BrianSharpe Member


  • As a rule of thumb walking burns an additional 30 calories per hundred pounds of body weight per mile walked so a 200 lb person walking 1.6 miles could reasonably expect to burn (net) 100 cal. Cycling OTH is insanely efficient mechanically and your weight has less of an impact. Cycling is one of those activities where to…
  • Are you tensing up when you run? Try keeping your arms and shoulders really loose and relaxed and that may help. If it continues and your doctor can't pinpoint it ask for a referral to sports medicine doctor, a lot of GPs don't have a great deal of experience with sports injuries (good example....years ago I got some…
  • 30 min indoor rowing this morning and it's leg day when I go to the gym at lunch.
  • Assuming that you approach your training in a sensible manner and set you goal to being "finish with a smile" and that you have no other underlying health issues then, yes, going from zero to a marathon is achievable. Don't let the incentive a bigger donation for a faster finish time cloud your judgement. (Most new runners…
  • Overhead presses are my kryponite due to a shoulder injury I got a few years ago, love bench presses and squats. Overall though pull day is my favourite .
  • The first step is always the hardest. Focus on what you can do and build from that. 5 minutes may no sound like much but when I was a highly accomplished couch potato that probably would have killed me. While it's much lower intensity consider spending some time walking at a comfortable pace on the treadmill or riding one…
  • I used to run outside all year round but fell on the ice a few years ago and found out that I don't bounce as well as I used to.
  • Sadly there is no way to spot reduce. Just keep working on your core and losing body fat, to get really visible abs your % of body fat has to be around 10%. The only way I'll ever get a 6 pack is going to the store...
  • FWIW we have snow in the forecast over, at least, the next week. It's been a reasonably mild winter but we've had a lot of snow and I'm ready for spring to arrive. I want to get outside running again (I've turned into a wimp, I used to run outside all winter) and riding my bike.
  • It sounds to me that you just haven't found an activity that you love doing. Exercise for the sake of exercise can turn it into a chore. Exercise with a goal 9other than weight loss) in mind can make it play again.
  • Sounds like you're one of the luck ones. We had covid over Christmas 2021 and while the symptoms were mild and only lasted a few days it took me a while to get back to normal in respect to workouts. While I generally felt fine my energy levels weren't what they normally are. I actually felt worse with a chest cold I caught…
  • Not always the case, I have a client who's a competitive power lifter and at 105kg his best squat is 285 kg. and he looks more like an Olympic lifter but places well in international competition.
  • Just out of curiosity what app are you using? If you're looking for a really simple to follow plan have a look at Stronglifts 5 x 5, the program is literally 5 compound lifts broken up to an A workout (squat, bench, row) and B workout (squat, overhead press, deadlift) with the focus being pure strength gains. My only…
  • I've been running pretty consistently now for close to 15 years (did my first every 5K race in 2009) but when I started running I could barely make it around the block without wishing for death. When I ran my first 5K I had trained mostly on the treadmill so I had terrible shin splints by about the 3rd km but managed to…
  • I admire your loyalty to your LBS but it also sounds like getting the Cannondale will be settling. Unless you're one of those lucky people with a bottomless bank account you're going to have a relationship with the bike for quite a few years so I'm pretty sure you don't want anything but the Pinarello. Could you wait for…
  • Planet Fitness is the gym that everyone loves to hate but there's one close to my office and it's cheap (I have my barbell, plates & rack at home for the heavier lifting). In their favour they tend to have a good variety of well maintained equipment and many of the locations are open 24 hours a day. On the downside they're…
  • Half marathon is my favourite distance. Are you following an actual training plan? (Hal Higdon has them for every level of runner free on his web site). The single most important training tip I can offer is to be consistent (you want to be running at least 3 x weekly, preferably 4), don't try to ramp up your training…
  • It's really a matter of personal preference. I tend to exercise fasted in the morning because I don't like the feeling of a full stomach when working out. For a casual stroll such as walking the dogs I'm good either way.
  • Have you checked out the C2 Workout of the Day? You can subscribe through the online logbook and they'll email you a variety of workouts. A bit off topic, are you participating in the C@ virtual team challenge? Here at MFP we have a team call Stravarians that could use all the metres we can get looged.
  • Typically I'll get 4-500 miles out of a pair before they're relegated to being dog walking shoes. One of my running heroes, Ed Whitlock (who ran a sub 4 hr marathon at 85), ran in the same shoes for about 25 years (not that I'm recommending copying that).
  • My atrocious's Stravarians. Mea culpa.....
  • Hi Ann, it's a total metres thing so they all help!
  • 3 workouts a week won't prepare you for a bodybuilding competition but can be enough to make significant strength gains. There are a variety of programs and approaches you can take, personally I'm doing a push-pull-legs split but it's a matter of finding what works fr you (I stared off using Stronglifts 5 x 5 for its…
  • Doing back to back squats doesn't really allow for enough recovery time, especially as the weights get heavier. Personally I found squatting 3 x weekly was a problem when I was training for longer runs too. If you consider that someone doing a push/pull/legs type of split would be squatting 2 x weekly if they were training…
  • There's probably a couple of things at play, one of them being cold tolerance. If you've not lived in a cooler climate for a few years there's definitely an adjustment. Second thing is clothing, I live in a place where we have extremes at both ends of the range. It occasionally hits -40C here in winter and will…
  • Without knowing more about your actual routine and your goals it's hard to be specific but if you're doing reasonably intense workouts 5 or 6 days a week part of your problem may also be lack of recovery time. It sounds counterintuitive but your muscles need time between hard workouts, that's why you'll see people doing…
  • There are no stupid questions.... All other things being equal you would expend a similar number of calories whether it's in one 60 minute session or split up into shorter rides and I agree that you may actually be able to ride at a higher intensity by splitting them up which would also be good.
  • Another Hal Higdon fan here. If you have enough time between now and race day I'd suggest doing a 10K if there's one that fits your schedule. There's a huge difference between a 5K and a half-marathon (personally I prefer half-marathon pacing, 5Ks can be insanely intense) and a 10K is a nice intermediate step both in terms…
  • Another vote in favour of seeing the physiotherapist. How long have you been running for? Has there been a significant increase in distances recently? Are you cross training? (Swimming, biking, strength training, rowing etc?) One of the things that I've found as I get older (I'm a decrepit 66) is that I have to make sure…