Vegan dinner party

amzypritchard Posts: 44 Member
hey guys!

I was wondering if anyone had any dinner party recipes for vegans?

I went vegan about a month ago, and agreed to host a dinner party at the start of June but I have no idea what to make for my carnivorous friends :P

Any recommendations are welcome!


  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Roast chicken.
  • myfelinepal
    myfelinepal Posts: 13,000 Member
    I've done Chinese before for vegans. Mock duck (you can make your own with shredded tofu.) Tofu and vegetable stir fry.

    Tell them what you're making and they can always bring their own meat if they can't cope without it.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    this site has a bunch of vegan recipes
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    I usually do a vegan fajita/taco bar.

    For the tacos, I use this recipe:
    For the fajitas, I usually make some tofu on the side (not everyone likes it!) and a bunch of veggies. I tell them in advance that I won't provide the cheese/sour cream because it strikes an ethical chord for me but they're more than welcome to bring their own, if they want. I do provide all of the other sides though.

    I've never had any complaints from my meat-eating friends!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    edited May 2015
    A couple of options or you:

    Thai meal, e.g.:

    Satay tofu skewers, tempura vegetables
    Thai green curry with tofu or mock duck
    Jasmine rice

    Moroccan meal, e.g.:

    Meze to start: Hummous and flat bread, Baba ganoush, Tabouleh
    Falafel and vegetable tagine servied with cous cous

    Both have lots of exciting flavours and textures so hopefully your non-vegan friends wont even notice they're not getting any meat.
  • buffveganme
    buffveganme Posts: 73 Member
    Good old Pinterest to the rescue!
    There's lots of different options on this page:
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I was thinking of a taco bar too!
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Um, how about veggie pad thai?

    Funnily enough, I am planning on making vegan cookies for graduation this weekend because my friend is a vegan. Peanut butter and sinckerdoodles. All crisco and an egg replacement made from garbanzo beans. I hope they turn out!
  • ladyglamazon
    ladyglamazon Posts: 19 Member
    If you can, get your hands on a copy of the cook book Isa Does It. It's all vegan recipes that are really great for both vegans and carnivores. I cook for my non veggie friends all the time using her recipes.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'd do fajitas with seitan and/or black beans. corn on the cob, 3 bean salad or potato salad, kebobs, punch bowl. Light dessert like a cobbler or something.

    I also like lentil based sloppy joes or jackfruit based pulled pork. Just make sure you have protein and fiber or your guests might leave hungry.

    Also, chillis, stews, loaded potatoes . . .

    I'd stay away from the store bought fake meat. It doesn't taste like meat and might throw off the meat eaters. If you stick with the real food, they won't even notice.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    If your guests are not vegan, then I wouldn't serve vegan food unless that's what they've asked for. If I (as an omnivore) were hosting a dinner party and only vegans were coming, then I would make vegan food.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    edited May 2015
    If your guests are not vegan, then I wouldn't serve vegan food unless that's what they've asked for. If I (as an omnivore) were hosting a dinner party and only vegans were coming, then I would make vegan food.

    I'm really not trying to pick a fight or anything 8)...but I don't understand this logic. If the host is a vegan, why would the food they cook not be vegan, too? I, as a vegetarian/wannabe vegan, expect omni hosts to make omni food when I go to their place for dinner...thus bring my own dish or eat a big meal beforehand so I can munch on what's available. Similarly, I would expect a vegan host to cook a vegan meal...and the omnivores to bring cheese or meat, if they so choose.

    Like once, I had someone ask me if I would raise my (future) children as vegetarians...I said, of course! But they couldn't seem to grasp why I wouldn't cook them "normal" food, like chicken or beef. Why would I do that if I don't eat it myself, though?

    (Again, not trying to be picky, just throwing out my two cents.)

    In regards to the original topic...I like the taco bar idea. I've been making "copycat" chipotle burrito bowls at home lately and they're super yummy.
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    If your guests are not vegan, then I wouldn't serve vegan food unless that's what they've asked for. If I (as an omnivore) were hosting a dinner party and only vegans were coming, then I would make vegan food.

    For many of us, being vegan isn't because we just don't feel like eating meat/animal products anymore; it strikes an ethical chord so why would that change just because people who don't share the same views are coming over? Under no circumstances would I ever purchase or prepare food with animal products/meat because it truly goes against everything I believe. Guests are more than welcome to bring whatever they want but shouldn't expect me to make food I wouldn't consume myself, ya know?

    Similar to what pteryndactyl stated above, when I go to dinner parties hosted by people that consume those items, I tend to bring along my own dish (and they're always okay with it!) because I know that's the kind of food they consume.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Definitely agree with the previous 2 posters. It's up to the host what to serve and invitations can always be declined.
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    If your guests are not vegan, then I wouldn't serve vegan food unless that's what they've asked for. If I (as an omnivore) were hosting a dinner party and only vegans were coming, then I would make vegan food.

    I'm really not trying to pick a fight or anything 8)...but I don't understand this logic. If the host is a vegan, why would the food they cook not be vegan, too? I, as a vegetarian/wannabe vegan, expect omni hosts to make omni food when I go to their place for dinner...thus bring my own dish or eat a big meal beforehand so I can munch on what's available. Similarly, I would expect a vegan host to cook a vegan meal...and the omnivores to bring cheese or meat, if they so choose.

    Like once, I had someone ask me if I would raise my (future) children as vegetarians...I said, of course! But they couldn't seem to grasp why I wouldn't cook them "normal" food, like chicken or beef. Why would I do that if I don't eat it myself, though?

    (Again, not trying to be picky, just throwing out my two cents.)

    In regards to the original topic...I like the taco bar idea. I've been making "copycat" chipotle burrito bowls at home lately and they're super yummy.

    I don't know, I just think it's rude to expect people to have to bring all their own food when YOU are the one hosting the dinner party?
    sschwark wrote: »
    If your guests are not vegan, then I wouldn't serve vegan food unless that's what they've asked for. If I (as an omnivore) were hosting a dinner party and only vegans were coming, then I would make vegan food.

    For many of us, being vegan isn't because we just don't feel like eating meat/animal products anymore; it strikes an ethical chord so why would that change just because people who don't share the same views are coming over? Under no circumstances would I ever purchase or prepare food with animal products/meat because it truly goes against everything I believe. Guests are more than welcome to bring whatever they want but shouldn't expect me to make food I wouldn't consume myself, ya know?

    Similar to what pteryndactyl stated above, when I go to dinner parties hosted by people that consume those items, I tend to bring along my own dish (and they're always okay with it!) because I know that's the kind of food they consume.

    I know what being a vegan is all about, but I think you kind of need to accept that other people aren't going to want to eat the same food as you? If they're going to have to bring their own meat anyway, then you might as well buy it yourself to save them the trouble since YOU are the one hosting. I host dinner parties a couple of times a year and I always make food that I wouldn't consume myself. I'm Jewish but I always buy and prepare pork for other people because I know the majority of people will want to eat that. Similarly, the majority of people going to a dinner party are not vegan or vegetarian. Don't you think it defeats the point of hosting a dinner party, when most of the guests will have to bring their own food anyway?
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    I'm not vegan (anymore), but I still try to make vegan dishes every now and then and came across this yummy looking dish last night. I showed my non-vegan hubby and his eyes grew wide. I'm gonna make it this weekend.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    nz_deevaa wrote: »
    Roast chicken.

    LOL ilu.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    If your guests are not vegan, then I wouldn't serve vegan food unless that's what they've asked for. If I (as an omnivore) were hosting a dinner party and only vegans were coming, then I would make vegan food.

    I'm really not trying to pick a fight or anything 8)...but I don't understand this logic. If the host is a vegan, why would the food they cook not be vegan, too? I, as a vegetarian/wannabe vegan, expect omni hosts to make omni food when I go to their place for dinner...thus bring my own dish or eat a big meal beforehand so I can munch on what's available. Similarly, I would expect a vegan host to cook a vegan meal...and the omnivores to bring cheese or meat, if they so choose.

    Like once, I had someone ask me if I would raise my (future) children as vegetarians...I said, of course! But they couldn't seem to grasp why I wouldn't cook them "normal" food, like chicken or beef. Why would I do that if I don't eat it myself, though?

    (Again, not trying to be picky, just throwing out my two cents.)

    In regards to the original topic...I like the taco bar idea. I've been making "copycat" chipotle burrito bowls at home lately and they're super yummy.

    I don't know, I just think it's rude to expect people to have to bring all their own food when YOU are the one hosting the dinner party?

    Ah, okay, I see the confusion here. It seems you're thinking based on the assumption that they won't want *ANY* of the vegan food and thus wouldn't have anything to eat, and would have to bring a whole meal for themselves. I was thinking based on the assumption that there might be one side dish they don't like, or would prefer to add cheese to (e.g. tacos) and could simply bring a small bag of cheese to use.

    I dunno, maybe I'm a bad host but if I invite my friends and family to my house...they know what to expect. They know what I eat. And as always, they're welcome to bring a dish to share, if they so choose...but by no means am I expecting them to prepare a full meat-based meal to bring to my dinner party. If they don't want my food, they don't have to come. It's not like vegan food is all kale and spelt and seitan. It does include normal things like pasta, or bread, or salad 8) You can have a nice Italian dinner quite easily without it being noticeably vegan.

    I guess, though, if you invited an omni to your house for kale quinoa burgers with avocado fries and chia pudding...I could understand their hesitation!