Any couples out there?

My husband and I joined MFP together and are working to lose weight. I've got 49 pounds to lose, he has about 35. Unfortunately he loses the weight MUCH faster than I do, though we both plan to use MFP for the long-term and think of it more as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Still, I get a bit jealous that he gets to eat so much more food than I do and still loses weight faster! But it's great to have your spouse as a support system and gym buddy. I don't think I could be as successful as I am without him


  • MalDunc2012
    MalDunc2012 Posts: 170 Member
    My husband and I are doing this together, too. I get jealous that we do the same workouts and he burns 1.5x what I do...but it sure is a lot more fun and realistic if you've got a partner in the journey. We've really loved exploring healthy new recipes, and more than that, getting our butts off the couch and outside! You and your husband feel free to add us both--he's duncanryan. Good luck!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    My husband and I joined Memorial Day 2011. He is Underweight! I started at 230 and am at 174.
    The doctor told Ian, my husband, to gain 10 pounds. He uses MFP to try to eat back all the calories he burns and tries to gain. He goes up a few and back down. At 5'10" he is 141 pounds and looks like an anatomy diagram, you can trace every muscle.
    I have gone from size 20 to 14 so far. My goal is to reach a normal weight range for a 5'2" woman.
    Ian is 46 and I am 61!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    My hubby and I both have MFP accounts and he's very supportive of my weight loss goals. Mentally, he still hasn't reached the point of being accountable for his calories... I'm waiting for the day when he becomes a full MFP supporter and doesn't have any reason to feel bad about being overweight.

    Of course, no matter what, I love him anyway... I'd just like him to be around for a long time.:-) I've been trying to convince him to train for a 5K with me. I'm a newbie runner and he hates running (that used to be my mindset too, so I know that can change).

  • cvpis4me
    cvpis4me Posts: 50
    My husband is in the military so he's used to the running part. I, on the other hand, hate to run! But he can get on the treadmill and run off 600+ calories in the same amount of time it takes me to huff and puff on the elliptical trainer and only burn 300. He really enjoyed his Coke addiction till he started logging the calories on MFP. Now I've successfully switched him to Coke Zero or other no-calorie sodas and he limits himself to one per day, if that.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    My husband only uses the app on his iPhone, he doesn't come to the site. He doesn't like message boards and is not very social. It's a bit funny, currently we have the same calorie goal, his is to gain 1 pound a week, mine is to lose 1 pound a week.
  • ezramedic
    ezramedic Posts: 119
    My husband is on MFP - but the bad part is - he's training for a marathon, so he is using MFP to make sure he eats ENOUGH calories - on the days where he is out running for 4 hours, hes coming home and stuffing his face :-/

    But still - he's incredibly supportive, he comes to the gym with me and we go out running together (with him pushing our 3yo in the stroller!)

    I don't think I'd be as successful as I have been (26lbs down!) without his support!
  • Myles_D23
    Myles_D23 Posts: 51 Member
    My gf and are both doing MFP.
  • wolfehound22
    My wife and I are both working out, were both on MFP, but she rarely uses it, I just keep track of it for both of us. I do agree it is so much better doing it with her. It makes those moments when I don't feel like working out a lot easier. Although, she does tend to talk me out of workouts from time to time :).
  • bas1955
    bas1955 Posts: 29 Member
    My wife and I are both finding MFP to be a great way to take weight off, and to be mindful of what we are taking in. Having just posted dinner, off to the treadmill to get back in range for the day ;-)
  • cvpis4me
    cvpis4me Posts: 50
    My wife and I are both working out, were both on MFP, but she rarely uses it, I just keep track of it for both of us. I do agree it is so much better doing it with her. It makes those moments when I don't feel like working out a lot easier. Although, she does tend to talk me out of workouts from time to time :).

    I would always talk my husband out of the gym too and he was too nice to argue (or too lazy). But this time around I told him that no matter what my excuse is, we MUST go to the gym three times a week! And so far it's been working. I think the calorie counter is what's helping us the most
  • Secret_Agent_007
    My fiance and I are doing MFP together. We work out together as well. To be honest, I doubt I could do it without her. It's just great knowing that theres someone there to push you and help you prepare healthy foods. It's a lot more time consuming to eat clean and avoid sodium. Tracking is the easy part.
    And we workout 5 - 6 times per week.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    my wife and I both use mfp, and lift at the gym together. It's nice to have someone in the house that has the same goals as you.
  • lauragoat
    lauragoat Posts: 197 Member
    I had lost about 40 pounds when my husband thought he could lose too. So far, it's almost a year later and I have lost 96 pounds and he's lost almost 70 since October, 2011.

    I have been very lucky to have him on board as it makes cooking so much easier! Hell, he cooks most of the meals that we eat at home and he is doing AWESOME!
  • raindropwishes
    Yes, my fiancée and I are both on here. She has more to lose than I do, and loses weight a lot easier than I do - and I can't help but be jealous of her. That said, I love having here here - I don't think I'd ever have been able to get as far as I have without her. We keep each other motivated and on track and it's been working well for us so far :)
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    My lovemuffin and I joined together. I agree with previous posters that eating the same things and exercising together makes the lifestyle change so much easier. He got really sick when we first started (before we started logging) so he's lost almost 18 lbs and I've probably lost 5 (no scale March). We are in day 8 of exercising and are feeling more motivated every day. It's important to have support outside of the site. :D

    Edit: My mom is also on the site, she's the one who got us started here.
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    My husband and I started our journey toward a healthier life on August 1, 2011. We always believed we would reach our goals because we believed in each other. I have always had a healthy support system from my amazing husband. For the longest he was my only friend on here. Since starting MFP my husband has lost 70lbs. He wore a stretched out size 38 and is now in a size 30! He surpassed his original goal weight and has changed it since then. I have lost 79lbs and I almost weigh less then my husband! I wore a stretched out size 20 and now I wear a size 7!

    Know you can do anything you set your mind to, we promise, We're living proof! No one says it's going to be easy, but in the end it's worth it. You're worth it! Hard work, dedication, and time will get you to your end result. DON'T TRY TO 'RUSH' You have to take it one day at a time. Be glad you made the choice to start, that way when a WHOLE YEAR GOES by, you'll be thankful you did. Time flies by so fast. LOOK it's already the 6th day of the THIRD MONTH of the NEW YEAR! =)
  • bj6886
    bj6886 Posts: 60 Member
    My husband and I both use MFP. I am on this site way more. He is able to just monitor his calorie intake and lose just as much weight as I have. I watch the calories and exercise. Last week he started leaving Farmville/Facebook, ... a little early and taking a walk. He has been on board with the food changes and not eating out nearly as much. It helps to be at least in the same book.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    my wife and I both use mfp, and lift at the gym together. It's nice to have someone in the house that has the same goals as you.

    ^That's what is all about.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Yes... I couldn't do this without Javajunki's help. :)
  • javajunki
    javajunki Posts: 32
    Yes... I couldn't do this without Javajunki's help. :)
    My Dear Raevynn is my motivator. She hold me accountable, challenges and encourages me,
    and all around makes it possible for me to stay on track. We are a team here.