

  • I must confess I'm a little frightened but I may just have to try salty/sweet combos and LOVE PB (although in our house it's soynut butter - partner is allergic).
    in Crack! Comment by moujie November 2009
  • Awww Casper that's so sweet. ok really NS - never exercised with your partner? bummer! it's the best way to do it. but then I guess I subscribe to the Casper school of being shmoopy about my partner! last time I bought a watch: about 15 years ago - it broke and I never wear one anymore! very liberating. when was the last…
  • ok that has me wanting chocolate bigtime! Casper I don't get it...PB Banana and Mayo?? :noway: I get the PB & banana...that's yummy... but mayo? really??
    in Crack! Comment by moujie November 2009
  • don't like walmart. Now if we're talking Target I can say I don't remember the last time I only bought one item. it may in fact never have happened. when was the last time you spoke to your first love?
  • it's been 2 weeks. LOVE farmers markets. although usually we end up buying too much produce for 2 people to eat - this time I planned better. oops - forgot the question - duh! when was the last time you were honest with someone when it was much easier to just lie?
  • I had a donut hole this morning. chocolate. doesn't sound like much I know but it was from a little family owned shop that makes the best it was sort of like a donut hole on steroids. but it was GOOOOD.
  • that sucks! Try the FTC. It may not help your immediate situation but: "In an effort to better protect financially distressed homeowners, the Federal Trade Commission has initiated a rulemaking proceeding involving foreclosure rescue and loan modification services. The FTC is seeking public comment to determine whether…
  • getting re-motivated always takes a bunch of effort. I've just recently re-motivated after slacking for about 2 months. I had to do a lot of stern talkin' to myself about what I want long term and how I can't give up because I've already lost a good amount of weight and seen results and I don't want all that effort to be…
  • oh I am SO trying this one this weekend. darn it's making me hungry now just thinking about it!
  • it's ok. I allow myself raw cookie dough only once a year - while baking choc chip cookies for Christmas. Usually I make myself feel nauseous enough that I don't want it again for a full year. :laugh:
  • oh man! now I'M CRAVING raw cookie dough. bummer. :grumble:
  • I've been fuschia for awhile I vote blurple for the 190 - 195 range. I'd like to be blurple. sounds fun.
  • Great! It is hard to give your clothes away as they get too big but it has really helped me to realize that I can't simply accept that I'll gain weight back as my reality - I have to be in this for the long haul. good luck, I know we can both do this! :drinker:
  • here's one I have used to keep myself accountable "this time" around: throw out (give away) the fat clothes as they get too big. It makes me SO nervous to do this because I get a pair of pants that are too big and I think - I can't give these away, what will I wear if I gain the weight back? then I say, NO, you have to…
  • sorry dude - so don't see it. are you sure you have them or is this like fat chicks when we lose weight and look in the mirror we still see a fat chick even if we've gotten skinny?
  • It's never an easy fight but it is winnable! you can do it and MFP is a great resource. for many of us it has made the difference between stumbling off the wagon then hopping back on instead of falling off and staying off. there are ups and downs with anything but you will find friends and support here whenever you need…
  • You didn't do anything to provoke it - considering the dogs sort of nipped (I think you said) at your husband and the young man with him they were already getting empowered by their own a way it was better that you walked by when you did instead of some little kid. behavior like that builds on itself and…
  • ahhhh - well that makes sense - getting a little shall we say "whacked out" by our hormones after birth happens to all sorts of mammals. of course she was probably aggressive or at least poorly socialized to begin with. fact is it's bad parenting on the part of the humans. even a overly protective mother dog doesn't…
  • Cesar rocks! Love him!
  • As a former shelter worker and emegency response volunteer for the HSUS I offer the following 3 pieces of advice: 1st: I agree with everyone - report this to your county/city animal control agency and/or police 2nd: do NOT feel guilty - there are dogs who (usually because of mistreatment or poor socialization) are…
  • well you sort of need to be near the bay to get it fresh - I have had it out of town before and I was not impressed. mind you I've had it in town and not been particularly impressed either (too hard or battered and deep fried). so if you see it give it a shot! happy friday!
  • no it's considerably softer than a shrimp shell. when the blue crab grows it sloughs it's hard shell (que the oceanography elementary school filmstrip background music) the "new" shell is really more like skin. they have to be harvested and prepared (not necessarily cooked just killed, cleaned and refrigerated or frozen)…
  • yes you eat the legs - the icky stuff (stomach, intestines, lungs) are cleaned out and the face cut off so all you're really eating is crab meat and shell...which, as the name says, is soft! it is so good. dredged in a little seasoned flour and sauteed - some places batter and deep fry but that's too much I say. I'm a…
  • YES! Seafood boil - yum! anything with crab in it is good as far as I'm concerned! my all time fav will totally gross some people out - softcrab! love it! legs and all. ugh, they're out of season now...:cry: and lamb might be good tasting but I just can't go there. It's why I don't eat pork either and I used to LOVE…
  • I could fill a page of things that I'll never have again but as I read the posts I'm thinking, "nope, had that. had that too. ohhh I looove that." let me see... I've never had lamb and don't intend to (love the baby sheepies alive thank you), never had venison (feel the same way about the deer) but I did try veal…
  • Ugh - I swear it has been the 2 o'clock hour for the last four hours!!! I think time may actually have stopped. and worse it's ultra warm in here which makes me want to nap.
  • Label: Item: Sweaters Size: God only knows
  • I don't blame you for keeping them. What I'd suggest is packing them into boxes clearly labeled with the size and items (pants/shirts/whatever). Maybe keep one or two items out as motivation. THIS time I'm tossing stuff as it gets too big. this is something I've never done before and it scares me. I usually toss the too…
  • Great idea if portion size is your problem. We use our "salad" plates most often and it does help to not over fill. you aren't responsible for her weight though - more than likely you've both "encouraged" each other's bad habits. it's easy to do. you have to replace that with real encouragement - be a team. If you can do…
  • The trauma of removing a child from it's birth family is HORRIBLE. It is a terrifying scarring event for any child even if it is the absolute best decision because the child is in a perilous situation. Unfortunately it really is the best decision in many cases. But to protect a child from obesity? that's nuts. :noway: