Andee2000 Member


  • Sorry to over "quote" still getting used to posting on here. I have been using my water rower for a few weeks now and I have to say I love it. I do my normal treadmill walk and then a session on the rower. What I am loving is the different muscle groups I must be using because I can feel I have used different muscles…
  • Thanks for posting this. I've been researching water rowing machines and I found a Stamina for a decent price and I only see recommendations for the Concept. Yes, it is the "gold standard" but I'd rather a mid range item to initially use.
  • Thank you for the feedback everyone!
  • Measurements are a good idea, maybe I will start with that initially too. Thanks!
  • Oop sorry. I was throwing the 500 calories out there as a "dang how low do I need to go?" I am going to try to get closer to 20 carbs a day and see if that helps. I need to make an appointment to get my blood work done. Even my frustration yesterday didn't derail me. I am still working this.
  • All: Thank you so much for all the support and guidance. I am heading out for a bit and don't have time to respond to everyone individually right now. Thank you.
  • Thank you for replying. I'll try those suggestions. For the record, I didn't post as a poor me I'm giving up, I'm just frustrated and thank you for your suggestions. I'll look at my protein stats. I'm pretty sure I'm normally under my recommended amount, but I'll double check.
  • This sounds weird, but I find that when I eat pork rinds they get stuck in my throat in a weird way. I can only eat one or two. Any more than that I cannot seem to swallow if that makes sense. It is the weirdest thing.
  • I ended up getting a small popcorn and just logging it. I used the highest calorie option out of all of the theater's in MFP to ensure I didn't underestimate. I go to the movies every few months so I think adding this treat in periodically isn't going to kill me or my diet. I was able to get right back on plan after with…
  • I'm in a similar boat. I have a lot to lose, I'm being completely honest with my logging and exercising. I've been only doing this since January 5th. It's hard to read about others having a lot to lose like us and a lot of weight coming off quickly in the beginning. I'm very resolved to get this done so I am sticking to…
  • I lost mine this morning too. :smile: I made the decision to work at this 10 pounds at a time. So my goal is always to lose ten then when I meet that I'll reset my goal to the next ten.
  • I was about to come in here and post something very similar. On Wednesday I was down 2.5 pounds and on Saturday I hopped on the scale hoping to see a downward movement and I went up 3 pounds. I got discouraged, because I've been on point with my eating/tracking and walking 4 days a week for 2.5 miles. Normally, this would…
  • I think it is great that people are trying. I agree with you.
  • Congratulations!
  • I was thinking of using this as a higher carb treat, but my food log tells me I'm sitting around 40 carbs a day (is that high?). I thought I was doing better than that, then things sneak in on me (I'm looking at you Chik-fil-a cobb salad, no dressing last night and guacamole!) I think it may be cheese crisps for me tonight…
  • Another good one.
  • Thank you everyone! Also, I forgot about those baked cheese things. I'm going to pick some up at lunch. I have a long way to go to get back to where I want to be and I don't want to derail things so early.
  • I hope I don't have any issues. I truly love the taste of beer and like to drink it on occasion; I would be sad not to. We will see then. :smile:
  • Good to know. I just want to be able to enjoy a few beers by the campfire while everything else stays low carb for sure.
  • I'm glad you asked this question as I just started this WOE and I have an annual camping trip coming up. I was wondering if I could stay LCHF and somehow incorporate some Michelob Ultra which are 2.6 grams of carbs each. Has anyone incorporated low carb beer while staying within their carb goals? I only intend to do this…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome. :)
  • I haven't read the book, but finding something you are happy with and getting results is great. I wish you much success on your journey!
  • I received the Charge for Christmas and love it so far. I previously had a clip style pedometer and it worked, but it would come off when I was working out sometimes and it bugged. I like that the battery last a long time and that it syncs to MFP and the program we use at work. It's way less bulky and very light than I…
  • define "good healthy" food? there is nothing wrong with processed food, hence, I chime in... ETA - lean cuisine is also processed is that "bad", what about frozen vegetables, also processed. There are a lot of things that are processed that fall out of your narrow definition of boxed mac and cheese and Doritos...[/quote] I…
  • Edited my post.
  • I recently started going to Aqua Zumba and LOVE IT! It is a fun workout and I look forward to it every week. I wish they taught it more at my pool.