Marty_D Member


  • I think Wii is a great way to get moving without leaving the living room! I rock the free step at max pace for 20 minutes on Wii Fit Plus and that gets the heart going! Even the games are fun to play and with most your not getting an intense workout but it still gets you moving and that's always good. Dance Revolution can…
  • That's the beauty of being a Dolphins Fan. I've been one since the mid 80's. Getting a victory or a winning season is all the sweeter! Anyone can be a steelers fan or cowboy fan, winning becomes the norm. May never see the fins make a run for the superbowl but I still see the heart and soul of that 72' unbeaten season…
  • Sounds Tasty!! Going to give it a try/ Many thanks to you!
  • my wife of 10 years and I met on an on-line dating service called ICQ (not sure if it is still around). We took the time to get to know each other before rushing into anything. Sure you can lie about things but if you correspond long enough, you can be more confident in the person's true nature. Good Luck to all.
  • won her in a knife fight.............. sounds cooler than ICQ (on line chat service that may or may not still exist)
  • If your a Detroit Lions fan...... you're also an excellent judge of character! How exciting is Calvin Johnson to watch! Best of Luck to you.
  • Try to stay focused and ofcourse eat well and excercise. Not rocket science really and sounds good in theory.......but danged if it ain't the hardest thing to actually do!! Always happy to motivate, but don't count on me to nag you if you don't log on everyday. You'd learn to resent me for it...... you would. :-) Best of…
  • best of luck to you! No secret that its a lot easier to gain that it is to lose weight. Keep focused if you can on your goal. Not necessarily a goal weight but your goal of a better life. I may not be the best person to be offering advice as I struggle still but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck in your endeavour,…
  • not auusie, but wasn't it an aussie hurdles athlete at the panama games that does the pre race dance warm up? Its sexy and everything but the most impressive part is the race she won decisively. What a talented athlete. Best of luck to her.
  • You go girl! Your confidence is inspiring and contagious. You make no apologies, nor should you. People who decide to subscribe to those that perpetuate a misguided concept of "beauty" to sell magazines and diet plans can cram it! My wife is a large woman and I adore her for many reasons, one of which is her full figure. I…
  • Grandkids are the best! It was my priviledge to raise 2 daughters so that meant lots of easy bake ovens and my little pony. Now my step daughter has presented us with 3 amazing grandsons! I'm talking gi-joe and toy cars now! Lovin it!
  • had a moderate crystal light addiction a few years ago. Started having stomach pain. Pumped the brakes on the crystal light, stomach better. Have read some things about aspartame and think it may be the culprit. I just as soon get a non- calorie reduced beverage and add water to it to cut the calories. I prefer that taste…
  • as long as I am actively trying to do something (eating right and exercising) to improve my health, my confidence is at its highest. I may look the same to people, but the positive mental impact is a major factor in how I interact with loved ones and the world at large.
  • Crazy weather here today! One minute sun is shining, next minute complete white out. Did that 3 or 4 times through the day. Got the hiking gear in the back of the van .... c'mon hiking weather!
  • The shirt I'm wearing in my profile pic is my goal. Not too far from that goal now. I imagine I'll set another goal at that point. I've never really set a goal when it came to weight loss. My success in this endeavour, without question, is largely due to this web site. I find it a resource that I can't do without now. Many…
    in Goals Comment by Marty_D March 2012
  • Treasure Island In Your Pants.
  • I've always told my kids that there is a time and place for cursing. With yur buds.....yup, with Granny and Grandpa... no. Its a sign of disrespect in certain circles. In my presence, I told them I wouldn't be offended unless it was used in anger towards me, then all bets are off. My grandson has initiated a swear jar, I…
  • You should give it another go! I got Dance Dance Revolution 2 on Frday. I watched my grandson have a blast on it yesterday and decided to give it a try today on my own (with noone to see me). There is a workout kicked my rear end for 45 minutes and it was kinda fun! Felt like a real workout. Now I know why its…
  • Apples with peanutbutter is a staple of mine! Some people scoff but it be tasty! Can't imagine someone not liking fruit, allergies I can understand but with as many types and varieties, perhaps its time to give them another try? Tastes change over time.
  • Amen to that........someone get me a COFFEE CRISP!! just the one tho :-)
  • Welcome to you!! This site has been amazing in keeping me motivated! Oddly enough its the food and excercise diary that has been the key for me. I always scoffed at the idea of them, never saw the sense. I realize now that it promotes accountability.... knowing you have to add everything into the diary keeps you aware of…
  • sounds yummy! I think I'll give these a try. Many thanks to you.
  • my grandson is going to get a kick out of these!! Thanks
  • I'm not a gal, but I have many tatts. You've got some already, but I would think one on the side of the breast may not be overly painful (they all are painful to some degree) as its a fleshy area. I found it is areas where a bone is that hurts like a bugger! In terms of how it may look in the future, as you say it won't be…
  • excellent point someone made about it being a contest. I'm not sure its the best example to follow based on the rapid weight losses that are seen. The show often claims to have the health of the entire nation as their motivation but they are a business. The methods they use are not realistic for the day to day existence of…
  • I've been forunate enough to have always lived near the Niagara Escarpment (Glacier formed mountain ridge running for miles) in Southern Ontario. There are numerous provincial parks along the escarpment offering amazing trails with breathtaking views. Nothing puts a week at work into perspective like a good hike!!
  • Recently finished "I Am Ozzy" very entertaining read. Leave it to the Oz Man! Currently about half way through Martin Luther King's Autobiography. A couple chapters into Treasure Island as well. I should really learn to finish one before I start another!!
  • It's quite the dilhemma!! I'm white if you saw me (my grandfather was black) and I have 3 grandsons who are half black and I adore them. I've heard stories from my daughter of certain incidents with her boys in public where she has come up against racist attitudes. I've wondered how I'd react if I were there, would I use…
  • Sounds interesting. Hey, If you can get her to come in and cook it for you, then you'd really have something there!!
  • that's funny!! What is age? Just a number afterall! Its all in the mind. You take care.