french13 Member


  • haha agreed. I tried to lose weight the quick way once and my stomach looked like a sideways pizza because I didn't tone at all.
  • thanks alot everyone & thanks tony. I'll let him read what you posted. the crunches idea is terrific and so is the rest.
  • He went back down to 130 because he was inactive for 1 month recently because of a sports related injury. Now he's better though. He plays ALOT of soccer (he's addicted) and when he was doing weights (he has his own bench) he was lifting like 50 pounds and he used the leg weights at the bottom of his weight bench. He was…
  • true blood. haha. never miss an episode. but unfortunately true blood is going to end season 3 next sunday so I might need a few more suggestions. I heard vampire diaries was good?! not sure though. I'm still attached to sookie and bill too much to like any other lead vampire characters.
  • I was just googling the "30 day shred video online" and found this. Here's another one I posted a few days ago. & you're welcome fiddle3 and trackme. I'm just trying to help the community. It's getting cold around where I live so I needed to start doing…
  • no problem. glad I could be of some help. =)
  • yeah I hate when that happens. I usually just let the video load for about 10 or 20 minutes and then play it. Buffering is so annoying.
  • No problem. It's a good workout =)
  • you're welcome
  • I just run to the closest aldis and grab there fit & active 90 calorie chocolate chunk granolas.
  • yeah why is it though that I perceive myself to be bigger in pictures than when I look in a mirror? I hate that. I'll get all posed up for a picture and then when I look at it I'm like "deletes". It sucks.
  • lol. I know how that, and the squats hahahaha....yes I've actually done those to fit in my jeans. XD:laugh:
  • ok night. I'm out too. Gotta get off the computer for a bit. I've been on here almost all day aside from when I went to exercise. peace.
  • well I have the big butt but I could do without it....maybe distribute a little fat here and there from my butt and stomach to my boobs. I'd rather weigh alot because of ginormous boobs than because of a droopy stomach. lol. Actually celerystalker....everytime I read on the internet that you can't go under your calories or…
  • I' so cheesy I even have my own collection of thin famous people's pictures in a folder on my computer saved so every time I feel like I can't do it I just look at them and look how thin they are and then I get envious and decide to go exercise. That's my little bit of motivation. Besides my younger pictures.
  • I'm at 147 right now and it's been a bit of a journey just to get to 147. Okay so let's both lose our 27 pounds soon so we can feel even better about ourselves. I'm up for it. And then after I get to 120 I'm going to go down to 110 and then that will be my stopping point. I'm not trying to get all anorexic and so forth but…
  • have lost alot of weight. way to go. I bet you're proud of yourself. wow.
  • lol. hold on let me see. you go to upload your pic. then type in the caching that it asks to verify you and then you copy from where it says IMG code for forums and message boards and then paste it here
  • I would use That's what I usually use.
  • haha awesome. This is the only site I've shown my body shots on.
  • you should post it. It would be wonderful to see how you were then and now and how much you've lost. I took a daring step and actually posted my bigger pictures which I would never post on any other website. But I thought "hey, what's there to worry about? it's not like everyone here is going to look at me and think eww,…
  • no, actually the shake weight sounds like a good idea. I might try it. I remember seeing about it when I was in non exercise mode before, but now I might give it a try. Yeah though I definitely had a tire problem too. It seems to be fading but I still have my belly pouch. I've actually had a couple of people come up to me…
  • That's wonderful. Yeah I heard yoga is very good for you. Anna Farris did yoga to get as skinny as she was on the movie "The House Bunny" and I've heard plenty of other good reviews on yoga. SO it's a good thing you're doing that. I have no money atm to sign up for any classes because I live in a very expensive city as of…
  • "The Island" is a good movie. has ewan mcgregor and scarlett johanssen in it and whoever posted the Postman....that movie was amazing....long, but amazing.
  • Thanks for the motivation. I have lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks prior to coming here and I try to stay at 1200 calories or at least 1250. sometimes it varies between those two because it's hard to calculate EXACTLY 1200 calories and I don't want to go under. I've also been power walking at a brisk pace 30 minutes a day/6 days a…
  • I know I could definitely swear on it. I was losing from it not too long ago. It's wonderful. & yeah it has to be braggs/organic apple cider vinegar because of the "mother' aka cloudy stuff in the bottom has alot of health benefits in it. What I do is take first thing upon waking and it KILLS your cravings completely. I…
  • hey and welcome. This site gets really addictive once you've used it a couple of times and the people here are very inspiring.
  • yes I'm pretty sure it does since there's not going to be any sugar involved. What I do though for the whole water thing is I have like a large mcdonalds cup (32 ounces) and I drink 3 of them a day with ice cold water or green tea. That's like 12 cups right there. Trust me though, if you stop drinking soda and just drink…