attraction to overweight people

i remember before i gained weight and was thin, i had a big crush on this guy who had a bit of belly, his friend made fun of him and said he had a nasty gut, but i never thought it was nasty. i just thought he was so gorgeous and sweet, he later on went from 205 to 175 lbs because of wrestling.
since i graduated high school, i have liked atheletic guys and big guys. there is a guy now who is adorable, he is overweight a lot more than the guy i liked when i was thin, but he is so cute and so fun.
i always feel nervous about how i look around him, and a friend of my friend was hanging with us, and after showing a pic of the guy to them, she said, "he's fat he probably likes plus size girls"
however i don't think that is true, i've always been told people are attracted to someone who they consider more attractive than them.
but i was wondering for girls and guys, slim or overweight, do you find other overweight people attractive? i'm not judging anyone who isn't, my friend say she has seen overweight people who look good but she has never been attracted to them. i just happen to like toned guys and teddy bear guys. my other friend is the same way, and admitted to me to have had a tiny crush on my uncle who use to have a big belly!


  • theresa029
    well that depends on the person. there are people who really dont look to peoples weight. but there' are a lot who really think that weight matters. because weight really affects people on how they look. weight loss can make you look even more younger. I notice it myself too when I lost more than 15 pounds. I look 10years older when I'm bigger. And I can say I look better than I used to. And attractive people with a huge amount of weight still look good but of course the way they can attract people would be much lesser because more people look up to others appearances.. :)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Of course I find peoples personality and character attractive... But honestly?

    No. I don't think I can find someone who clearly has no respect for their body or health attractive. Whether its the case or not, they have a medical issue, emotional problem, etc. Sexually I just don't find that attractive. And part of me has a hard time not judging them.

    ^dont condemn me! I am not saying that some overweight people are less of a person, don't deserve love, etc. I just can't find someone attractive unless I have the utmost respect for who they are and why they are alive.
  • PneumaticEnd
    I'm not really attracted to heavier guys..I never really have been. All of the guys I've dated have been in good shape.. My husband coincidentally was in the best shape of all of them (I swear that had nothing to do with me marrying him lol)

    I know a couple of really in shape girls who love heftier men. They say it makes them feel like more of a woman having a man who is bigger to wrap their arms around them and protect them at night. This is perfectly understandable. Some women just love it.

    But it doesn't always work that way. I know a severely overweight guy who swears he will never date an overweight girl.. mind you this man is at least 400 lbs if not more.. and if a girl has a little bit of chub to her he considers her ugly..

    Yet I know a couple of in shape guys who find heavier girls to be more attractive. They are more physically and sexually attracted to them, especially if they have good curves and a good shape regardless of their weight or size. It's been said that when the male body sees plump breasts and wide hips they are physically attracted to them because it triggers the mating instinct in their brains.. Curvy and full breasted is said to represent fertility.

    I guess it really just depends on the person :)
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm really attracted to big guys. I have been since I was thin, then I gained weight and now I'm losing it again. I'm also starting to like a slimmer figure a bit more ALONGSIDE a bigger one now, though. I've always hated the toned/muscle look, and that's not changed, but slimmer is becoming more of a thing for me.

    My fiance is morbidly obese. On one hand, I love that look, but long-term I'm hoping he succeeds in losing weight because I know that despite the fact that I find his weight attractive, I have the knowledge that I'm probably going to end up a lonely widow and single mum quite early on in life if things don't change for him. Initially, that didn't bother me - in fact, it was why I wasn't really motivated to lose weight myself, but then I made the decision to change so I could allow myself to have a child in future, and as I've lost weight I've realised I really want my fiance to lose weight, too. I think overweight people will always be the people I find the most attractive, but long-term it's not what I really want or need.
  • JeanetteDee
    JeanetteDee Posts: 53 Member
    To me, I can/have been attracted to all sizes, although the majority of my ex's were very slender (little muscle and very tall/lanky). There have been a few guys that were that cross of built chest with a beer belly that I was VERY attracted to, but the majority of the guys I have been with have been skinny (which sucks because it makes me feel like the fat one lol).
  • KSC811
    KSC811 Posts: 56
    thank you for your opinions, i guess i won't have a boyfriend for awhile, but all that matters right now is that i focus on my health.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    Kevin james (KING OF QUEENS) big guy but so cute! I guess I have always figured ppl think fit is hot and chunky is adorable or cute lol
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    I'm more attracted to a guy's voice, so I can trick myself into finding almost anyone attractive.
    That being said, I don't really like the big-big look, but I find slightly chunky men adorable.
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm not attracted to overweight men...but I have no problem being their friends and hanging out with them... I like people for who they are. If my husband ever gained weight one day(which I'm sure he will lol) I'll still find him attractive and love his looks...but my initial attraction was to his toned and muscular body.
  • rustyroof
    you gotta love yourself before anyone else can love you.....
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I think there's a difference between someone who completely has no self-regard and a "bigger guy". It also depends a lot on how they're built. For me, it's all about the shoulders. A broad pair of shoulders trumps anything. If you're super lean but have the shoulders of a teenage girl, it's not going to happen. But if you have big shoulders and just so happen to have a belly, I can work with that. Granted, *ideally* they have big shoulders and they're super toned... but how often does that happen?!
  • DancinSMartiPants
    My husband, who is a super hottie, met and married me when I was over 330 pounds. The thing is, *I* think I'm beautiful. Ok, ok. I know that this is a biased analysis and that I may come off a bit conceited, but I have NEVER wanted for a boyfriend at any size. My personal opinion is that my confidence is attractive in and of itself, and that initial attraction allows men to see other assets like my pretty face, kick-*kitten* boobs, and killer IQ.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    You want the truth? No, I'm not sexually attracted to overweight men.
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    I have seen SO many single men who were bigger start dating a thin and healthy girl and they magically lose a ton of weight. My now husband was skin and bones when I met him in 2005 (5'11 135 lbs) but now he weighs more like 155. Sorry to be sexist here, but I don't think that eating is as emotional for men as it is for women. A lot of men just don't know how to feed themselves or are too lazy to think about it. Once they get in a relationship...they are gonna eat whatever you give them! That being said...I prefer leaner men. Its all about the shoulder to hip ratio for me.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I think it's quite judgemental to 'like' someone based on their weight, especially if I struggle with it!! But, having said that, you really can't choose who you like, but you shouldn't DISCOUNT someone just based on their weight.

    I have dated guys with all different kinds of looks, I truly don't have a type - and I married a guy who has a big belly (more now after 6 years of marriage, lol) and big quarterback shoulders. I like the shoulders, but I know he should lose some weight.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm not attracted to thin men, or men who look thin (even if they are muscular). I've always had a thing for big guys, but more the bulky types than chubby. My ideal males are The Rock, Vin Diesel, and Tom Hardy in Bronson.

    Everyone has their tastes and likes. No reason to judge them for it.

    I will say that there are a lot of men who do like bigger women. I found this out when I was heavier. Just be confident, and you'll find someone who likes you just the way you are.
  • pornstarzombie
    I'm on the fence. I'm 6', so it's really hard for me to find taller guys, and when I do they're usually a bit on the bigger side. Not fat, but not stick thin, either. And they usually are in shape.

    I am not really attracted to heavier people if they're not somewhat in shape. I'm not judging them - I'm just NOT attracted to them.

    No, I could not see myself being with an extremely over weight person.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I do not like skinny guys. I will not be attracted to a man whose rail thin, or even " slender ".

    I like husky, big guys.

    I like it if they have a reasonable amount of muscle, and a little bit of a gut doesn't turn me off. Obesity turns me off, but my ideal man is neither seriously muscular or a skinny guy.
  • Hermia76
    thank you for your opinions, i guess i won't have a boyfriend for awhile, but all that matters right now is that i focus on my health.

    Does this mean you think you won't have a boyfriend because you're overweight? I do hope not. Self-esteem and self-confidence is the most important factor in attractiveness (whether people realise that or not).

    If you want my situation...I am short and not overweight but not thin either (5' 3 137). My boyfriend is older than me and quite overweight. He wasn't as overweight when I met him but went through a bad time and put on weight. Do I still love him? Yes. Do I wish he wasn't as big....honestly...yes..BUT...that has more to do with his attitude to himself (which took a beating, hence the weight). What I mean is love is greater than a number. If someone can't really see past that then I guess you have to ask whether you would be compatible/happy.

    As far as the 'people go for someone who is more attractive than them' point...attractiveness is subjective and by definition if one person in a couple is more attractive than the other then the other one can't be attracted to someone more attractive (!!? that was tortuous! Does it make sense? lol) Beauty is sooo subjective.

    Chin up! x
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I love skinny guys, preferably skinny with muscles. Yum.