

  • Thanks everyone. Everyone in their own way helped. DAVE.. it's funny... because I ALWAYS tell that to my kids and husband when they have bad days. My son came home the other day from school upset because some kid had a Nintendo DS, and he has a gameboy color. After telling me why he was upset, I looked at him and said,…
  • Hey everyone. :cry: Today's not starting off to good. But only because YESTERDAY ended horribly. My son had a game, and I knew we'd end up eating out that night, so I tried to behave myself. I had a light breakfast, small snack, soup for lunch, and then I began to feel tired, so I took a nap (My Friday was sooo busy I…
  • Thanks!! :flowerforyou: Usually I don't eat all the greasy stuff, and cake and ice cream, but tonight was definately a "cheat" night. It was my daughter's FIRST birthday. But the reason I asked was because I can't afford to buy and prepare seperate meals from my family, so I eat what they do, only less. Things like…
  • I'm sure this is a question that's already been answered and has a link, but I can't find it. So I'm going to ask it. :grumble: Can I eat anything, as long as I stay within/under my alloted calories? Today we had BBQ, I had boneless skinless chicken breast, corn on the cob, a small serving of rippled potatoe chips, a…
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I like that! Thanks! I'll have to do that! The only problem left is keeping my (almost) one year old from making a mess of things. She likes to "help" too. Unfortunately her idea of helping, is pulling anything and everything out of it's place, and dragging her toys from the bedroom to the…
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I don't mean to laugh, but there ARE no other mom's in my neighborhood. I live in the Country, and my closest neighbor is a really old man. He's very grumpy and I think if I attempted to ask him for help he'd pull a shotgun on me! That's a great idea though! :flowerforyou: ALC
  • The only stroller I have is a little umbrella stroller, there's NO WAY I could fit two in it. My son usually lives in PA w/ his mom, and we don't have a double stroller anymore. Before nap time I usually do some heavy play time, inside I tickle, and dance around, or piggy back ride to wear em' down. When they get to go…
  • Now, that walking around the baseball field MIGHT just work! My other children generally stay at home with my husband while I take our son to practice. Currently that's only one day a week. But... it IS an hour! I'll do that. The outside play sounds good too! BUT today it won't be an option, the yard is still too wet, but…
  • :laugh: :laugh: LOL. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I HAVE actually tried to get my hubby to stay up...he won't do it though. I used to work graveyard myself, and I ALWAYS, had to have at least an hour or two to wind down, but not him. He's just...I love him to death, but... he's so lazy! When he gets up he doesn't do ANYTHING, I…
  • I've tried getting up before them, but it does no good, no matter how quiet I am, the ALWAYS sense I'm awake, and one right after the other they're up too. I've even tried geting up at 4 and 5am. THEY ALWAYS KNOW. It's so scary...they have some kinda mommy radar. It's CRAZY! ALC Created by - Free Calorie…
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That's so wonderful! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I am so happy for you! Keep up the good work, and just think how wonderful you're going to look and most importantly FEEL once you've gotten rid of all that extra weight! That's what keeps me going, that and the…
  • Hey everyone. Some of you may already know I am a mom to five wonderful, beautiful, awsome, beautiful, smart, sweet, beautiful, AWSOME, and did I mention beautiful children. Which is now my problem. I have three of them home with me full time, 4 mon-fri, and all 5 in the afternoons Mon-Fri. Sat & Sun I have 4. My problem…
  • Walk. Walking is good for you and your baby. Though I would definately talk to your doctor first. ALWAYS talk to your doctor before you decide on an excercise routine while you're pregnant! BTW :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: CONGRADULATIONS!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: This baby is a blessing,…
  • Thanks! Even with my lack of balance you think it'll have the same effect? I mean, I know he says to use a chair and all, gets to be a pain in the butt! (Bad back.) :huh: Thanks for the advice! ALC Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: DUH! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: WORK OUT!! You don't necceisarily HAVE to go to the gym and do the eliptical, but DO SOMETHING! Walk for an hour. Then come home, and read or write. There's still plenty of time in the day! No matter what part of the country you're in! So do some excercise, don't…
  • Sounds GREAT. I'm soooo in! Let me ask this, my stepmom lent me this Tae-Boe Video. This that's cardio-enough? Or should I do something else? I ask because I have done the workout before, but I have NO balance, and it's hard to do some of the excercises they have on there. Any suggestions? ALC Created by -…
  • OKAY, this MAY sound gross, but it's actually very yummy. First time I saw it, I thought, "OH GROSS! What is this woman trying to do, make me puke?!" My stepmom used to make this fabulous dinner for us in the summer time. She was very big on eating colder food in the summer and hotter food in the winter, so she toyed…
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you! :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I'm not sure if this is where I'm supposed to weigh in for the "over 200 club" or not, but here it goes 274.6 :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That's 10 pounds people. I AM ON MY WAY. I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it....:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:…
  • WOW! I was so excited over 9 pounds, when I stepped on the scale was 10 pounds gone! I couldn't believe my eyes! I was so excited I was yellin' and dancin around... my husband looked at me like I was crazy, and my baby girl (almost 1) was screaming and clapping along...she had a BIG smile on her face... she's…
  • You know, you guys are probably right, he proabably was just trying to be an *kitten*, and he succeded, but you know I tell myself the same thing... when I have a bad day, I think , "WHY am I having such a hard time with this?!?!" and my answer to myself is always, "Because you're fat". Like I said, I'm not defending him,…
  • Totally get it! You have to remember that, the easiest part of the weight at the begining is water weight. Which once you start eating healthy and excercising is easy to get rid of, once you get past that, it gets harder and harder to peel the pounds. Try increasing your excercise routine a little, if you've been doing the…
  • Not that I'm defending ANYONE who would sit there and call someone "fat" but I think the point may have simply been that... we are all here because we have weight to lose, and yes some of us are more valumptious, and yes, because of that fact it IS hard to give things up, and when you've gone for so long without them, then…
  • So far, I'm doing the same. I've been a member for a few weeks and have already lost 9 pounds. I count only my calories. I have two boys who are on high calorie diets to help them gain weight (they're 6 and 4 and are VERY small) so, as opposed to cooking seperate meals for me and my boys, I make one meal, and pay attention…
  • If you're using the Minute Rice, try adding a little bit extra water, like...maybe a couple tbls. and boil it a little before taking it off the heat. Just a minute or so. If that doesn't work...I don't know what to tell ya. Goodluck though! ALC
  • I made pizza the other day. The calories for one whole pizza with 1/4 cup mozzerela, 2 tbs. Olives, 2 tbs pizza sauce was only like 520 Calories. I bought premade crust at wal-mart, it was in the isle that has the refried beans, and hot sauce and all that... may be different at your store. Anyway, the pizza was a little…
  • Okay, my main excercises are walking, and this Tae Bo video (Which doesn't really do much for me because I have NO balance). I don't have a treadmill or any other type of excercise equipment, nor does my house have stairs. There are a lot of days where I can't get out to walk because of rain, or Tornado Watches, stuff like…
  • Why, Thank you Dave! :happy: .Alright...I'm signing out. I REALLY need to clean... again...:grumble: ALC Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I feel ya there! It sucks! It makes me so stinking angry! ALC Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Howdy! :happy: How goes it? Created by - Calorie Counter