attraction to overweight people



  • jkshew
    jkshew Posts: 6 Member
    I would say I typically go for the average size man; however, I have found all different size men attractive. I don't care so much about their weight, as long as they have sexy arms and a nice back! :) Honestly, I believe confidence is the single most important factor in being attractive. I have been overweight for the majority of my life (currently 5'2" 183lbs), but I have never had trouble getting the attention of attractive men. It is all about the way you feel about yourself and how you present yourself to the world.

    Be positive and smile!! :)
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I am attracted to health, so the answer for me is no. I do not expect anyone to find me attractive until I become healthy either. I believe personality comes first, and that can trump any physical characteristic; however, going by sight alone, I rarely find overweight guys attractive. This is not to do with superficiality either. My thoughts are, IF I ever have a relationship and the man happens to be overweight, there are so many more chances of health complications/early death/etc. If I ever get married and start a family, I want us to all be working towards health and life.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    thank you for your opinions, i guess i won't have a boyfriend for awhile, but all that matters right now is that i focus on my health.

    Truth be told, even at 300+, I get hit on. I don't know why. I really don't. Some guy stopped me in the grocery store the other day and asked me out for coffee. I've had several long term relationships, been married (the divorce had nothing to do with my weight), and dated quite a bit. Were every one of those guys into BBW? I know for certain most of them were not. I know they didn't date me because of my weight. They dated me for me. In fact, one guy told me that my weight was never an issue because I acted very confident despite being overweight, so he never found it unattractive.

    You should not resign yourself to not having a boyfriend. People have different preferences in mates. Some people focus on outer appearance. Some people get past the outer appearance to the inner person. Everyone is different. No one is better than anyone else. It's all subjective. The guy I'm currently living with met me and moved in with me at my current 300+ weight. He didn't care. He still doesn't. He'd love me if I didn't lose weight. But he likes that I'm trying to be healthier. He's got a gut himself, and now he wants to be healthier too. But he always stresses the health aspect--not losing weight.

    For me, personally, you could be a skinny guy and treat me like ****. Or you could be an overweight guy and make me feel incredibly loved and special. It's about how the person treats me and makes me feel. Weight, looks, other superficial things fall away when you truly love someone. I wasn't attracted to my ex-husband at first, but when I came to love him, he was the most handsome man in the world to me. (Maybe not in the world of Hollywood, but in my life, certainly.) Don't be mopey about your weight and think you'll never have a boyfriend. Men can sense that. It's not attractive. The men I've known like confident women, regardless of shape or size. So be confident. Be independent. Those attributes are attractive to almost everyone.
  • LWriter
    LWriter Posts: 50
    thank you for your opinions, i guess i won't have a boyfriend for awhile, but all that matters right now is that i focus on my health.

    Truth be told, even at 300+, I get hit on. I don't know why. I really don't. Some guy stopped me in the grocery store the other day and asked me out for coffee. I've had several long term relationships, been married (the divorce had nothing to do with my weight), and dated quite a bit. Were every one of those guys into BBW? I know for certain most of them were not. I know they didn't date me because of my weight. They dated me for me. In fact, one guy told me that my weight was never an issue because I acted very confident despite being overweight, so he never found it unattractive.

    You should not resign yourself to not having a boyfriend. People have different preferences in mates. Some people focus on outer appearance. Some people get past the outer appearance to the inner person. Everyone is different. No one is better than anyone else. It's all subjective. The guy I'm currently living with met me and moved in with me at my current 300+ weight. He didn't care. He still doesn't. He'd love me if I didn't lose weight. But he likes that I'm trying to be healthier. He's got a gut himself, and now he wants to be healthier too. But he always stresses the health aspect--not losing weight.

    For me, personally, you could be a skinny guy and treat me like ****. Or you could be an overweight guy and make me feel incredibly loved and special. It's about how the person treats me and makes me feel. Weight, looks, other superficial things fall away when you truly love someone. I wasn't attracted to my ex-husband at first, but when I came to love him, he was the most handsome man in the world to me. (Maybe not in the world of Hollywood, but in my life, certainly.) Don't be mopey about your weight and think you'll never have a boyfriend. Men can sense that. It's not attractive. The men I've know like confident women, regardless of shape or size. So be confident. Be independent. Those attributes are attractive to almost everyone.

    I LOVE this!

    You go, girl!!!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I am SUPER torn on this subject. (And a bit of a hypocrite, as well)

    I love love love a chubby guy (not obese). They are so cuddly and big. It makes me feel feminine.
    However, fit men are sooooo sexy and easy on the eyes. Some can be super cuddly.

    On a woman, I dont like chubby/fat/big/curvy at all. I do like the curvy hourglass figure but most women that claim to be curvy, are anything BUT curvy. I like to see fit, thin or sexy hourglass shaped women. Hypocrite? Yes. But it is only my opinion and I do not force it on anyone else.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I have learned only one thing about being attracted to different types of guys. If I'm attracted to a man I normally wouldn't be, for no particular reason I can figure out, he will turn out to be pure evil.

    My theory is, evil men come from a long line of evil men who have developed a special super attraction pheromone as a survival trait so that societies don't remove their evilness from the gene pool.

    Someday this theory will be a published, proven, peer reviewed fact, so you all can thank me now for warning you ahead of time.


    Yes, I'm joking! (I hope so anyway.)

    I tend to like them on the skinny side, but with many exceptions. Some of them were pretty evil though, come to think of it.
  • mandacloye
    mandacloye Posts: 26 Member
    You go girl! Attraction is all about personal decisions! It is hard to know why each person finds someone of ANY size attractive. I am just thankful that there is someone out there for us all.

    I married a man who was 420+ lbs.when we met. He was headed for bariatric bypass and is now 270+ give or take. He has hanging loose skin all over his body from having been morbidly obese all his life. We have only been married a little under 2 years and we were both into our 40's when we married. Having said all this, I love him. Period. He will never be fit or without obvious physical reminders of his life as an over weight man. My family loves him. He is kind, thoughtful, tender, makes me feel protected, FUN...all the things any woman looks for in a partner.

    I myself, while making the concerted effort to loose my many unnatural pounds will also never be a fit hot bod. But he loves me.

    So I guess we both have what we wanted/needed. Someone who loves us AS WE ARE.......willing to allow improvement.

    Let yourself be attracted to whoever you are attracted to, even if that changes over time. And don't let others determine that for you. You may just miss out on a wonderful relationship if you do.

    Good luck in all you do.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I'm not sure. Sometimes I'll be like, "That guy is cute." But I've never actually dated a husky/overweight guy. My current boyfriend is fit and my past boyfriends have been normal. I actually don't think I like boys that are skinnier than me either.