azwildcatfan94 Member


  • Very true. About the best example of this someone has told me is that soda, potato chips, and Oreos are all vegan. So, IMHO, the goal should be to be a "healthy vegan" (assuming someone is choosing to eat vegan). In the end, it is an individual's choice, and it can be done in a healthful way. I assume by "bee pollen" you…
  • Oh, on that cookbook I listed, I've found that the spices are kinda low, so on pretty much every recipe, I ramp those up. But, follow the recipes in terms of main ingredients.
  • I'm jumping in late, and didn't read all the posts. But, I'm eating low fat, whole foods, 0 dietary cholesterol. It isn't totally vegan because I don't worry about the type of sugar that is in something (although I do try to avoid refined sugars) and not sure where vinegar stands on vegan / non-vegan, but do eat that. In…
  • my local grocery store sells Chobani Greek Yogurt in 2%
  • I think he did it. But, I don't really blame him. Look at the people who have won since he retired... 2006 Floyd Landis... Lost title for doping 2007, 2009, 2010 Alberto Contador... suspended for doping (just re-instated, I think) Lost title for 2010 Seems like it is just a matter of time before the others test positive…
  • Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. I'd say I eat at least 90% of my calories. Maybe a little less if I've earned exercise calories, but I definitely try to eat my exercise calories. I don't like a lot of different veggies, but I try to eat a lot of the ones I do like. And, I've discovered a few more that I like.…
  • Totally separate from fiber... If you have started eating "sugar free" candies that have "sugar alcohol" to sweeten, that can cause really painful gas.
  • 1. Use a HRM then use an online calorie burn calculator that allows you to put in age, weight, and gender. Some HRM's will do this for you, but mine doesn't let me put in my gender and is marketed as for men, so I go with an online calculator. 2. If you forget your HRM, use the HR on the eliptical to try to get an average…
  • I'm a total sugar addict. And for me, the only way to get past the cravings is to totally avoid refined sugar. It took about 3 days to get past the cravings, but they did go away. If I even eat a little bit of sugar, I want more. It usually lasts a day.
  • I agree. I don't like hearing the words diabetes and cured used together. Even one of my (ex) doctors used that term. And definitely, one of my goals is to be off meds and still have my A1c's in the range of a "normal person." But, I don't for a second believe that means I'll be able to go back to eating the way I was.
  • bump. I definitely want to try this!
  • I do something similar, but I also have a bunch of disposable/reusable containers and after I cook the chicken and rice, I assembly line measure out each portion... 3oz chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1 cup frozen veggies (whatever type strikes my mood). Then, I have a variety of low sodium sauces. I just grab one meal,…
  • [weight loss] is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • If your gym has more than one type of elliptical machine, try a different type. Sometimes different ones "fit" you better.
  • Where I live, it is has been over 110 for the past week. Commons ways to exercise in the heat are: mall walking gym in home dvd's, calesthetics, etc. swimming
  • Maybe this weekend I'll do an experiment and put on my HRM, and then do the typical warm up and practice my forms and katas for an hour.... Just to see what the calorie burn calculates to. If I do it, I'll post my results.
  • Pizza is a good example for me. But, what I do is make it at home. I take a sandwich round, toast it, add generic pizza sauce, turkey peperoni, and low fat mozzarella. Throw it in the oven until the cheese is melted. Then I add a side of veggies or salad to help fill me up. Sure, it doesn't taste quite the same as a…
  • I'm having the same issue. It seems like the only cardio intense part of the class is the first 15 minutes. After that, it seems to be a combination of repeating the basics, isometric strengthening, learning new moves and katas. I'm moving the whole time, but I doubt my heart rate is very high.
  • Keying in on the motivation piece, I have found that the more days I go without exercising, the less I want to do it. My solution? Whenever possible, go every day. Even if I just to a short 20 min of cardio or go for a walk. Sometimes life gets in the way, but, then I have to force myself to get back to it as quickly as…
  • I'm guessing hormones in our food.
  • Oh, and as for the metformin side effects, I take the ER version... Big difference! However, I'm hoping my next A1c (blood sugar test) is low enough to get off it. Then, we'll have to figure out if I'll need anything to regulate my periods or not... Personally, I wouldn't mind going to something where I only had them once…
  • One thing that I wish I knew when I was diagnosed with PCOS is that it can be a pre-cursor to type II diabetes. Maybe I wouldn't have done anything different, but maybe I would have gotten on top of my exercise and diet back then and not developed diabetes. I definitely have to say that if I could go back and tell my…
  • I used to be a case manager for "persons diagnosed with a serious mental illness." I also live in a small city and am diagnosed with depression. And trust me, I totally get what you are saying about not wanting to get therapy in your community as well as not wanting to take meds. There isn't an agency in my city where I…
  • I lot of people have said it already, but here's my 2 cents. First and foremost, you can't force her to do it. She has to be willing to do it and she has to WANT to do it for herself. Second, you can certainly choose not to enable her. By this, I mean purchase only healthy foods. Get her to help you cook the healthy foods…
  • The only thing that has ever worked for me with sweets, is to go cold turkey.
  • I think that at the end of the day, if you've met your water intake, calorie and exercise goals, you should be proud of yourself. Regardless of whether it shows up on the scale that day/week/whatever or not. For me, this is a forever process, so I can't get too bogged down with what the scale says. Sure, when it makes a…
  • ^^^THIS. I'm getting back on track after a month of not doing so well. So, I changed my goals to a 1.5 lb/wk loss just until I get back into the swing of things. My body would be freaking out if I didn't.
  • The strength training is true for weight loss. But for overall health and wellness, esp. heart health, cardio is still a good thing. So, depending on your overall goals, you might want to switch out cardio for strength training OR add more strength training. Of course, depending on how you do it, strength training can have…
  • Perhaps we should politely and respectfully list reasons why we find the thread offensive despite being "all in good fun"