what was your wake up call?



  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    being told i might have sleep apnea...i said f that.... its on... 47 lbs later, i dont care anymore of it
  • jennykling
    jennykling Posts: 44 Member
    My sister was getting ready to have her second baby since my last baby and I wasn't about to let her loose her baby number 2 weight before I lost my baby weight. A little healthy competition is always good:)
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    My wake up call : Getting back from a vacation with the family and barely recognizing the person in the pictures! Its weird how I didn't notice it nearly as much until the evidence was there in the pics. I KNEW I was gaining, I didn't know it was THAT much! I stepped on the scale after that vacation and was 242! The highest I have ever been in my life - including pregnancies!!! THAT was my wake up call.

    Started my journey on January 7th and here I am today... 36 lbs down and as motivated as ever. I am not going to just slim down... I am DETERMINED to be FIT! :smile:
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Honestly, even though I had been working half assed on it for a few years, mine was seeing a picture of myself at thanksgiving. I had already gotten down by 142 lbs, but had stopped trying and stayed around 200 for a year, and that picture made me realize how much further I needed to go.
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    A few things triggered it for me. One was my mom being diagnosed with diabetes. I did not want to follow in her footsteps. Second was my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Third was seeing my 14 year old son follow my footsteps. He was becoming self conscious about his weight. I refused to use the word diet with a child, so we decided together to eat healthier and work out. I could not tell him to eat healthier while drinking a Dr Pepper. Now we both eat better and exercise :)
  • nora110
    nora110 Posts: 24
    It was my husband telling me how much he weighs. He is doing P90X and weighs the least he has since I've known him. I weigh 10 pounds less than he does. There used to be a good 35-40 lbs between us. The fear of weighing more than him stopped the runaway train......
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    5 years ago I was so close to 200 I wanted to cry. I dropped 25 pounds.

    January 2012 I did the body mass thing and found even though I was a size 12, at 175 pounds...not too big I thought! I was still too high, so I am working on 25 more. We'll see after that.

    Also I am turning 50 next year and I want to at least be able to put on a bathing-suit and be OK with me.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    When I realized my arms were starting to look like thighs. :noway:
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    My wake up call came in the new year when I decided enough was enough. I knew I had gained weight but had no idea how much. before I got on the scale I ordered e-diets meal delivery plan. The day it arrived, January 18, 2012, I went on the scale. imagine my horror when i saw 294.8. I got scared. I didn't think it was that much. it scared me that i was that close to 300 pounds. I was also worried about my children. I want to be around for them, even though they are 20, 18 and 15. My 15 year old has autism and needs me. My other wake up calls have been last dramatic. last year at my aunts funeral i bought a new dress and shoes and noone complimented how I looked but complimented my brothers girlfriend who is thin as a rail. another time I was at a cook out at my brothers and overheard my nephew make a comment about my weight. that really hurt.
    On the plus side I have lost 16 pounds since January 18th and I do feel a difference, even if noone has really noticed yet. I tell my father and he is my biggest supporter as is my husband. Thank you for this thread.
  • mrssturrock
    Being told that I won't ever have children if I don't lose weight. We've been trying for nearly four years.

    I have seen a lot of people being able to get pregnant after losing some weight. I had infertility too and it was devastating. I tried using HcG to lose weight and I got pregnant the next month. Losing weight with the HcG worked for me after several failed IUI's. Good luck to you!
  • rach2705
    rach2705 Posts: 107
    I had a few of them. Seeing a photo of myself at a wedding. My favourite pj pants splitting and then the gap getting bigger and bigger to accommodate my growing butt and something a very good friend of mine said. It wasn't about me but about someone he'd met. He said that she was a big girl must've been around 16 stones (220 pounds). I thought, I'm about that. And throughout this journey he's been complimenting me every step of the way and now loves the new me even more than the old one.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    Feeling panicked whenever I got a notification that someone had tagged me in a photo, because I knew how fat I was and didn't want to face it in pictures.

    Less superficially, I really want to have kids one day, and my gynecologist has told me that I'll have a better shot if I'm a healthy weight. I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was fifteen, and I've had three surgeries to treat it in seven years. I'd rather have a baby than a hysterectomy :\
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    A woman asked how far along I was and I wasn't pregnant
  • Rikib004
    Rikib004 Posts: 51
    Looking at old pics and realising that WAS ME! and also being called big lad by friends means that you've put on some weight...
  • mscarmen803
    For me it was just stepping on the scale and it was a lil over 180lbs the most I have ever weighed..I told myself I have to do something about that right now before Im over 200 lbs. with that being said here I am now.
  • mnskagirl
    Going to a sporting event and not fitting in the seats.......... then standing the whole time....... :'( Being in constant pain, because my jobs demand me to stand a lot.
  • luvlyjanny
    luvlyjanny Posts: 85 Member
    my 1st wake up call was taking a peak at my doctors screen when she was putting my weight in and seeing that my BMI was 40!! i was absolutely mortified.. i weighed 251.3 lbs :'(

    my second wake up call was not long after this... when my other half told me that he thought i needed to lose weight and that he wasnt happy with how i looked :'( i was broken hearted!!!

    8 months later i am now 57lbs lighter and two dress sizes down and very pleased with myself!! got about 50 more lbs to go and then i can stop stressing and enjoy my body :D
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    mines a little differnt to all yours. i was extremely underweight, i was anorexic (had eating problems since i was 6 - it was in no way related to image, but rather controll), its still hard, but my wake up call was my dad. he was very sick (on and off with cancers since i was 18months old), and so was i differnce was he never caused himself to be ill. he died in october and since then i have gained almost 10kgs and am at a healthy weight. i wanted a future.
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    My wake up call was when I sat down in my car and could feel the fat in my back and on my sides squish together. Also looking on a menu board and what I was consuming for breakfast thinking it "wasn't that bad" and realizing it was almost 1/2 of the calories that I needed for one day.

    After that, re-started my account here on MFP and have dropped the weight, learned to make healthier food choices while still being able to eat the things that I love.

    I didn't have a ton of weight to lose (20 lbs) and am 3 lbs from my goal, but feel so much better than I did!
  • mrssturrock
    Having my daughter and realizing that everything I learned about eating and being active I learned from my own mom. I can't let her walk my path. I want her to have a fighting chance.