Over 200 club week 6



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I have 60 jj down for the day. Hopefully I will be able to do 50 more before night fall, so that I can keep up with what I did yesterday. Sunday is my day of rest. May take a leisurley walk after dinner but typically I give myself Sunday's to rest.

    Okay, I am quoting myself. Earlier I was bragging and said I was going to do 50 more before bed. Well I was taking a walk this evening and stepped into a small hole. I fell:sick: In addition to the severe damage I caused my pride:sad: I was at a park when this happend, I also hurt my wrist and my shin. I will not be doing 50 more jj I am sticking with the 60 jjs I did earlier and I won't be bragging anymore. I tend to find a way to be humbled. Children help with this humbling process, My 15 yr old child very sympathetically(cracking up:laugh: ) helped me up and asked if I was okay.
    Ouch sorry you got hurt!! I hope you and your pride are feeling better today!!HAPPY EASTER!!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you, I am feeling better, my shin is still sore but I am still exercising. Haven't tried my jjs yet but I plan to right after I am done here. So far for the week I am up to 170 jjs.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have 60 jj down for the day. Hopefully I will be able to do 50 more before night fall, so that I can keep up with what I did yesterday. Sunday is my day of rest. May take a leisurley walk after dinner but typically I give myself Sunday's to rest.

    Okay, I am quoting myself. Earlier I was bragging and said I was going to do 50 more before bed. Well I was taking a walk this evening and stepped into a small hole. I fell:sick: In addition to the severe damage I caused my pride:sad: I was at a park when this happend, I also hurt my wrist and my shin. I will not be doing 50 more jj I am sticking with the 60 jjs I did earlier and I won't be bragging anymore. I tend to find a way to be humbled. Children help with this humbling process, My 15 yr old child very sympathetically(cracking up:laugh: ) helped me up and asked if I was okay.
    Ouch sorry you got hurt!! I hope you and your pride are feeling better today!!HAPPY EASTER!!:flowerforyou:

    Thank you, I am feeling better, my shin is still sore but I am still exercising. Haven't tried my jjs yet but I plan to right after I am done here. So far for the week I am up to 170 jjs.
    Great job bouncing back!!:flowerforyou:
  • purrrr
    purrrr Posts: 1,073
    50 jj's today, i think i actually prefer push-ups to them :laugh:
  • jocelynnbug
    jocelynnbug Posts: 78 Member
    no jumping jacks for me so far.
    I was flu sick all last week so I have been trying to make it up, than today my husband needed me to run something up to him at his work when i got off at 4 so finally at 530 i hit the gym until 7 than just ate subway yum yum.......anyways i will try to get some in but when you can't exercise for a week it was at least 5x harder to do my regular gym work out than it was before......if i get a tiny bit of energy back i will do some i'm crossing my fingers for that :wink:

    good luck
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    I am totally impressed with how many jjs everyone here is doing. I went walking around the lake last night and was too tired afterwards to do any. Hopefully tonight will be better and I'll get a few in. WTG everyone!!
  • Amber42803
    Amber42803 Posts: 143
    I did JJ's tonight, but I only squeezed out 27 because my breasts were... hurting me. I don't have a Sports Bra right now - - - gotta wait till pay day :grumble: So I had to stop...it was hurting WAAAAY too much. Well, anyway, I'm outta here for tonight. Peace love and all that stuff!


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  • RNLeslie
    RNLeslie Posts: 150
    Ugh, my boobs are way too huge for jumping jacks! Ouch ouch! And I'm wearing 2 bras right now, one of which is a sports bra. Jeez I can't wait to lose some fat from these things! :sad:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    WTG everyone on this weeks challenge so far.You guys are doing so GREAT!! Keep up the great work guys:flowerforyou:
  • Amber42803
    Amber42803 Posts: 143
    Ugh, my boobs are way too huge for jumping jacks! Ouch ouch! And I'm wearing 2 bras right now, one of which is a sports bra. Jeez I can't wait to lose some fat from these things! :sad:

    I feel ya there! It sucks! It makes me so stinking angry!


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  • RNLeslie
    RNLeslie Posts: 150
    Ugh, my boobs are way too huge for jumping jacks! Ouch ouch! And I'm wearing 2 bras right now, one of which is a sports bra. Jeez I can't wait to lose some fat from these things! :sad:

    I feel ya there! It sucks! It makes me so stinking angry!


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    I think no amount of bras could keep my girls from bouncing right now! But at least I'm a little glad that I'm not the only one with this "problem." Lol. You know how many people wish they had a little of what we do? Ah.... the grass is always greener I suppose...
  • jocelynnbug
    jocelynnbug Posts: 78 Member
    i've been getting very frustrated lately, I am a scale addict not going to lie so i weighed myself this morning and i havent lost anything and i have been exercising like crazy, and not eating bad at all staying within my calories completely no cheating at all i'm so frustrated i hate it. I always try to look at how i feel and look rather than focusing all on the scale but it is still very hard to stay motivated does anyone understand how i feel
  • Amber42803
    Amber42803 Posts: 143
    Totally get it! You have to remember that, the easiest part of the weight at the begining is water weight. Which once you start eating healthy and excercising is easy to get rid of, once you get past that, it gets harder and harder to peel the pounds. Try increasing your excercise routine a little, if you've been doing the same sort of thing, your body may be trying to tell you it's time for a change. Goodluck. :flowerforyou:


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  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    i've been getting very frustrated lately, I am a scale addict not going to lie so i weighed myself this morning and i havent lost anything and i have been exercising like crazy, and not eating bad at all staying within my calories completely no cheating at all i'm so frustrated i hate it. I always try to look at how i feel and look rather than focusing all on the scale but it is still very hard to stay motivated does anyone understand how i feel

    Hi my name is Ashley and I am a scale addict too! I weigh myself almost every morning. My weighin that counts most to me is my wednesday one ad that is the day I chose and log into mfp. I also weigh fridays to post here. Are you drinking your water and watching your sodium? I know that stuff really affects me. I only get a good work out at the gym in 2-3 .times a week. I know that my weight is always up the day after. Not sure what causes it. I would just stick with it and the weight will start moving again. The scale just started moving again for me after a 3-4 week plateau. Another thing that I have heard worked for others is to mix up your calories. Maybe try eating 100-200 more for a day or two. Just stick with it
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    i've been getting very frustrated lately, I am a scale addict not going to lie so i weighed myself this morning and i havent lost anything and i have been exercising like crazy, and not eating bad at all staying within my calories completely no cheating at all i'm so frustrated i hate it. I always try to look at how i feel and look rather than focusing all on the scale but it is still very hard to stay motivated does anyone understand how i feel

    I know everyone say's this but it is true. You also have to reallize that muscle weighs more than fat. (and looks nicer) Check your measurements. I was feeling real down last week because I only lost 1/2 pound. But then I check my measurements and a lot has come off. Stay motivated. Remember you have done so well this far and take it one day at a time. keep up the good work, I know you can do it.:flowerforyou:
  • jocelynnbug
    jocelynnbug Posts: 78 Member
    thanks everyone, i know i have measured myself and nothing off my hips in 2 weeks and 1 inch off my waist, i weighed myself today and i lost 1 pound better than nothing but it is just very frustrating to not see anything on the scale even though i know that i shouldn't be focusing on that it really is hard,

    To tell everyone the truth i use to rarely exercise like once a week if that. My husband and I bought gym memberships we always went together at the beginning of the year but after 3 weeks he stopped going so that made me not want to go so i could spend time with him. I finally realized that whether he went or not i need to work out, the first week i went to the gym for a little over a hour 3 days and than did my FiRM video for 2 days, than last week i had the flu so monday i did my FiRM video but the rest of the week i couldn't exercise and i lost a pound.

    This week i went to the gym Mon, Tues for an hour and a half each and tues, and wednesday i did my Firm video so thats what made me so mad even though i know better you guys know how it is right?

    You say as long as i look good and inches are coming off, you feel really great again, starting to feel sexy again, than you go to the scale knowing you lost weight and nothing.

    sorry wanted to vent and explain what made me so frustrated with not loosing anything and than this morning it said i lost 1 pound who knows if that is a real pound because i took the day off yesterday to let my body recover.

    thank you to everyone who wrote responses and i will keep everything in mind and take your ideas to boost my weight lose again :drinker:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    ok so this is kinda pathetic. I only did 3 jumping jacks all week. I was in a car accident about 9 years ago and some reptitive movements really hurt my right knee. Jumping jacks was one of them. I hope as I lose some more weight and strengthen and tone my body this knee will get better. Anyways 1.6lb weight loss for the week.

    jocelynnbug~hang in there the scale will keep moving. Just keep eating right and drinking your water and keep moving. Your body will catch up with your changes. 1 lb is awesome that is one lb you will never see again.

    Momma2four~way to go on the inches lost.

    Good luck everyone today with your weighin.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Check in day. Jumping Jacks for the week 210 : Weight Lost 3 lbs. Good Luck everyone and Good job so far
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    ok so this is kinda pathetic. I only did 3 jumping jacks all week. I was in a car accident about 9 years ago and some reptitive movements really hurt my right knee. Jumping jacks was one of them. I hope as I lose some more weight and strengthen and tone my body this knee will get better. Anyways 1.6lb weight loss for the week.

    jocelynnbug~hang in there the scale will keep moving. Just keep eating right and drinking your water and keep moving. Your body will catch up with your changes. 1 lb is awesome that is one lb you will never see again.

    Momma2four~way to go on the inches lost.

    Good luck everyone today with your weighin.

    It is not pathetic, if it hurts and it is an old injury it is not good to do until your body is ready. You did the right thing. Good Job on the weight loss this week.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    i've been getting very frustrated lately, I am a scale addict not going to lie so i weighed myself this morning and i havent lost anything and i have been exercising like crazy, and not eating bad at all staying within my calories completely no cheating at all i'm so frustrated i hate it. I always try to look at how i feel and look rather than focusing all on the scale but it is still very hard to stay motivated does anyone understand how i feel
    I am right there with you on being obsessed with the freakin scale.I wanna pitch the thing this week.I have even beeen on a liquid diet this week because I can't chew anything because my wisdom teeth hurt and I am hoping I will get them pulled soon and when I do I will be on a liquid diet for another 2 weeks after having them pulled.So all in all I am going to be on a liquid diet for another freaking month and the scales still haven't budged anymore.:cry::cry: So depressing you would think the weight would fall off but no still the same.So my weigh in today was nothing.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awestfall, do not be discouraged. You are working so hard. Your wisdom teeth may have a bit of an infection which will mess your whole system up. As soon as this is taken care of you will feel better. My sympathy for you though. tooth pain is the worse.