what do you notice when you loose weight?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Seeing the number 12 in my pants.

    All joking aside, that is the best feeling ever. I've not been a size 12 in so long I don't even really remember it.
  • mandacloye
    mandacloye Posts: 26 Member
    I notice that eating right has decreased the "roundness" of my stomach. That in turn allows my pants to fit SO much more confortably! I used to avoid jeans like the plague. Now I don't mind wearing them at all.,.......and I find I smile so much easier. But I also notice a mental acuity I lacked when I was eating too many carbs and sugars. I too have a lot to lose, but am very happy over all and that is keeping me on track.
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    i've only lost 20 lbs and have 70 more to go, but someone said they saw it in my chest, which makes me really happy :bigsmile:

    Don't say "only" - - 20 lbs is a great accomplishment.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Can button up a shirt that wouldn't even button when I bought it and it's loose on me now. I fit into a smaller size now and it's awesome. Stuff that was tight is now really baggy.
    Also it's easier/quicker to shave my legs. I'm more flexible.

    And sadly my boobs are a lot smaller.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    . I can get nicer cheaper clothes
    . My engagement ring is sooo huge.
    . I'm not as hot and bothered when the sun shines.
    . My boobs went from DD to C :-(
    . I went down a shoe size and width
    . Much fitter
    . Could have surgery laprascopic instead of open :-)
    . Sure my recovery from said operation is going to be easier.
  • chinalavy
    chinalavy Posts: 104
    I think Ilook younger and I have more energy!
  • amandahickey28540
    Loose clothes was the first thing I noticed, then it was how this winter was insanely cold without my insulation, then I noticed I actually *enjoy* being outside. Congrats on your success!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Almost all of my pencil skirts when from va va voom to frumpy. Some of my skinny jeans went from snug to almost like straight leg and baggy.

    I am down a band and up 2 cups in bras and other underwear has had to be retired because it is too big.
  • xlyana
    xlyana Posts: 2
    I can cross my legs while sitting!

    Makes me happy!
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I've lost 3 lbs but I've also lost an inch off my waist and 3 inches off my hips. I sleep better, I don't feel tired all the time. I have more energy and I actually feel happier. What an added bonus that I hadn't expected!
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I've only lost 14 pounds so far, but what I notice is that I don't cry like a little schoolboy when I put my socks on. Haven't used my puffer in weeks. 30 pounds to go.:wink:
  • chinalavy
    chinalavy Posts: 104
    I fells so much better specially my back pain slowly is going away ; I started training to run 5k and everyday I achieve a little more ; I have 54 pounds to go but feel great so far :-)
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    I noticed that I have probably the girliest wrists and ankles out of anyone on the planet.
  • 294Rich
    294Rich Posts: 171 Member
    Don't need to drink litres of Gaviscon!
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    I finally understand why smaller people wear jackets when it is in the 50s-60s.
    My *kitten* hurts when sitting on things with no cushion.
    I get really tired of sitting in one place for very long.
    I pee 1000000000x more than before (that's probably just all the water)
    My nephew can actually hurt me when we play-wrestle, because he can actually get shots on bone.
    How frigging huge my hat is. It fit great a month ago. Now it's super loose.
  • RunningMatt77
    RunningMatt77 Posts: 162 Member
    loose pants and my shirts getting bigger
  • thatgeekinit
    thatgeekinit Posts: 36 Member
    I notice new clothes are really expensive, but its much nicer when things fit properly.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I don't notice anything, because I don't loose weight.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I can tie my shoes without holding my breath and I HAVE to wear a belt with jeans that I previously had to squeeze into.
  • mcfc4tony
    mcfc4tony Posts: 107 Member
    Funny you should ask, only this weekend my wife said " you are walking more upright" so the old belly had been pulling me forward! On the downside because of this I have had a stiff back the last week or so. Maybe it's because I'm unwinding ? :huh: