what was your wake up call?



  • triplejay1
    triplejay1 Posts: 84 Member
    I was laid off from my job in Jan of 2011, i was on unemployment for almost a year, all i did was sit on the couch and apply for jobs via the internet, then in Dec i finally got an interview, for the first time i realised i couldnt ware any of my clothes, i got on the scale and realised i weight 30 pounds heaver than the year before, i got scared, i never thought i would get obeise (sp?), just thought i was alittle overweight until then, Jan 1st i made i started on my diet, i didnt really have much success until i started calorie counting with MPF on Jan 15th, since then i have lost 28 pounds :)
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    When I woke up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    Mine is I am diagnosed at prediabetic right now. And I have high blood pressure. And I have two kids (fourth graders) and a loving husband that I am not ready to leave yet. On top of the fact that I am almost 100 pounds over weight is a topping on the cake, so to speak. Good luck to everyone. We ALL can do this.
  • hollymeeker
    Being diagnosed with high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. I was already diagnosed with high blood pressure a few years ago. I had to finally realize I was killing myself with my food choices.

    Finally started eating much healthier and exercising. I have a personal trainer who is wonderful and pushes me to do things I never thought possible!

    I know everyone has a story. I just want everyone to know that we can do this together! We just need to support one another along the way. :smile:
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    My wake up call came in several parts. When I moved in with my boyfriend three years ago I had dropped over 75lbs and looked great. Over the past few years almost all of it has come back. I saw what I looked like at the last family reunion and felt sick. Then everyone in the family started talking about how cute it is that he and I have both put on weight, showing that we are comfortable together. :(
    Now I can't fit into his pajama bottoms and weigh almost as much as he does, when he used to have a good 60lbs on me.
    Then finally, the plus sized catalogues a started showing up, and that was enough for me.
    Many tears and lots of beating myself up later, I've started.

    Now, I've gone Paleo to improve my health overall, have lost 13 lbs through diet and lots of cycling, and we're both training for the Seattle to Portland bike ride. My reward to myself for starting this journey was a major investment in a recumbent trike - now we can go out cycling together. He's always been very fit, but then there was me, not fit at all.

    I'm getting there, slowly, but I'm getting there, and enjoying the journey with a wonderful support system. :)
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    My first wake up call was seeing 149.5 on the scale. That may not seem like a lot to some of you, but I'm 5 feet tall and had always been 110 until I had my second baby. 149.5 was a little too close to 150 for my taste, so I cut back on some stuff (sodas, fast food, etc.) and dropped down to 135. For quite a while, I hovered in the 135-140 range and was content, until...

    I bought a Groupon for pole dance classes. It just seemed like a fun thing to do, but I wanted to lose some more weight first. Well, I never lost the weight and the expiration date was fast approaching, so I just went ahead and signed up for a class. The studio walls are completely mirrored, and I was mortified to see what my body looked like from all those different angles! If it looked that bad in shorts and a tank top, it had to be WAY worse without clothes. I came home that night embarrassed and ranted a little on facebook, where someone recommended MFP. I signed up a few nights later, and here I am, back down to my normal weight and stronger than ever!
  • Beatlegirl66
    Beatlegirl66 Posts: 68 Member
    In December seeing the box of Enntimen's chocolate donuts that I ate the night before in the trash. It just suddenly hit me that I was eating entire boxes of donuts in 10 minutes time and going to get more to eat. When was it going to stop?

    Then I saw a news report on one of my best friends who lost over 100 pounds last year. We used to over-eat together and had similar issues. I figured if she could do it then so could I.
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I didn't have a wake up call, per se. I've felt like I was heavy since I was nine years old, so I've never known what it's like to be a slim adult. I probably grew to accept it as fact on some level. However, my weight stops me from doing things that I'd like to do, and makes my social anxiety even worse. I've seen pictures of myself, and they are not even a little bit flattering. I got tired of seeing my weight continue to go up, and up, and up. I want to live a long, happy, and healthy life. I want my boyfriend to be able to pick me up and spin me around, no problem. I don't want to be afraid to try something just because of my weight, and I don't want to be a fat bride (if that day ever comes). So, no wake up call...just a decision to live a better life. :)
  • spudman1232
    Doc thought I might have Lou Gehrig's disease.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    I had already joined MFP and then restarted MFP. Last night I decided to take my "Before" pictures that I would post once I lost 50 pounds. They are awful - I didn't really have any idea of how bad I looked. I had a real wake up call!
  • Enonoid
    Enonoid Posts: 136 Member
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Having to buy what I call a "mom" bathing suit for my daughter's second birthday party. At that point I realized the whole "baby" fat excuse wouldn't cut it anymore and it was time to get my butt in gear. Then I started looking at pictures and comparing them to before I had kids and noticed the double chin, tight clothes, etc. I want to feel good about myself again. I want my husband to have a hot wife again and I want my kids to have a beautiful and HEALTHY mommy. I want to be a good example to them as they grow up.

    Most of all, I want to feel as good as I know I can and have before!
  • jacy8907
    jacy8907 Posts: 2
    My wake up call was realizing that I had gained back 30 of the 60 lbs I had lost three years ago, and that at 23 I was relying on 2-3 mountian dew's a day then sleeping pills at night to keep me going...that at 23 I didn't have the energy to do anything that I wanted, and that I would rather spend a friday or saturday at home than out with friends...I didn't feel good about myself, i hated my body...and I couldnt do that any more. So..I cut out pop completly, and started eating about 75% clean....i allow myself a treat every now and then, but it is something small, like 2 or 3 hersheys kisses, or a cookie...i would have never been able to do that before, 2 kisses ould be 20, a cookie would be 3 or 4...i am just starting out with my journey, but i already feel healthier, stronger, and have more energy that before.
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    Mine was in parts - photographs or lack there of bothered me. The birth of my daughter also reminded me that I had to be around for a long time so that I could be there for her!

    As of most recently, I was diagnosed with gallstones and it was in part due to my diet. The flareups are caused by eating poorly so I realized that in order to avoid more pain and have a healthy surgery/recovery when that time comes. It has been like electro-shock therapy - i really avoid lots of foods now that I shouldn't be eating anyway so it's been a HUGE motivation to stay on track!
  • TiltingAtWindmills
    TiltingAtWindmills Posts: 44 Member
    My doctor. At my first visit with my new doctor, she minced no words when telling me that she thought I should lose weight and start exercising that very day. I'm not fat/heavy, but after a few months of feeling angry at her, I decided that her lack of tact didn't make her wrong. I was at the top of the normal weight range and I knew it. I wasn't in shape anymore, and I knew it. I was (and still am) carrying some tiny rolls around the stomach and bonus fat on my thighs, and yes, I knew it. I'd also failed many crash diets before, but decided to try one more time (this time with a more sensible and gradual approach). Thank goodness I found MFP this time. The website and all of you are exactly the support I needed!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Finding out I weighed 195 when I got pregnant with my second child and wearing size 16 pants.
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    When I realized my arms were starting to look like thighs. :noway:

    This made me lol, sorry!
  • cvpis4me
    cvpis4me Posts: 50
    My husband and I decided to join together after I hit my all-time high weight of 209 lbs. I have so many regrets from being fat these past 8 years. I couldn't climb Machu Picchu when I went with my husband in 2008, I have so few pictures of myself so it was a chore trying to put together our adoption profile, I rarely go to the beach for fear of having to wear a bathing suit or even shorts. I'm ready for a new life and new opportunities that an overweight body can't give me
  • ckerrcanchaser
    Fitting into my wedding dress lol. I've already bought it but we haven't made alterations to it or had an fittings yet. I want to look amazing on my wedding day and it's 6 months away. I figured I better get started!
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Walking past the mirror naked. :grumble: