Anyone tried it? It take 1 Zumba class on Tuesdays and see that they are now offering aqua zumba in my area on Wednesdays...just curious if anyone has tried it?


  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I wish! what a great exercise session that would be. the joints would take less a beating too! If you find one and do it please let us know how it is !
    AJPTRF Posts: 24
    I think it would be less impact by more "muscle targeting:'? I just remember going to the pool as kids and 2 hours in there just swimming we were sore for I would love to feel sore muscles for excerise!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Sounds like lots of fun!!!
  • AlbertPooHoles
    AlbertPooHoles Posts: 530 Member
    Sounds awesome. Would be nice not having to interrupt my workout with bathroom trips.
  • Sounds awesome. Would be nice not having to interrupt my workout with bathroom trips.

  • Sounds awesome. Would be nice not having to interrupt my workout with bathroom trips.

    SO funny I literally just loled hahaha
    AJPTRF Posts: 24
    That made me giggle!!!
  • I am a Zumba instructor and am getting aqua certified next Friday!!! :) It seems like it's going to be a ot of fun - you will have to let me know what you think if you do the class! I will have my first taste at this class in my certification next week, so unfortunately I can't say if it's as good as it seems, but I'm sure it is! I have yet to have one person say they disliked it!
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    I've never heard of it, but it sounds awesome!!
  • PkrDlr81
    PkrDlr81 Posts: 3
    I've been taking Aqua Zumba classes for the past month now. They are a blast! The moves are a little slower, but you still get a great work out and have a lot of fun in the water.
  • lilsis10
    lilsis10 Posts: 72 Member
    I take four 30 minute classes a week (M & W am and pm). I'd go more often if they were available. It is so much fun! The only exercise I've ever looked forward to. I'm hoping they'll start extending our classes to 45 minutes. The time goes by incredibly fast. If you have the opportunity, I'd definitely try a class.
  • Andee2000
    Andee2000 Posts: 31 Member
    I recently started going to Aqua Zumba and LOVE IT! It is a fun workout and I look forward to it every week. I wish they taught it more at my pool.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I've done it a few times when I was pregnant, but there isn't much interest in it (at least not for the time slot it was offered)... But I had fun when I did it. I'm hoping they can do it again for the summer. :-D I still have classes on my punch card,