pookeyism Member


  • I will keep you in my thoughts! Good luck! Please keep us posted.
  • Opinion on the topic aside - just a note: I can see by their profiles that most of the people responding are just not old enough to remember how gross and impacting it was for many people to be subjected to cigarette smoke at basically another persons whim. Restaurants were disgusting and public transportation was almost…
  • Swollen sides of ace should be looked at by the doctor. There are several things that could cause it but lymph glands are often the culprit and you need to make sure it isn't a serious issue...IMO
  • If you mean should your appearance restrict you going to a gym to exercise - no! Now - while there if you are way out of practice, be mindful of your body - also consider visiting a doctor that works with obese patients and giving them an idea of what it is you plan on attempting over the next few months - and get an OK.…
  • NW between Cypress and Jersey Village - I teach yoga in my home and private lessons, ride my bike, swim in season, kyack, SUP (occasionally), walk and more - I don't have areal routine beyond teaching yoga Saturday mornings and some weekday evenings so if anyone needs a walking or riding buddy feel free to contact me. To…
  • The last half of August was focused on getting ready to survive September - which became a reminder to be more present in the day to day! Teaching yoga (HeavyWeight Yoga Houston is the Facebook page), getting the house ready for Halloween, and I will be talking a 40 day challenge at Big Yoga in the Heights as a way to…
  • I have been doing yoga for about 25 years and I would like to get back into crow and headstands - however after seriously weakening my shoulder (dislocated it and created anterior and posterior tears ) I would be pleased to create that in my practice again - but it is not necessary. One thing I want to stress to yogis is…
  • I don't get a lot of negative feedback, but I have noticed I am not invited to dinners as often. My Hubby picks on me a little, but I also know he likes that I feel better. I eat mostly raw about 70%, some veggies are better when heated slightly and I eat no grains or refined sugar and I avoid additives, and I do not drink…
  • I am really mindful of where I get my foods anymore - ironically more so now that we are away from our farm. Not what stores market and say but where they come from. I try to avoid exotics extracts and spices, generally, they are not being harvested mindfully. How does that matter about the synthetic vs. real? Meh - maybe…
  • I don't eat for weight loss anymore. It never helped to look at it like that. I eat for hydration and health - I exercise, meditate and sleep for weight loss. I have in the last 3 years gave up all grains, all refined sugars, and eat an almost 70% raw diet.
  • (((big hug))) I suggest, if you aren't already, join bariatric pal - just google it. It is a wonderful resource but it does NOT replace MFP, but is a WLS community. You will find a lot of answers and support there.
  • I would not be able to make more than general suggestions about keeping calories low without knowing what you are taking in. For example when you say you don't exercise, do you not go into a gym because you are on your feet already, or maybe even you just don't want to exercise - there is nothing judgmental in that, but be…
  • I am willing to guess you need hydration, and you needed it before you exercised also. Dehydration often masks itself with a feeling like hunger. Consider finishing your exercise with a few bites of a melon, or strawberries or tomatoes, cucumber - something nourishing, low-cal and yet vital to eating well - and hydrating!
  • I am not a big bourbon fan but I had some last year at a Christmas party that was exceptional. Wish I knew which label it was. It had nut-buttery undertones (what my palette interpreted them as anyway).
  • Post-sleeve diets vary - A LOT. But generally if you want some protein and veggies together and you keep the good habit of chewing thoroughly you should be ok. I urge you to join Bariatric Pal and talk to people who are going through the same thing you are. Sleeved: January 4, '12
  • I would not worry what people say, good or bad. Eat healthy, exercise and be a friendly person and the rest comes along. I do occasionally get the questions from my friends that are in the range I think you may be referring to and I find the answers to the clothing is the clothes fit, if you have the correct size. Get a…
  • 41. Will not have any kids, unfortunately. But that is how it goes. Do have: 4 snakes tarantula TNR feral colony 2 rabbits (I do a lot of volunteer rescue work!)
  • Almond/cashew with a touch of Saigon cinnamon soak almonds AND cashews, separately, about 3 hours. vitamix blend until super-crazy smooth. add dash Saigon cinnamon. put in a bell jar, store in fridge - I eat it with apple slices and spinach.
  • Then why do something so strenuous? Just do what you like, but do some of it everyday. If your intent is to keep this off permanently, your solution has to evolve into happy habits. Do what you LIKE. (note my picture - there is no exercise called "running around like a goofy kid swatting at your friends with swords" - but…
  • take out everything in your statement that is emotionally charged, etc. you leave facts : It is not getting better, he has physically hurt you, he has been verbally abusive for over a decade. It really needs to end. So much love for you, I truly hope this works out, with you safe and unharmed. Take very constant care with…
  • If you stay hydrated, you should be OK for the last leg of your pre-op diet. If you feel particularly fatigued, uncomfortable or get in a fog that you cannot shake, or begin to have very sweet breath, etc. contact your doc. The last leg of the diet is not intended to sap your physical resources. While you want to go into…
  • She says why. She wants to, cause -why! Lol!
  • If you aren't really hiking out on your own (you know, prepping your site and all), why clamber back and forth to the pot?
  • Given how you describe yourself, you are going to be fighting routines and habits, and therefore need to really understand that. You have triggers, what you do during and then reward. Water through the daytime is a habit, and if you can pinpoint why you may be able to bring it into your evening routine more. To avoid soda…
  • I just don't weigh in weekly, my overall body weight fluctuates too much - it would be depressing! I weigh in abotu every 2 weeks - 20 days, that way if I am down I can go "woot, woot" knowing it is a real loss.