my love for pizza and pasta

sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
I CRAVE both pasta and pizza constantly, and haven't been able to find a low-cal solution to curb the cravings. I control myself for a while, but eventually I give in and "fall off the wagon". Any suggestions of food items that curb the cravings for tons of carbs?


  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    I CRAVE both pasta and pizza constantly, and haven't been able to find a low-cal solution to curb the cravings. I control myself for a while, but eventually I give in and "fall off the wagon". Any suggestions of food items that curb the cravings for tons of carbs?
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    well this may be just me, but when i want pizza or pasta, i eat them! i exercise to make sure i have the calories and i will eat them with a big salad, i eat the salad first , then i only eat a slice or 2 of pizza. or a small amount of pasta, or if i'm making pasta i just make lots of veggies with it and put more of those on my plate.

    you can still eat the things you love, just do it in moderation, and make sure you exercise & drink your water. i havent cut anything out of my diet so far and i've lost 8 lbs since the beginning of march with exercising, eating in moderation, and drinking water.

    good luck, i know i'm not that experienced, but i've learned a lot in the short time i've been on this site. I really believe anyone can do this!!
  • leann_m_olson
    leann_m_olson Posts: 363 Member
    I had a delicious calzone for lunch today, i knew it would be alot of calories turns out 840 and it was just cheese, green peppers, & onions, luckily i had water with it and then for dinner i only ate 300 calories. I also ran 30 minutes in the morning and took my dog for a 20 minute walk after work, so i was still able to stay within my calorie allowance. I actually still have some calories left for a snack now.:happy:
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    I agree that you shouldn't completely deprive yourself of what you love - just make it up with eating even healthier the rest of the day or by getting a killer workout. Ever try whole weat pasta? Some brands are better than others so try a couple if you haven't already!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I CRAVE both pasta and pizza constantly, and haven't been able to find a low-cal solution to curb the cravings. I control myself for a while, but eventually I give in and "fall off the wagon". Any suggestions of food items that curb the cravings for tons of carbs?

    the tough love answer?

    you wanna lose weight somewhat quickly ...gotta cut the pasta and pizza...

    the moderation argument didnt work for me at first

    your body is gonna go thru a big change getting away from the carb fests and it is just plain tough

    I went to a higher protein diet when I cut carbs and that helped alot

    protein shakes helped me

    chewing on celery and cabbage

    it is tough changing away from high carb crap......but it is worth it

    look at the abs diet...great book...its on the web

    good luck

    good luck
  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
    I have that same problem. It seems to me that the more proteins I eat, the less carb cravings that I have. There are so many "no fat" chips out there now, so that helps me too. I do count my chips...:laugh: which is crazy for someone that could eat an entire bag at one time! Good luck!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I agree with Kel. you can eat whatever, just portion control!!!! workout so you're earning extra calories on the day you want to have those foods that you tend to overeat. then log them, and you'll be fine!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    I do eat whole wheat pasta, and it does fill me up quicker than regular, although it is the same amount of calories (but I eat less of it, generally). I have a really hard time controlling portions when I really want something, so I try to fill up on other foods during the day. But, like I said I eventually cave and eat a lot of whatever it is I am craving.

    I also have never bought into the idea that if I work out on a day that I am going to eat a lot, that it is ok. I am working out to lose weight, so if I eat more too.... I feel like I will at best maintain. Is this not true as long as I am staying within my calories on MFP? Do other people have experience working out, eating all of their allotted MFP calories, and still losing weight?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I do eat whole wheat pasta, and it does fill me up quicker than regular, although it is the same amount of calories (but I eat less of it, generally). I have a really hard time controlling portions when I really want something, so I try to fill up on other foods during the day. But, like I said I eventually cave and eat a lot of whatever it is I am craving.

    I also have never bought into the idea that if I work out on a day that I am going to eat a lot, that it is ok. I am working out to lose weight, so if I eat more too.... I feel like I will at best maintain. Is this not true as long as I am staying within my calories on MFP? Do other people have experience working out, eating all of their allotted MFP calories, and still losing weight?

    uh oh

    I am out of here

    someone show her the links
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    this is like a record, for one day, number of exercise calorie discussions- seventy-six!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Depending on your exercise more carbs might not be a big deal. runners for example SHOULD eat more carbs than their non running peers.

    DAve is a no nonsense kind of guy and he has a lot of good points but we don't want lucky to shut it down. Even Tam stated that she ate huge bowls of pasta on her big workout days sometimes. You can work it into your "diet" but think of it as a side dish not the main course :drinker:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    sudzie: please check out these links...

    we aren't making fun of you, we often hear this question, and today it has come up a LOT. more than usual. and Dave and I have been in most of the conversations when it turns into the great "exercise calorie" debate.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    My school of thought?
    If you deprive yourself of things you love, you will fail. End of story.

    If you want something to get fit quick, then feel free. But what about afterwards when you hit your goal? Think you can really go the rest of your life without eating pizza or pasta? I doubt it. Don't treat it like a fad, try to find ways to fit things you like into your new lifestyle. If you can't, then find ways to make your current lifestyle healthier. Its all compromise.

    For instance, spaghetti sauce, even canned, isn't that bad for you at all. Eat a true serving of whole wheat pasta, which is usually 3/4th cup to 1 cup. Usually there are 7 servings in a box. Get a serving, put the rest in a dish and put it in the fridge, then eat.

    If you want pizza, make it yourself. Pizza dough is incredibly easy to make. If you're near a Papa John's order a whole wheat crust pizza. 2 slices, even regular pizza, is NOT bad for you.

    You have to find ways to make your lifestyle healthy and compromise. If you try to give up everything you care about, it'll explode in your face.

    And most likely your waist too.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    DAve is a no nonsense kind of guy and he has a lot of good points but we don't want lucky to shut it down.

    GASP! I have never, would never, I am just so shocked that you could say such a thing....

    who do you think I am, the threadlocker?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I CRAVE both pasta and pizza constantly, and haven't been able to find a low-cal solution to curb the cravings. I control myself for a while, but eventually I give in and "fall off the wagon". Any suggestions of food items that curb the cravings for tons of carbs?

    Stuffed whole wheat pita me and I will give you the recipe! Taste just like the real thing and 1 entire personal pizza is 360 cals!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Also, check out Kashi personal pizzas. They're REALLY good, and good for you!
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    thanks for all the help guys!
  • avr1321
    avr1321 Posts: 96
    i have a weakness for pizza too. sometimes i just feel the need to order a big greasy mess of take out pizza. But when I don't want to have those calories but need my pizza i love thin crust kashi pizza. It's very good, and if your careful with the portions it isn't many calories. i love it.
  • Amber42803
    Amber42803 Posts: 143
    I made pizza the other day. The calories for one whole pizza with 1/4 cup mozzerela, 2 tbs. Olives, 2 tbs pizza sauce was only like 520 Calories. I bought premade crust at wal-mart, it was in the isle that has the refried beans, and hot sauce and all that... may be different at your store. Anyway, the pizza was a little smaller than a dinner plate and was sooo yummy! It's good for a dinner! Just make sure to plan for it. AND to top it all off, the kids LOVE it! That's what I do for my cravings for pizza. Pasta...I wish I could help ya there. I don't eat a whole lot of that, unless it's that whole grain pasta, no sauce, just the pasta by itself. Good luck, hope the pizza helps!


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  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Carbs are the bane of my existance. I :heart: bread and pasta so much but it does nothing for my weight loss at all. This week I decided to really limit my intake of it and see if it's the reason for my sloooooooow loss. I'm sure it is. We'll see on Friday.