sradis Member


  • I've lived in NJ my whole life except for college in Boston. Currently in Somerset County, grew up in Morris County.
  • Very true. I never started training legs until I was about 24!:smile:
  • It depends on what your goals are. If you are trying to build or maintain lean muscle, nothing will do it like protein (as long as your keeping overall calories in check).
  • There is nothing wrong with making shakes and bars a regular part of your diet, as long as you balance them out with other foods. I drink a shake before my morning workout and a protein bar on the drive to work as breakfast during the week. Just make sure you chose good products: some are loaded with sugar, but with a…
  • I'd start by deciding how many days a week you want to train. Once you do that you can come up with a plan to target each of your muscle groups. Once you decide on the frequency, chose some basic exercises that you will do for each muscle group. A good place to start may be 2 to 3 sets of 10 - 15 repetitions for each…
  • Most hard alcohol is pretty low calorie, as long as you mix it with something without a ton of sugar. Flavored vodkas and sprite zero, gin and tonic, rum and diet, etc.
  • An arm workout I like is to do three different exercises with three different grips. For example, you can do 2-3 sets of bicep curls with your palms facing up (barbell, machine, or dumbell), 2-3 sets with your palms facing sideways, and 2-3 with your palms facing down. Another variation would be to change the angle you are…
    in Arms Comment by sradis March 2012
  • I'd highly recommend Bowflex SelectTech dumbbells. They are adjustable from 5 up to 52.5. They are moderately expensive, but cheaper than buying multiple sets of dumbbells for different weights you may need.
  • I noticed that you can add strength training as a cardio exercise here. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it does provide an estimate.