I work out 5 days a week. 40 min on the elliptical... For now thats all i do. [i want to do sit ups.. but never do]anyway...

There is a chart that shows the parts of the body the elliptical works out.. the stomach not being one of them... Are they referring to muscle? Or fat?

When you do cardio and burn fat.. is it all over? or only in the areas the equipment your using focuses on??


  • juni13
    This chart refers to the muscles that the elliptical works out. Unfortunately, you can't spot train specific areas of your body. If there is a deficit of calories, the body chooses where to take the fat from. If I'm not mistaken, the last area where fat was deposited will be the first area where fat is burned.

    Keep at it though! The elliptical is a great machine. =)
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    OK! I just wanted to make sure that I was still going to burn fat in my belly.. Or if I should have added something else into my workout =] Glad to know its muscle the chart is talking about. LOL!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Yep, the bod takes the fat from where it wants. I've lost a ton of flat and I'm pretty lean, even veins popping in a few places - and I still have a double chin!

    As you lose bodyfat the tummy will flatten out, along with everything else. Unfortunately that seems to be a trouble spot for a lot of gals,,, last thing to go. Kind'a like my chin.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Yep, the bod takes the fat from where it wants. I've lost a ton of flat and I'm pretty lean, even veins popping in a few places - and I still have a double chin!

    As you lose bodyfat the tummy will flatten out, along with everything else. Unfortunately that seems to be a trouble spot for a lot of gals,,, last thing to go. Kind'a like my chin.

    Yes.. the belly is the worst =[ it seems especially after having kids. ugh! As long as i know eventually my cardio will do something.. because i havent gotten into the routine of any kind of sit ups and im comfortable with the elliptical.. i dont want to have to change and do something else.
    And LOL @ your chin [not in a bad way] but in your pic it doesnt look like you have a double chin at all!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I look downward when posing to hide it,,, always have :laugh:

    Have you tried crunches? Way easier on your body than situps, but still killer for the abs. 15 or 20 crunches before you get on the elliptoy and 15 or 20 more when you get off, will add about 90 seconds to your workout and will do a lot of good. You don't really have to train abs that hard, but consistency seems to be a big deal. I do abs every day and it really works, very happy with mine.

    <<edit - changed the pic, see the chin(s) now? Hehehe,,,>>
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I look downward when posing to hide it,,, always have :laugh:

    Have you tried crunches? Way easier on your body than situps, but still killer for the abs. 15 or 20 crunches before you get on the elliptoy and 15 or 20 more when you get off, will add about 90 seconds to your workout and will do a lot of good. You don't really have to train abs that hard, but consistency seems to be a big deal. I do abs every day and it really works, very happy with mine.

    <<edit - changed the pic, see the chin(s) now? Hehehe,,,>>

    When I do get around to doing them.. I like to do about 200 before bed.. I do sets of 20.. seems like alot but really its not. i like to feel the burn and the soreness of it the next day =]
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I look downward when posing to hide it,,, always have :laugh:

    Have you tried crunches? Way easier on your body than situps, but still killer for the abs. 15 or 20 crunches before you get on the elliptoy and 15 or 20 more when you get off, will add about 90 seconds to your workout and will do a lot of good. You don't really have to train abs that hard, but consistency seems to be a big deal. I do abs every day and it really works, very happy with mine.

    <<edit - changed the pic, see the chin(s) now? Hehehe,,,>>

    sorry dude - so don't see it. are you sure you have them or is this like fat chicks when we lose weight and look in the mirror we still see a fat chick even if we've gotten skinny?