ajsquale Member


  • Great advice! I think I will look into getting a heart rate monitor. I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the advice!
  • Great job so far! I'm at about the same weight you are! I started off around 210, and I just recently hit 197 lbs. I'm trying really hard to never make it back into the 200s, so it's motivation to keep losing!
  • Thank you all for the advice!! I think I'll try and find someone that can show me the ropes of free weights since it sounds like that's my best bet!
  • Thanks for the advice, but can I ask why I should avoid machines and focus on free weights?
  • Wow, this is so helpful! Thank you both!
    in Challenges Comment by ajsquale May 2013
  • Thanks to all who posted! It's still crazy how many different things people say, though. I've watched Hungry for Change and that's what got me thinking that aspartame was terrible for you, but after looking it up on more reliable sources, they say there's really no proof. I think most of you are right that say moderation…
  • Kristen, I could interview people, but I'm mainly just looking for resources online. Thanks acg67, I'll look into that link.
  • Thanks everyone for responding. :)
  • There may not be much protein in them, but I just love the fact that they're made from real food!
  • I'm going to have to try these! I bought Larabars on sale yesterday, but it sounds like they're not always on the cheap side. thanks for posting this link!
  • I think it's something that you should just do whenever you want to, whether it's every day or every week. I try and weigh myself at the same time every time I weigh though (usually before I hop in the shower before I've had anything to eat). Your weight fluctuates a lot throughout the day!
  • I thought they seemed to have a lot of calories, too, but they seem to be very filling and they're great for days where I'm eating a lot of fruits and veggies and it's hard to reach my 1200+ calorie goal.
  • I bought mine in our Hy-Vee's healthy section. Otherwise, I hear Trader Joe's has them as well! If you have any grocery store in your area that has a healthy section, I would bet they'd have them! They were on sale for $4 for 5 bars. Next time I'll probably buy boxes of them, though!
  • I just ate my first one today, and I loved it! I definitely need to find more foods like these!
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm the same... I feel full during the day and at night, so I don't want to eat just to eat (which is why I need to lose weight in the first place!) I know it's different if you're eating healthy, good-for-you food, but I'm always hesitant! I think my next goal should be to learn what's good…
  • Yeah, I don't do it on purpose! I'll have to try some vitamins.
  • I'm not an exercise expert, but I think you could start adding some strength in whenever you feel comfortable! Maybe warm up with some cardio, and then do some strength exercises. Start off small or do beginner videos. There are some great workout videos online too that use just 5-10 lb. weights or are just 10-minutes long.
  • Kirsty... For the past week I've had roughly between 1050-1150 calories each day. It's not like I'm telling myself I have to eat less than 1200 calories, but I just end up not eating enough! I know that it's not healthy if you aren't getting enough calories, but I just want to find the right foods to add to my day instead…
  • Thanks Jeanine! I've been trying to do that more this week... I'm not eating if I don't feel hungry! Thanks for the idea about vitamins. I've never taken any, so that might be helpful!
  • It's not like I'm JUST eating fruits and veggies, but I'm just eating a whole lot more than I used to. I also have greek yogurt every day, usually chicken or other meat, peanut butter. It's still not seeming to be enough to get my calorite intake up to 1200, but it's always at least over 1000 calories. I've been trying to…
  • Thanks for posting this. I'm 5'7" with a medium to large frame I'd say. My goal is to stay under 160 but preferably be between 140-150.
  • Glad to hear other people like using them! I
  • I bought mine in the healthy section of Hy-Vee. I know Trader Joe's sells them, too! I was hoping to get a small bag to just try it out, but they only had one size to choose from, and it's kind of expensive. I'm just hoping it was worth it! It's probably cheaper from Amazon, though!
  • Angelina, It sounds like you are doing awesome!! I love how you're keeping positive and not getting down on yourself for anything. It's a hard journey! I've been hearing a lot lately how bad pop (even diet) is for you. It took me a while to give up diet pepsi because I was used to drinking at least one bottle or 2 cans a…
    in Hello! Comment by ajsquale November 2012
  • Welcome! Don't be disgusted... just know you did it once and you can do it again!!
  • I'm looking for a motivator, too! And of course looking to help motivate others! I'm 20, and I started MFP a while back and was doing really well when I kept it up, but I can't seem to stick with it for longer than a couple of weeks. I think having more friends on here will definitely help!