ljacksn3 Member


  • Way to go! It's always nice to finally see your progress!
  • Thanks all! I'm super excited. I'm lucky to have a great friend who is going to run with me. She races all the time and promises to keep me motivated. I'm starting my outdoor training next week. Hopefully the heat will let up. Unfortunately with my schedule early morning or evening is not an option, but I'll have plenty of…
  • I've been where you are before. When I was in college I was eating around 800 calories a day and working out on average 2.5 hours a day. Yes I lost weight... I also became obsessed with weight and I was never happy with myself, even when I hit my goal. There was always this need to lose more. Eventually it was too much for…
  • Of course... Just as everyone said , it's all about moderation. I make sure I can have a glass of wine every night to unwind. If I couldn't indulge in that I wouldn't last very long. It's all about a lifestyle change. No one can be on a diet forever, but anyone can make healthy choices.
  • Thank you all, I'm at the beginning of my journey. However, I never thought that I would enjoy running. I know that this time I will succeed and I will not go back to where I was. I don't post much, but I am constantly motivated and inspired by all of you who do.
  • Thanks all! This was exactly what I needed this week. Plus the best part is that they are not stretch denim... Which means there's no sympathy from the jeans, they either fit or they don't and today they fit!! :laugh:
  • You look amazing and your story is inspirational! Thank you for sharing :)
  • Day 22 Level 3 done today... I think Level 3 is by far my favorite... Don't get me wrong it is hard, but for some reason the 20 minutes speed by in this level. I'm still doing mostly Annita moves, but I hope that by the end of this I'll be hanging with Natalie! Got a long day tomorrow and hoping I can get myself out of bed…
  • Finished D20L2 today. Tomorrow I move on to Level 3, which I'm looking forward to. I can't really stand level 2. I just exercise in a very small amount of space and I find level 2 more difficult to do. Oh well, tomorrow is level 3!
  • Day 15 Level 2 Complete... So I figured I would share my progress so far: Before 30DS Weight: 126 lbs Neck: 11.5" Chest: 35" Under Boobs: 31.5" Waist: 30" Hips: 36" Butt: 39" R Arm: 11" L Arm: 11" R Thigh: 23" L Thigh: 23" R Calf: 14" L Calf: 14" 15 days of 30DS Weight: 122 lbs Neck: 11.5" Chest: 34" Under Boobs: 30"…
  • Finished Day 14 Level 2 today!!! Tomorrow I'll be half way through the program. I'm going to take measurements and post how much I've lost so far. Very Excited! Thanks everyone for keeping me motivated! :laugh:
  • D13L2 Done... I'm finally starting to feel some improvement. Hopefully I can keep it up. The ab moves aren't so bad, but it's all the plank moves and those V raises... However, if it were easy it wouldnt be a very good work out! Stay strong everyone, you're doing a great job!
  • Ok D12 L2 done for the day. New muscles are sore... Which is good! Means I'm sweating for something :) Good Job Everyone... Keep it Up!
  • Don't worry... My upper arm strength isn't great either. I was still doing the modified push ups in L1 too. There are still modified actions for most of it. You've gotten 1/3 of the way through so I know you can kick this next levels butt. Just push yourself and it'll be great!
  • Day 11 Level 2 Complete.... It's definitely got me sweating, but I find it's no harder than D1L1 was for me. I'm confident that by the end of level 2 I'll be kicking it's *kitten*!
  • Good Afternoon Everyone, Finished D9L1 this morning... Now got to get back to work. :smile:
  • Hello All... Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Finished D8L1 today, and was proud of myself because for the first time I didn't whimp out on a single thing. Those side lunges and anterior raises were difficult (and burned like hell), but I did them proudly with my 5 lb weights! Almost didn't work out this…
  • We're still doing it! For me it's going well. Getting a little difficult when I'm tired from work, but I find the motivation from this page and from the people I've added as friends. Thanks guys for the support!
  • Day 7 Level 1 today... Was really tired, because I got to bed late last night, but I sucked it up and powered through. So happy I've done week! Feeling great... And excited only 3 more days before I move on to level 2...:smile:
  • Wore my pedometer today and realized that I walked over 10 miles already, and I'm not even done with work yet. A lot of that is up and down stairs too! Whew no wonder I'm tired when I get home!
  • If they start to give you crap tell them to grab some 10 lb weight and do it themselves. They'll see the JM doesn't play around and it's a great workout. A friend of my is an athletic trainer and she swears by this DVD to help keep her in track when she travels.
  • D3L1 complete! Today was a little difficult for me. Went out last night for a drink after work. Then someone had the bright idea of shots... Only had two, but since I don't drink much my body was angry at me this morning when I insisted we exercise :)
  • It's good to read that others have difficulty with those side lunges and lateral raises... They kill me every time, but I will push through it. Oh and I'm using 5lb weights, and log the exercise as circuit training.
  • I'm In! I've used the DVD several times, but never for the 30 days straight. I'm ready. Just finished up Day 2, only 28 more days to go!