

  • Suffering from probably some mood-related fatigue (though I'm sure if I got to the bottom of it, it's probably food related =P). Couldn't manage things I had previously managed once or twice. Not just for SL lifts but even little things like assisted pull-ups. that I thinking about it...I hope it's not because…
  • 1. Yeah I think it'll be okay without a spotter as long as you increase your weight slowly. You might have to bail and things might be embarrassing, but I imagine injury risk is as low as any other workout program. :) 2. I'd ask your doctor to be safe. Not that I think this specifically is bad, but there might be movements…
  • I used to get bored too but now I just keep listening to whatever I was listening. Usually a podcast or music or both at once. (Sometimes when I'm listening to my favorite ones though, I laugh, and that can really screw you up at the bottom of the lift =P)
  • My check-in is as follows: I don't like the knurling on the bar I used today. Dumbbell shoulder presses feel so weird now. Arms are too freeeeeeeee
  • I like the idea of #4 a lot! Seems better mentally too. Sometimes I want to give up after the first set knowing there's 4 more just like it. :-)
  • Also too lazy to log my workouts. :-) I am not as busy as you other folks by far and yet I don't feel like I have time. (Applying to jobs is kind of one of the toughest job?) Leaving in 9 days to go to my sister's wedding for 5 days so I'll be in unsure-gym equipment and schedule land and I happen to be failing or near…
  • Yup, the bar I can set somewhere else which will help. It really is just re-racking the plates. I guess I will get used to it, but it is just a sad affair right now. I guess I have 5 or so days to decide next time it's Workout B day. :-) I'll work on my aim. Re: chalk: There's stuff called Mighty Grip and similar other…
  • Failure day! Y'all say it's progress, so that works. Sq - 115lbs 5x5 - I'm gonna go ahead and stay there next time if I feel anything less than stellar. That was a struggle. OHP - 65lbs 5/5/3/5/3 - Haha and that too. I did only stay at 60lbs for one day unlike how I stayed at 55lbs for a long time. Working on my hip…
  • Haha was wondering what the thread title was going to be. I was thinking something like "July-ike whatchu see?" but I can't say that without grooving a little bit and getting Beyonce stuck in my head...
  • Poles are good for working on pistol squats too! ;)
  • Checking in as well! I hate pendlay rows. That summarizes it best. :-) Workout A Sq - 110 5x5 (every single workout day I'm convinced that the squat weight is toooo heavy...) BP - 75 5x5 (really felt it this time! guess I can't progress forever.) Row - 75 5x5 (and hating it! I've been sticking with this weight because it's…
  • @suremeansyes & @SezxyStef haha yup, pole. best strength workout in terms of fun and getting that upper body in! it's probably why I'm having less trouble with OHP than expected (not that it's still not the suckiest lift...but my shoulders were previously even weaker). Best online pole lessons are at…
  • Got it, thanks! I'll pay more attention next time. I tried a bit today just from reading earlier in this thread and I guess I see what you mean. I'll try to do it more like a narrow horse stance.
    in Squat form Comment by muroo June 2014
  • Haha my big sister's wedding is in less than a month...I probably should've been trying to lose weight all this time instead of doing whatever and adding stronglifts, but I was way more motivated to start this as an exercise plan than...other ones. Though I have my apartment space back since the repairs are done and maybe…
  • Haven't checked in in a while. Also my internet is being super slow so it'll be hard to go back and respond to specific people. You're all doing great though! :-) Congrats on the OHP victories. And TOM is coming up so we'll see how that goooooes. Been going in and out of town and my schedule is off. I think I'll be taking…
  • I'm also interested in knowing how far out your toes were pointing...I also thought a little out was okay! And I think I even posted that since I thought it was, at least versus your knees going in. My legs are a little knock-kneed so sometimes my form looks more wrong than it should, or I have to do some things a little…
    in Squat form Comment by muroo June 2014
  • @wolfsbayne congrats! I hope there was a pic of you lifting someone? okay, maybe "hope" is the wrong word. :-) but it'd be cool! @willrun sorry for all of the stressful things. I also check my google hangouts messages too much when I workout...hard to counsel my friend well AND squat effectively...sometimes I end up…
  • I've been doing Pendlay rows because I thought that's what we were supposed to do. But I like regular barbell rows better. :-) I generally find returning the bar to the ground awkward. And I have yet to find a good height for them. I guess it's a rowing day for me so we'll see what I try this time. Also where to put the…
    in Barbell rows Comment by muroo June 2014
  • Workout B for me! Finishing week 3 maybe? Had absolutely sucky workouts yesterday and the day before...but today was alright. Maybe I should always eat an entire subway footlong an hour before? =P Sq 85 5x5...I keep thinking my form is going to break, but then I'm never completely convinced that it is (or that it isn't).…
  • 1) The weights start the same for men and women, but progress will be specific to you. :) Same as how a 140lb guy and a 220lb guy will presumably lift different weights and stall out at a certain time. Don't be discouraged by the mean ol' overhead press. It plagues everyone, men included (albeit usually at a higher…
  • Yay congrats! =P I live alone in a one bedroom and my pole goes in my living room. I almost never have company over so it doesn't really come up, and the few people I do have over know about the pole. :-) is a great community and has great online lessons. They cost money, but they're easier to navigate than…
  • Can't wait until I elicit that reaction! :-)
  • Haha I remember watching this video. I love how he's just like dangit they named this stupid thing after me. Guess I'll deal. @husseycd Yay aerials! I do pole so they're like...activity cousins. =P I only tried silks once. Loved it! Was too sore to put on or take off a bra in any reasonable amount of time for days.
  • @glwerth yeah I think we all have our bad days, sad days, and defeated days. Sometimes you need a break! Back when I was running though I had to remember that you really have to give it some time (10 min for me in case of a run) to know if it's truly going to not work and it wasn't going to be a productive workout. And a…
  • Checking in seems like a good place to also complain a little bit. :-) Workout took forever today! I even left to try and come back later. Tried to hit the pool in the middle (in an attempt to use and abuse all of my apartment complex resources before I move out haha), problem being I really don't know how to swim. Moving…
  • I agree. I don't think you'll need one for quite a while. Once you get the form down, you should be good for a little while. :-) Once you need a spotter I imagine that you'll be so confident at the gym that you'll be okay asking a stranger for a particularly hard lift.
  • No idea if this is an issue, but in trying to clarify squatting form (I think) I confirmed that knees should follow the toes and go outwards. Watched this video. I don't have a resistance band, but I do try to think about it when I squat.
  • Rippetoe reminds me of my old physics professor... Good to know the hip motion is a good/necessary thing. I've been doing it but I assumed I should try and minimize it. ::shooting star:: the more you know...
  • Yay thanks for the encouragement! I'm not really profoundly frustrated yet since I have just started. I was meaning to stick with 50lbs after the first time doing it and feeling shaky about it but I was too stubborn. I also am trying to stick with the app too much. :) I know they'll be hard and the progress will be…
  • That does sound super annoying. And I guess I know how little it can take for someone to get a personal training cert so I might not believe them anyway. I don't have confirmation that my form is good, but I started with the bar. I do have kind of a sports background though, so I may have had more training than I know. I…