

  • While my husband and I are no longer TTC, we did do the whole fertility treatment thing. Clomid, IUI's, IVF's, FET's, acupuncture, the whole nine yards. After 5 ART treatments resulting in one miscarriage and no babies we've moved on to adoption. Fertility meds can do a number on your bodies so good for you for losing…
  • BUMP Only 3 days left till the challenge begins!
  • I wish MFP had a visual chart like you described. I think that would really help in terms of putting things into perspective. Like I remember my starting weight but I don't remember what my starting measurements were. I know that I've lost an inch or two but I can't recall how much. It would be nice to visualize that over…
  • Sumo wrestlers eat their largest meal immediately before going to bed, so the food will be stored as fat instead of used as energy during the day. Google it. I think a small snack before bed is fine, just don't eat a huge meal and go right to bed.
  • When I first started MFP I just focused on the calories. But lately I've been trying to keep my carbs under 115 grams a day and so far it's been working well. I eat wheat bread and try not to eat too much starchy food like corn and potatoes but I don't beat myself up when I do. For example, today I'm having clam chowder…
  • Just cave and have an extra snack. I find myself experiencing this every 4 or 5 days. I call it my Starving Day. In fact, I'm having one today! Where it seems like the normal food you usually eat just isn't enough. So I have an extra snack or a piece of chocolate or something to just make the hunger go away. I don't feel…
  • So close to being under 200!! Starting Weight – 204.8 lbs. (Thursday 1st March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.2 lbs Week 1 –204.0 lbs. and .4 % lost (Thursday 8th March) Week 2 - 202.8 lbs. and 1.0 % lost (Thursday 15th March) Week 3 - 201.8 lbs. and 1.5 % lost (Thursday 22th March) Week 4 - 200.6 lbs. and 2.1 % lost (Thursday 29th…
  • I traded my piece of chocolate for some celery sticks and peanut butter. I'm over by about 4 grams but that's not too bad, and I'm still under on calories! Only 18 to spare :)
  • I used this article to change what kinds of fruits I eat. I've cut out fruit like grapes (my fave!) and bananas and traded them for fruits like blackberries, canteloupe and strawberries. I try to stick under 115g of carbs a day. You can check out my diary if you like. I've only been doing the low carb thing for a couple…
  • Today is actually my 5th weigh-in day. I've lost 7.2 lbs which averages to about 1.5 lbs a week. I was originally setting my calories for a 2 lb a week loss but I recently reduced it to 1.5 lbs. The first two weeks I lost over 2 lbs each week, now it's coming off more slowly. Its frustrating considering I supposedly have a…
  • Definitely not going to hit my 4% this month but we'll see how far I do get! Starting Weight – 204.8 lbs. (Thursday 1st March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.2 lbs Week 1 –204.0 lbs. and .4 % lost (Thursday 8th March) Week 2 - 202.8 lbs. and 1.0 % lost (Thursday 15th March) Week 3 - 201.8 lbs. and 1.5 % lost (Thursday 22th March)…
  • I've had cuy (guinea pig) in Peru. Hated it, the skin was too rubbery and he was served to me....whole. With the head and little feet and everything. We're going back in a few months and I'm hoping to try piranha and *maybe* a grub, only if it's grilled with a little seasoning. Also tried the black pudding (blood sausage)…
  • That's way less than a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich, and MUCH cheaper!!! I saw a 6-pack of Skinny Cows on sale at the supermarket for over $5
  • Never tried this. I've always been afraid to freeze my fruit for fear that they would turn to mush
  • When I was in college, going for an education degree, I'd do a project with my little ones. We'd put the Cool Whip in a ziploc bag with two different colors of food coloring. They would squish around the Cool Whip until it made a new color. This is how I taught them about primary and secondary colors. Then we would use the…
  • Thanks for the info. While I haven't hit a plateau yet, now I feel well prepared for when it does happen. One question though: is a plateau generally defined as 3 weeks or more of little to no weight loss? For example, if you don't lose for 2 weeks, should you keep doing your regular routine till the 3rd week of no results…
  • Awesome idea!!! Chocolate graham crackers would make it even better!!!!!
  • I'm going to try this but I know I'll probably give in a use a little ranch dressing on it :D
  • OMG my husband's going to die when he sees this recipe. All of his favorite foods!! Is it spicy though? I'm a little sensitive to spicy foods so I tend to stay away from things like jalapenos
  • Much better this week but I'm still lagging if I want to hit 4% by the end of the month Starting Weight – 204.8 lbs. (Thursday 1st March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.2 lbs Week 1 –204.0 lbs. and .4 % lost (Thursday 8th March) Week 2 - 202.8 lbs. and 1.0 % lost (Thursday 15th March) Week 3 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 22th…
  • Blackberries and string cheese for me
  • I just use MFP's estimation but I too wondered about this. On WW you can select when you did light, moderate or vigorous exercise. Here you just have "Elliptical Trainer", how can MFP know how hard you worked out? That's why I only eat back about half my exercise calories, just in case the calculations are off.
  • My husband and I are losing weight together. He's 6'4", about 226 pounds and wants to get down to 200 like you. His calorie intake for a 2lb-a-week loss is about 1880 and sometimes he struggles to eat all those calories, sometimes he doesn't. He eats cereal for breakfast, two sandwiches for lunch with pickles and we eat…
  • In the beginning I used to drink lots of water to taper the hunger I felt from my new lifestyle (I hate the word diet). But now that I no longer feel hungry all the time and I'm getting used to the 1,200 calories a day I find myself drinking less water. I think that's part of the reason why I decreased my water…
  • Didn't do as well as I had hoped but there's still 3 weeks left! Starting Weight – 204.8 lbs. (Thursday 1st March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.2 lbs Week 1 –204.0 lbs. and .4 % lost (Thursday 8th March) Week 2 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 15th March) Week 3 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 22th March) Week 4 - xxx lbs.…
  • Yea my husband and I tend to split up when we get to the gym and we go do our own thing but it's nice to still be able to spend time together and discuss how we feel afterwards. And he motivates me to get there in the first place on the days I'm feeling less than energetic
  • My husband and I decided to join together after I hit my all-time high weight of 209 lbs. I have so many regrets from being fat these past 8 years. I couldn't climb Machu Picchu when I went with my husband in 2008, I have so few pictures of myself so it was a chore trying to put together our adoption profile, I rarely go…
  • I chose to lose 2 lbs a week and was assigned 1200 calories a day. But that's the minimum you should eat and if I ate that then accordig to MFP I'd actually only lose 1.8 pounds because it wouldn't let me go lower. But it's definitely been working for me. I've lost 4.6 pounds in just two weeks. At first I was only eating…
  • I would always talk my husband out of the gym too and he was too nice to argue (or too lazy). But this time around I told him that no matter what my excuse is, we MUST go to the gym three times a week! And so far it's been working. I think the calorie counter is what's helping us the most
  • My husband is in the military so he's used to the running part. I, on the other hand, hate to run! But he can get on the treadmill and run off 600+ calories in the same amount of time it takes me to huff and puff on the elliptical trainer and only burn 300. He really enjoyed his Coke addiction till he started logging the…