32 and losing almost a whole person

Hey y'all, so my name is Angela, I'm 32, and I am trying to lose 60 lbs (I need to lose 90, but trying to be realistic). I definitely need some help. I've never eaten healthy in my entire life, and my husband is the kind of "if it feels good, do it" person. Which is why it's been so hard to stay motivated. I've never been this heavy in my life and I'm tired of it...any other ladies having this issue?


  • running_in_tiaras
    running_in_tiaras Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Angela! I'm 32 and also need to lose 90 lbs. it was hard for me to find my motivation. For years I have wanted to lose weight but I didn't really do anything about it. There was always a reason why it wasn't going to work for me but really it was because I wasn't ready. Once losing weight was important to make it a priority I was able to start the process. I made a list of reasons why I wanted to lose weight and a list of goals that I wanted to achieve but my weight held me back from achieving them. Those became my reasons and what I'm working towards. MFP really makes it easy. I love it that I can still eat everything I want I just have to make it work in my calories. I also believed that eating 1200 calories was the only way to lose weight but it wasn't sustainable for me. I'm now eating 1700 calories a day and have lost 13 lbs the first month. The best part is I don't even feel like I'm on a diet. This community is great and I have learned a lot.
  • rutterkr
    rutterkr Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I also have a lot of weight to lose and am right at the beginning of the journey. I've actually asked my husband to be supportive by joining me in not drinking alcohol on weeknights. Obviously I don't care that much if he has the odd one or two, he is a thin person, but it would be way harder for me if he was doing it every day. Wine was one of the main causes of my weight gain - I'm now on two glasses on two nights a week so I don't feel totally deprived. Obviously if I go out then I will have a drink, but with two kids, I don't get out that much anyway! I find it hard to keep the momentum going so I am starting small, making those little changes, and being realistic about how long it is going to take. I am on about 1500 calories without exercise, and I have set my goal for just 1lb per week. I hope that I will lose 40lb this year, as obviously some weeks I will not lose due to holidays etc. I will send you a friend request.
  • chicalisa8
    chicalisa8 Posts: 3 Member
    edited February 2017
    Ya I'm also deciding to cut out mid week drinking which I do 1 x per week which is a huge improvement from when I was younger. But I'd like to cut out drinking altogether. It's hard when husband loves to drink especially on the weekends and that is his activity while watching movies. I'm trying to exercise more and I'm reading again. I need more hobbies. I hate the winter especially in chicago so eating and drinking is the main activity. I tend to lose at least 10 pounds in the summer. My goal is to lose 30 but 50 would be amazing. Not sure if that's possible though. Need stuff to occupy me from drinking on weekends. Then when I drink I eat too. Very frustrating cycle.