Large Framed Women



  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I am 5'8", well, more like 5'8.5", and my SW was 165, CW 152, GW 145. I see a lot of gals my height going for 120-135, but I am a curvy woman and I love it. My husband does too. I can't imagine weighing less than 145, I think I would look way too thin. We are lucky to have large frames because we carry the weight well! BTW I am a size 11 shoe and I have hands larger than most men. Those are the only things that suck about having a large frame haha
  • :smile: Please add me too. I'm 5'6"...CW 269...GW...165... Still overweight, but I dont want to look like a stick.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I am large framed also. I started at 5' 4" and 325 pounds. I have been heavy since I was about 9 years old and it got worse when puberty hit (at 10). The lowest I have ever been as an adult was 180 pounds (for about 5 minutes after losing 100 pounds on WW several years ago) and at that weight I looked good. I was 160 (after losing 75 pounds) in high school and in a 10/12 at that time and my hip bones and ribs had no fat whatsoever on them. That was before children so I don't think I could possibly get below 160 without looking sickly. My current goal is 180 and I will evaluate when I get there to see if I want to go any lower. I am currently 225 and even at this weight I have fat rolls and sagging skin, but my hip bones and ribs are right there and can easily be felt.
  • k8little
    k8little Posts: 21 Member
    I would love to join the group... start weight 286 current weight 263 goal weight 180 .. height is 5'5" with a large frame my wrist and shoulders are wider then my husbands whos not a small man. lol
  • pam31468
    pam31468 Posts: 1
    I would like to be included in this group!
    I feel huge.. 5'11" (I've already shrunk an inch!) currently at 241. My wrists and fingers are large as some of you ladies have mentioned. I come from hearty German stock! I have an apple shape with my legs still being my best asset, and its very hard to find clothes, because designers always want to make jeans with huge thighs to go with my waistline. I've switched to skinny jeans to compensate, and sometimes feel, that at 44, I shouldn't be wearing those!
    My current goal is just to get below 200 again.
  • Marty_D
    Marty_D Posts: 39 Member
    You go girl! Your confidence is inspiring and contagious. You make no apologies, nor should you. People who decide to subscribe to those that perpetuate a misguided concept of "beauty" to sell magazines and diet plans can cram it! My wife is a large woman and I adore her for many reasons, one of which is her full figure. I would never dictate or even suggest that she be at a certain weight. Not only because I probably wouldn't even see the right cross coming, but mostly because I respect her feelings and as someone working on my health at the moment, would not likely take such suggestions so well were the situation reversed. Best of luck to all.
  • trich33702
    trich33702 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'7 and SW 276.9 CW 258. My goal is 190-195 range. I will be extremely happy with 200-205. My short term goal is to get down to 230 by the end of the year. I am the heaviest I have ever been, but I've always been large and curvy (hour glass shape). I have never had to deal with belly fat and have always been proud of my small waist and large hips. Now at 40 I have the dreaded pooch developing and it's driving me nuts. I know the shape of my body is changing due to strength training. I will be curious to see what I look like when I lose this first 30 pounds. Any women over 40 have suggestions for the belly pooch???
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    this is so me! 5'5" but large-framed. i've never been "skinny" but i know from my mother's experience that when she went below 160 she had to put *on* weight to keep from looking like a skeleton. my current goal is set to ~180 and for me, that will probably be a size 10/12 - as small as i want to go, even though BMI says that's still in the overweight range. i know better. i have no problem at all with never being a size 6! add me to the group :)
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    I wouldn't mind joining this group also....I've got the double whammy of being German/Italian, and I've got the traditional large frame that comes along with this. Hubby guessed me at 160 before I began this journey. I was actually a bit over 200. My current weight is 190 and its good to know that there are other people out there just like me. :flowerforyou:
  • Yazzy623
    Yazzy623 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 5'8 and my weight goal is 170/175. That is actually the weight I was in HS and I was THIN!!!! If I went any lower, I'd look sick! I have always carried my weight very well. Most people are shocked when they hear my current weight is 227! I too would like to add women with similar goals :)))
  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member

    Can I get an invite.


    SW 330
    CW 325 maybe less haven't weighed myself in a month. I was getting depress about the the scale not moving.
    GW 200

    Large frame will never be skinny even with the hieght.
  • lowry12
    lowry12 Posts: 74 Member
    first off id love an invite........and as for me im 5'11 supposedly my healthy weight is 170 HA that is funny im built like a line backer lol i have a wide frame i dont really have big wrists or anything like that im just wide when i started this april 24th i weighed 370!!! and now im down to 349 which still is alot but im happy w my progress so far my goal weight is 299 i havent been under 300lbs in bout 10 yrs i will be happy to wear a size 20-22 not asking for any miracles lol but man i would so LOVE to ride a roller coaster again thats probably my true goal is to be able to go to cedar point and ride all the coasters with out having to worry bout the walk of shame ive gone from roughly a 4000 calorie diet to one that is roughly btwn 1000-1400 w/o exercise i dont usually eat back my calories that i burn but i at least kno i have that lil extra lol evry1 here feel free to add me :)
  • Cara85K
    Cara85K Posts: 122
    I would like to join the group. I am built exactly like my father who was a linebacker for years. Enough said. I just started back on MFP I am 5'11" and starting at 245. I think my goal will be around 180. Right now I'd just like to be below 200!
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    I'd love to join the group! I'm 5' 8.5", SW 282, CW 234. My first goal is 210 and then I hope to get down to 170 - 180. I have a large frame (according to the wrist test) and when I was at 170 I thought I looked really good. I really have no desire to go any lower.

    I'm about 5'9" (post back surgeries) and 250. I'm trying to get down to 150 as a minimum. I'd settle for 170.

    on a sidenote: I'm also built like a linebacker, no curves, just shoulders.
  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    I'd love to join too!!!

    Like some of the posters- I come from football players and am built like one (broad shoulders and big bones).

    I am 6 feet tall even, and I currently weigh about 195- and I feel like I'm not fat at this weight although technically overweight.

    My goal weight is somewhere in the 165-170 range, and given that I am on the border of being a size 12 and a size 14 at my current weight, I think once I get into the 170s I may reevaluate. I am extremely muscular which is something that I was NOT the last time I weighed 175, and I was very thin at that weight.
  • denisekh88
    denisekh88 Posts: 53
    Please add me to the group...I am 5'4" starting weight 254 current weight 218...most people can't believe I weigh as much as I do...for my height I should weigh 135 but I will be happy with 150 :)
  • Tanya68
    Tanya68 Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to join your group. I'm 5'0" my SW 193, CW is 185, GW 145. I cannot seem to get over that first 10lbs hurdle. Your group sounds like what I need for support. Thank you for your posting.
  • alottamoxie
    alottamoxie Posts: 11 Member
    your enthusiasm really is contageous.

    i'm 5'4-1/2" (yes, the half SO matters), weigh 350.1 as of yesterday. My initial goal is 250 with an end goal of 200ish, because a- I know I won't ever be "thin" and b - any less than that and I think I'll end up with lollypop syndrome... but I know it's going to be a long road, oddly, I'm okay with that. I've always been big (big boned AND chubby). Add me?
  • latvann
    latvann Posts: 6 Member
    :happy: Count me in too! I'm 5'5 ansd my CW is 199lb. I have always been considered "Big Boned" lol and would love to join this group.
  • peachygrrl32
    peachygrrl32 Posts: 2 Member
    I to am a large framed sw was 315 cw is 285 and gw 170 which i think is a good weight for me since i am 5'8" and have the hour glass figure. i would love an invite to your group because it would be nice to be able to talk to women who are going thru the same steps i am to be healthy. i do count my calories but i dont starve myself and i go to the gym 3x's a week and work with a trainer once a month. i do treat myself once in a while because i dont want to binge eat and totally derail myself. the main thing i am using to lose weight is portion control and that seems to help me. I have come to realize that everyone is different and each person must find what works for them.