her4g63 Member


  • I wrote this in the success stories not too long ago. In my entire weight loss journey, never once has there been a moment where I've instantly started feeling good about myself. I truly believed that the day I hit my UGW, everything would just...fall into place and self-love would just come magically floating down around…
  • All off of CL for less than $700 total, I bought: A real nice squat rack Olympic barbell + collars 4 misc. weight bars (2 curl, 2 straight) 600lbs of weight plates Adjustable bench Variety of dumbbells After months of scrounging, I found the best deals on CL ranging from March-early June when folks wanted to get rid of…
    in Home gym Comment by her4g63 January 2017
  • Thank you all so much! There has been no other community as supportive, helpful, or inspiring as this one. Seriously. (: Somedays it's hard to believe I actually did it. But the most important thing I did was realize I'm worth my self-love regardless of what I look like. (: @Euclidus - Thank you! Writing is something I…
  • Why do folks think everyone is getting out of control upset/heated when they're simply trying to help? Is it because it goes against what they want to hear?
  • Hi Angela, I was in your shoes not too long ago (read my story here). Everyone around me was also pretty unhealthy and not interested in changing their lifestyle with me but it was important to me to do it anyway. The best advice (other than finding your TDEE and the usual initial path to "sexypants", etc.) I have is buy a…
  • I looked in the mirror every day and say the following: My self worth is not determined by my relationship with gravity or what other people's opinions are of me. There is no correlation with the vessel that takes me through life and my self love. My self worth is based on whether I'm a decent human being. And I choose to…
  • I've lost ~120lbs My story here (with photos!) My ultimate goals are: 1.) to feel good about myself and practice self-love, 2.) to be strong and love weight lifting more and more each day, and 3.) to not worry about what the scale says anymore.
  • It wasn't that long ago that I felt the same way... Just know this: You have to love yourself regardless of what your relationship with gravity is. At no point during my ~120lb weightloss journey did I get to a point of miraculously feeling tons of self-love. You're at a better point today than you were a month ago because…
  • https://www.fitbit.com/user/5D665C
  • Wisconsin (Janesville)!
  • 1.) I can get down in the garage, weld all the things, build a badass car, race the heck out of it, break it (heck yes power!), fix it, race it some more, and still look classy as all get out in a dress, and 2.) the way I'm constantly on the pursuit of knowledge. (: Though I'm also pretty partial to my sleeve tattoos so I…
  • Stanced cars (just stop it now). Celebrity anything (and just celebrities in general, basically). Big weddings (do you even get to spend time with anyone you invite?).
  • I pre-log (a week in advance) and weigh everything. It holds me accountable and then I don't have to think about doing it later on and it super helps with grocery shopping. If I eat a little more/less, I adjust. But I try to stick to exactly what I have on there since it was meticulously scheduled. I kinda get strange joy…
  • Thank you all so much!! (:(:
  • Hahahahaha, it's been quite a few years since I've heard that! When I was 17-19-ish, I heard it all the time (:
  • Thank you all so much! If only someone would've told me so long ago that my happiness about me and my body comes from within. Not a number on the scale, the size of my shirt/pants. MFP has helped me so much throughout the years - scrounging through the boards reading, learning, taking advice from afar. YouTube has been…
  • The folks on MFP are super incredible (: Thank you, everyone!
  • Best investment I made were these three. The elliptical helped me feel better with clothes on, the three above have helped me feel better naked. TMI, whatever. (: Good luck, OP!
  • Thanks, y'all (: (:
  • I've tried their soap and it didn't work as well for me. They were still so greasy. But my milk may not be the same as yours so who knows! Good luck!!!
  • I eat high carb, low fat and my milk is the same way this time around (my second). I use this to get my bottles clean: http://www.dawn-dish.com/us/dawn/product/037000224198 Wish I could be of more help!
  • 5L per day. Sometimes more, sometimes slightly less. ETA: I like water. A lot. And I'm also BF'ing which tends to make me even thirstier.
  • MFP, Pinterest, read car blogs.
  • ETA: It looks like MakePeasNotWar responded exactly the way I did. Suppose I should read the entire thread before responding (:
  • For many of us, being vegan isn't because we just don't feel like eating meat/animal products anymore; it strikes an ethical chord so why would that change just because people who don't share the same views are coming over? Under no circumstances would I ever purchase or prepare food with animal products/meat because it…
  • I usually do a vegan fajita/taco bar. For the tacos, I use this recipe: http://damndelicious.net/2014/04/09/one-pan-mexican-quinoa/ For the fajitas, I usually make some tofu on the side (not everyone likes it!) and a bunch of veggies. I tell them in advance that I won't provide the cheese/sour cream because it strikes an…
  • 5'2" - I don't have any decent before photos as I never took any and deleted any that were taken of me... Regretting that now! (: Before,175-ish (2011 - 23/24 years old): After, 127-ish (2015, 27 years old): ETA: This is probably one of the best threads on MFP. I LOVE seeing the before and after photos and everyone looks…
  • This. Ignorance is just a lack of knowledge or information. Ashley, come hang out with us vegans/vegetarians over here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/45-happy-herbivores and the vegan group is: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/46-team-vegan I eat a lot of beans, rice, pasta, veggies, fruits, quinoa.…
  • Oh, for sure. Some are truly curious, some are saying it in jest, and some are just stuck back in the 50's (; That is exactly how it is in our home too. My husband works part time and owns a business that he manages from home (and generally only after our children are asleep). He does all the cooking and cleaning and…