Any tips for working out in the warm weather?



  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    LOTS of water, I use a wet hand towel around my neck, and try to stay in the shade, or basement, or do something with wind resistance, like biking or rollerblading.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    This is some funny *kitten*. Saying 68 is warm is like saying ice cream is hot. Ridiculous. So, so ridiculous. Has to be a troll. Just has to. There's no way in hell this is real. Sorry, but it's just stupid.

    Calm down. She lives in Canada.
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    This is some funny *kitten*. Saying 68 is warm is like saying ice cream is hot. Ridiculous. So, so ridiculous. Has to be a troll. Just has to. There's no way in hell this is real. Sorry, but it's just stupid.

    it's all relative to where you live. For me and where I live, 68 is warm. I've never been anywhere warmer.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    I learn to love the very early mornings. Met up with a friend to do our long run today (14km) at 6:30, during the week we usually run at 5:30. Whenever you work out make sure you drink lots of water before, during and after! staying hydrated is key!
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    This is some funny *kitten*. Saying 68 is warm is like saying ice cream is hot. Ridiculous. So, so ridiculous. Has to be a troll. Just has to. There's no way in hell this is real. Sorry, but it's just stupid.

    Calm down. She lives in Canada.

    Thank you. You beat me to it.
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    Where I live, it is has been over 110 for the past week. Commons ways to exercise in the heat are:
    mall walking
    in home dvd's, calesthetics, etc.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    This is some funny *kitten*. Saying 68 is warm is like saying ice cream is hot. Ridiculous. So, so ridiculous. Has to be a troll. Just has to. There's no way in hell this is real. Sorry, but it's just stupid.

    I don't think she's the troll here. OP said that when it climbs above 20 she loses motivation, and when you have survived a winter that gets down to -40 that 60 degree increase can seem pretty hot! at least until you acclimate to the +40 that we achieve with the humidex in my part of Canada.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This is some funny *kitten*. Saying 68 is warm is like saying ice cream is hot. Ridiculous. So, so ridiculous. Has to be a troll. Just has to. There's no way in hell this is real. Sorry, but it's just stupid.

    I don't think she's the troll here. OP said that when it climbs above 20 she loses motivation, and when you have survived a winter that gets down to -40 that 60 degree increase can seem pretty hot! at least until you acclimate to the +40 that we achieve with the humidex in my part of Canada.

    I lived in Buffalo, NY, for years and even then I didn't think 68 was hot. And people in Buffalo used to go to outdoor football games in bikinis when it was 32 below.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Swim people Swim!
    Sorry, cold wet summer in England - Would love some of your heat
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    I practice Bikram Yoga aka Hot yoga in hot *kitten* LAS VEGAS lol so I am nuts. I say hydrate and fule up on cooling foods such as fruit/veggies &smoothies
  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    Reiterating many of the previous comments:

    1. Exercise early in the morning or late in the evening
    2. Exercise indoors - at a gym, walk a mall, use DVD's at home
    3. Drink plenty of fluids including water and even gatorade or the like
    4. Eat!! I know this one sounds counter productive, but I've exercised in heat without eating and it is not good.
    5. Don't overdo it. It would not be a good time to try that 10 mile hike if you've never done 5.
    6. Wear sunscreen and appropriate clothing.

    I bet there are many others but that's what comes to mind. Good luck
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    From Minnesota we too have been having unbearable heat. And ultimately. I did a long walk the other day and got dehydrated. If you are going out doors bring plenty of water. If you are going to workout at home make sure you have your air running so it doesnt get to unbearable. But sweating is good, but the humidity here is also suppose to be high. As for getting used to the heat, that is a plus but its hard when your from a state that doesnt get hot like that. I lived in Arizona for a few years and could walk in that heat, but there was no humidity. IDK. Just keep yourself well hydrated!~!!!
  • noxie
    noxie Posts: 2
    I either get up around 5:30 - 6am and exercise then, before the sun if fully up (I can't stand heat or direct sunlight)...
    or - if the air is not too humid, I wait until it's roughly 9pm when the sun is mostly gone... if it's really hot - like it was last year when we had a few weeks of 36-38°C weather (which are pretty much the highest temperatures we ever see in my area), I just stay inside, turn the air conditioning on and exercise in my room... swimming is good too, if you have a swimming pool in the area & have the time
    & yeah, make sure you drink enough fluids... personally, I also tend to change my diet and go for more raw, light food...
  • kristenn1989
    kristenn1989 Posts: 223 Member
    Thanks for the tips! (And thanks to those who don't think I'm entirely nutty)