight…
  • New diagnoses as of last Friday of Type II Diabetes. I had been on MFP since Feb knowing the first thing they were going to ask of me was weight loss. I am down about 14 lbs. So this Tuesday I went to a diabetic eduactor. (Bare in mind I am a nurse for 21 years and "taught" many diabetics). What she taught me…
  • I notice that eating right has decreased the "roundness" of my stomach. That in turn allows my pants to fit SO much more confortably! I used to avoid jeans like the plague. Now I don't mind wearing them at all.,.......and I find I smile so much easier. But I also notice a mental acuity I lacked when I was eating too many…
  • Actually if you don't "eat your excercise calories" your body begins to "eat" the healthy muscle. There is a whole science on this issue you can research for yourself online or in a library. But eating as this site tells you is based on the healthiest and SAFEST way to do it. You aren't "just replacing what you burned…
  • Have nothing of help to offer, but sure am chuckling reading some of the responses. Thanks!
  • Good looking before...KNOCK OUT now!!! Job well done!
  • I have a considerable amount to loose as well and find these inspirationals stories.....INSPIRATIONAL! I like to look at the pics of people posting too. So many different body types and makeups. It is really nice having a place like this to come to for inspiration. Non-threatening and hopeful. You look amazing and deserve…
  • I agree with all the above suggestions. I portion all things as soon as I bring them into the house. My husband has been loosing weight simply by eating proper portions I prepare for myself. I am thrilled about it, and find it MUCH easier to stay in the guidelines with things "ready to eat". As one writer suggested, you…
  • You go girl! Attraction is all about personal decisions! It is hard to know why each person finds someone of ANY size attractive. I am just thankful that there is someone out there for us all. I married a man who was 420+ lbs.when we met. He was headed for bariatric bypass and is now 270+ give or take. He has hanging loose…
  • CONGRATS! You deserve all you have so energetically worked for! I have been over weight all my life and have doubts that even at my goal weight I would look as good as you. Had a C-section almost 22 yearas ago and now have that unfortunate over I am gonna take what I can get and be pleased. I HAVE to drop the…
  • TerriKate, I like H2O but decided to add some sugar free fruit punch powder to switch things up. My dilemna is this: anything like that with artificial sweetener (aspertame mostly) causes me to be almost incontinent of urine. So although it tastes good, I seldom use it. But like I mentioned, I LIKE H2O and stick with that…
  • Teeny Tiny, Itsy bitsy, fly-swatted-speck-on-the-atlas, one (blinker) light, holds a soft spot in my heart town...........GASP!...................Russell, PA. :)
  • Nurse
  • Next time tell her what you think. As a heavy woman all my life I would have smiled for HOURS, perhaps DAYS at your compliment. If you are in the gym with me I would not feel so "wierd" about it. Follow your gut next time. Perhaps you can be a source of inspiration to her.
  • How old were you when you got engaged? 43 How long had you been together before getting engaged? 7 months How old were you when you got married?45 Are you still together (if so for how long)? YES! 1 year 8 months married, 3 years 8 months total.
  • I am usually out of protien grams by the evening meal so I take Eggplant, de-seed (my hubby can't have the seeds, and if it is just me eating I leave them in), cube, and cook it along with cubed green, yellow and orange sweet peppers, onions and cubed apples, skin on. I tend to use cortland or something equally as tart as…
  • I don't adhere to "if I didn't make it I don't eat it", but one thing that REALLY helps me is portioning almost everything when I bring it into the house. I do this so meal preparation is easier, esp when I need to pack quick for work. It is already in the amount I need. My family was "fore-warned" of my intentions, and…