dfnewcombe Member


  • W6D1 done! It was surprisingly doable. I went with my 23 yo daughter- who hasn't been running and she started the first 5 minutes with me. Together we were running and talking and I was surprised when the lady told me to start walking. The next 8 weren't bad- no more company so no talking.... but I listened to the music…
  • Just finished W5D3. Looking forward to week 6!!!
  • @steelaxitute2127 is there anyway you can work with a professional trainer? I think he or she will help you with a conditioning program that will not only get you in shape to enlist, but also prepare you better for boot camp. That would be my suggestion. I wish you absolutely the best in your journey and I hope to read…
  • Mine is not syncing today- calories in from MFP are flowing to fitbit, but steps and calories burned are not transferring to MFP. I have disconnected and re-connected but no change.
  • Whoops- took an unplanned week off. I did W5D2 today. Not sure about a 20 minute run on Thursday, but today wasn't too bad. I just started working with a trainer again a couple times a week for strength training so we will see how it goes...
  • W5D2 done!
  • Zenlabs c25k is set up to run 3 days per week. Give it a try, work at it at your own pace. You will surprise yourself! “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford
  • Everyone has a different normal, but if you are uncomfortable then this is not your normal. If your fats and fiber are good, make sure you are drinking enough water, particularly in the heat- try to make sure you log your water... I would also track when you have a BM in the notes on your MFP diary so you can evaluate what…
  • I made it outside today, but I should have gone an hour earlier. My bad, but even as hot as it was, outside running is so much more enjoyable than treadmill running. I did finish W4D2 and I am struggling finishing the 5 minute intervals. It was oh so nice to hear I could begin my cool down as I had to keep telling myself…
  • @rianneonamission soon I will switch to morning runs again. I am finding myself coming up with many excuses why I can't but none really seem to sound reasonable right now to post. I think I am having one of those mental moments.... we all know the hardest part of running is actually getting out the door. Right now I am…
  • Not knowing what your workouts are like, I couldn't say whether you are building muscle. Possibly your muscles are retaining water from your workouts. Double check your caloric intake calculations and make sure your entries are accurate. Be very vigilant about weighing everything- once we start to believe we can eyeball…
  • Congratulations to all on your progress! Working towards a 5k is no easy task. I am working my way through this app, again.... hopefully my last time but I can only work on today. I finished week 3 yesterday and because I work the next three nights I won't run again until Tuesday. Because it is so hot I have been doing all…
  • First- forgive yourself. Life happens. Weight loss is a journey, not a marathon. Next- your calorie limit you have set up may be too small and you can play with that so that you feel like you are satisfied and energized and achieving your goals. Take your time because in the long run you will be more successful. Finally-…
    in Overate Comment by dfnewcombe June 2017
  • Senna tea ("smooth move" tea) you can find it in most grocery stores where the tea is sold will help- generally a cup at bedtime will promote a BM in the AM..... maybe drink it on the 3rd day before you have symptoms.... Some people say it works faster so you may prefer it in the morning so you don't wake up at night…
  • This recipe for a Southwestern loaded sweet potato was featured on the Biggest Loser a few years ago. Ihaven't made it for a while but your post reminded me of it. http://www.devinalexander.com/552/
  • I am a 12 hour night nurse as well. I eat about every 3-4 hours at work. I am dead tired when I get home but sometimes fall into the "just one bite" when I get home that usually throws me in a spin that can take days to weeks to fix. I have to go straight to bed or I will start looking for something more for comfort. I…
  • How much say do you have over your work schedule? How many nights a week do you work? I try to work my 3 12s in a row and usually the same 3 nights. I am awake all day before my first night and then I go home- take a short walk to clear my head and then hopefully sleep until the afternoon. I plan nothing on the days…
  • Focus on your diet right now- make your nutritional choices and changes things you can live with. If now is not a good time to commit to an exercise program than just look for opportunities to increase your activity. Choose a further parking spot, take the stairs, run in place while you are watching the microwave heat up…
  • I grew up in Massachusetts, I live in California now.
  • All of the above, also, give yourself plenty of time to "move" (bring your favorite magazine with you) and there is a tea called "smooth move"- senna. Yes, discuss this with your doctor. If you are tracking everything you eat on MFP, I would add in your diary in the notes when you do go- you will be able to look back and…
  • Yes, definitely this- and it is a vicious cycle. I eat more the more tired I am for comfort; and then I don't sleep as well and it goes on and on.... The hardest part I have is my first night. Since I am awake for 24 hours, I try to spread out the calories and tend to go more hungry during the day before. That is how I got…
  • When you can- get to the grocery store and replenish your pantry, but until then rather than stopping for fast food, stop at the grocery store and buy your food for the night- one or two lean cuisines (or any individual frozen meal) pre-packaged salad, or yogurt, a fruit, and individual tub of instant oatmeal. Just as easy…
  • I work 3-12 hour night shifts a week (6:30p-7a). Food can definitely be your comfort working those hours. I pack my food and eat about every three hours. I usually have a 200 cal protein bar when I get to work. Around 10 pm I have whatever my dinner is- and this is usually a pre-packaged leftover meal from earlier in the…
  • College student, job, and gym 4-5 days a week sounds like a pretty full schedule. I am thinking adding a calorie deficit on to that would lead to exhaustion. How many hours of sleep are you getting? Is the gym new or have you been going for some time? Are your workouts exhausting you? If your body is telling you that you…
  • I have been there... probably unfortunately will be there again. But, right now-today- I am in a good place. Take a good healthy trip to the grocery store thinking about the meals you vision as "healthy" (I don't always do this, but make a list if that helps). After the grocery store- log for tomorrow what you are going to…
  • I'm in! //www.fitbit.com/user/393P9T
  • Goal 60 Date……Miles.…Total..Miles to go March 3….3.4 .……. 3.4…56.6 March 4….2.0………5.4....54.6 March 5…..6.2……11.6…..48.4 March 7…..1.4…….13.0….47.0 March 9…...3.0..….16.0….44.0 March 10….4.0......20.0.…40.0 March 11.…5.0…….25.0.…35.0 March 12….8.0……33.0.....27.0 March 15…..3.1…..36.1…..23.9 March 16…..3.1…..39.2…..20.8…
  • Thanks @shanaber‌ I will get new shoes~ I am usually pretty good about that, but these may be getting up in miles if I am really almost half ready.... After my short sore run today, I went to my trainer and got stretched and rolled- hurt so good kind of a thing- had an arm workout and then a 20minute not too terribly…