what was your wake up call?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Won a sailboat race and couldnt get the nerve to let myself be in the pictures to prove it because I was so in hate with my appearance.

    I 'woke up' that day- after feeling alive for the first time in forever- and not being able to prove I was there...

    It was like I'd punished myself that way... never again. Everything changed that very day and hasnt stpped changing since
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    My son slapping my stomach and laughin at how it jiggles.


    My toddler does this!!! I feel your pain! :noway:
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I've been at this weightloss thing since my youngest was 3, she's now 10. I had lost a lot of weight to fit into a dress for my sister's wedding...I was matron-of-honor. I looked really good!!! Anyway, a third pregnancy happened then ended sadly. I went into a deep deep depression. I only recently started to come out of it...my deciding moment was when the scale showed that I was less than 10 pounds away from hitting *that* number I swore I would never allows myself to hit.

    So here I am, logging daily for the last few weeks. Staying on track. And it's going very well.
  • Ash_76
    Ash_76 Posts: 186 Member
    me and my wife got married in may 2009, in june 2009 we got the wedding album from photographer,,,,, i have to say my wife looked amazing,,,,, but i couldnt work out why she married me,,,,, i looked like a gigantic pork pie,
    every time i see a wedding pic of me it really makes me ashamed,
  • VegasKC
    VegasKC Posts: 17
    The funny thing is, it took a commercial about a Golden Retriever that couldn't fit through the doggie door and was missing out on his favorite activities to wake me up. I knew I was terribly over weight but seeing the dog do something about his problem cracked me up and hit home. Go figure.
  • VegasKC
    VegasKC Posts: 17
    I can totally relate. Not to winning a race ( ha) but the feeling. Iits awful.
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    I couldn't close the handlebar thingy on a new roller coaster that my son wanted to ride.
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    The funny thing is, it took a commercial about a Golden Retriever that couldn't fit through the doggie door and was missing out on his favorite activities to wake me up. I knew I was terribly over weight but seeing the dog do something about his problem cracked me up and hit home. Go figure.

    I love that commercial!
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    My 3 year old son poking me in my butt/thigh and asking "Mommy why you so cooshy?" then after I said it was because I was fat he asked "Mommy why you fat?"

    That was the second one, the first was my sisters wedding photos. I look huge in them. I tried last year but lost steam, this year is going to be different.
  • tgianino
    tgianino Posts: 29 Member
    I was tired of constantly thinking about losing weight, everyday I would think about it and not do anything. I have never weighed this much and I have a closet full of clothes that I kept telling myself that I would get back in them one day, now I'm on the road to fitting in those clothes again! I haven't had heartburn since I've started this and I feel 100% better!:happy:
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    Over the last 10 years I have gone from about 350 to around 200 pounds. I had gotten used to my new weight and over the last year had tried to convince myself that I was fine right where I was, but in my heart I knew that I needed to lose more in order to truly be healthy. On January 31, 2012 my mother, who had a long list of health problems, due in large part to her refusal to control her diet or her weight died from a massive stroke. She didn't have to die. If she had taken better care of herself she would still be with us. At that moment, the risks of being overweight suddenly became very real to me. Of course we all die eventually, but if there is anything that I can do to live a happier, healthier life so that I can be here for my family I will do it. You only live once, so why not make it the best it can be?

    I am very sorry for your loss :(
  • smiles4deb
    Eleven years ago, when I quit drinking and started eating, I gained 30 pounds. It took me a couple years to get it back down, but I did manage to. Two years ago, my then boyfriend, was in a motorcycle accident and I had him move in with me because he couldn't walk or take care of himself. After 4 months of taking care of him, working two jobs and taking care of my daughter, he was able to get around enough to start cooking. Since he was still off work, he would have food ready for me to eat when I got off work, and since I had been so busy before, I hadn't really been eating much or consistently, but now I was. The pounds started coming back. When we got married, We did not like the way we looked in our pics, and he was having a hard time buttoning his jeans. The worst part for me was when I put my jeans on and it looked like I was hiding an innertube in my shirt!! :noway: Our church started a weight loss bible study and I signed us up. He's dropped 14 pounds, people at his work are asking him why he's wearing such big jeans now and even though I've only lost 7 pounds, I've toned up quite a bit and I was able to rock my skinny jeans at church the other day! :glasses:
  • jcarmel
    jcarmel Posts: 30
    Ive had a weight problem for as long as I can remember! My highest ever weight was 9 years ago, at 21 years old I was 270! I made a major life change and moved from Alaska to Missouri and lost lots, down to 180! Then 2 babies later I found myself at 240...this was last April. I didn't want to go there again and I started working my butt off, loosing almost 30 pounds by the end of May! I was so dedicated, honestly I had made it to the point where it wasn't hard anymore, just something I wanted! Then on May 22nd my town got demolished by an EF5 tornado, it tore a path a mile and half wide and 13 (almost) miles long and killed 162 people. 2 of those people it killed were my Uncle & my cousin (my best friend). We searched for my uncle for a week before we found his body, during that time when we weren't digging we were at the hospital with my cousin who was fighting for his life, he died 2 days after we found my uncle... between the loss of my family and the loss of my town I became very depressed, I just didn't care anymore! Since May I gained slowly gained back every pound that I lost! The day two weeks ago when I weighed and saw that I knew it had to be over! I've lost 10 pounds now, that I remind myself every day that I don't want to ever gain back! This is it for me, I have to do this..my family didn't have a choice when they died, I do and as much as I miss them I'm not ready to be with them again!
  • Nymeria42
    Nymeria42 Posts: 21
    My wake up call was when I didn't want to do anything with family or friends because I was ashamed of the way I looked and felt. Also when used to love being active and playing sports and getting outdoors, but I couldn't do that anymore because of how outta of shape and overweight I was.
    Glad to say that I did lose 35 lbs so far and I am completely able to get out and do everything I love to do again. Great feeling!
  • Nymeria42
    Nymeria42 Posts: 21
    I was tired of constantly thinking about losing weight, everyday I would think about it and not do anything. I have never weighed this much and I have a closet full of clothes that I kept telling myself that I would get back in them one day, now I'm on the road to fitting in those clothes again! I haven't had heartburn since I've started this and I feel 100% better!:happy:

    That is so awesome about the heartburn! I was the same way! I used to have heartburn basically everyday, then I changed my diet and started eating healthy about a year ago and I haven't had heartburn since. It's so weird to think that just changing your diet would make it go away, but I am so thankful I don't get it anymore. It wasn't much fun!
  • Celtic_Queen
    I travel a LOT due to the fact that my husband and I currently have a long distance marriage. When I flew in January, I couldn't fit comfortably into the seat. I've always been smaller on top than on the bottom...AND I'm the smallest of my friend group. So this hit home...and particularly since I had just fown 2 months prior and hadn't felt this squeeze. I was mortified. Now I'm working my butt off, literally!! MFP is a phenomonal site! I'm down 14, but I find now that I'm aware of just how fat I am, I'm incredibly self conscious about how I look. Hopefully the weight loss will become noticeable soon and I won't feel so embarrassed because of how out of control I've allowed myself to get.
  • poofy7
    poofy7 Posts: 17
    my wake up call came when my beautiful aunt died from obesity related cancer. at the time i weighed 220 pounds which isn't good for a 5ft 1 inch girl. i decided to enter a 5k 'race for life' in her memory and when i told my partner and family this they laughed at me.
    you can't blame them for laughing really ...i was a uk size 22 and i couldn't run for a bus never mind a 5k race. but i'm stubborn and i wanted to prove them wrong so i started training. with the help of some motivational ipod tunes i set off running for one song and walking another, before long i was running 2 songs and then more and more. as i trained i found i ate better and for the first time in 15 years i wasn't on a 'diet'.
    6 months later i ran my first race weighing 138 pounds and by christmas that year i had dropped to 112 pounds and gone from a uk size 22 to a uk size 6.
    unfortunately i became seriously ill 2 years ago and the medication combined with generally feeling sorry for myself has seen my weight go back up a bit but i'm hoping to deal with that now as my medication is reduced and i am back in the gym regularly.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Mine was this morning@ 530am, made it to the gym txs to the wake up call-cheers-Ty
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    When I was giving my two-year old a raspberry on her tummy, she tried to pull up my shirt to do the same thing, and I reflexively slapped her hands away. She was so hurt and bewildered... I didn't meant to do it- I just don't let ANYONE see my stomach. I decided then and there if I'm that ashamed of the way I look, it's time to do something about it.
  • jjohnboy2000
    jjohnboy2000 Posts: 67 Member
    Have always had a problem with my weight, once read my doctors notes and I was clincally obese at 10! 35 years ago that was unheard of.

    Did lose a lot of weight, did a lot of cycling, life changed, marriage, daughter, divorce. Weight came back on. Had my gall bladder out last year. Op was ok but left me tender and used that as an excuse.

    Have a very good friend on here who told me about MFP and I saw their progress. So on the 8.1.12 I decided that I needed to change.

    I don't like my picture taken, but have just loaded a new one. I quite like it. Am 16 pounds lighter, want to shed another 20.