heatherrose86 Member


  • I agree! I love seeing how other people are doing and getting ideas from them. Creeping on their food diaries is a big plus, too! :) Mine's open for creeping also, I like being accountable.
  • If you are taking hormonal birth control it can prevent your b-12 receptors from absorbing b-12 from food and supplements. b-12 levels would show up fine in a blood test, but you will not actually be absorbing any of it. It's not an "authoritative source", but sometimes personal experience can help. This article really…
  • I have a body fat scale that tells me my water % and muscle %. It was cheap, like 20$. Not too accurate on the body fat front but it at least tells me if I am carrying extra water or extra muscle (which it shows after I do something stupid like workout and am so sore, likely the extra water retention there.) Since you…
  • It takes me a week to lose 6-8lbs worth of water weight, it really is water weight... because if it was fat, it would take a hell of a lot longer to burn off 6-8 lbs than one week :) Keep it up and you will see results, you sound like you are just expecting yourself to fail :( Your set calories are similar to mine, just…
  • It worked for me, I was at 1300 - 1600 (so grumpy!) and then I upped to 1800 and have been losing steadily and consistently each week, aside from weeks where I eat out and retain water (but the next week I am down more to make up for it). The 1800 comes from homemade cooked food, and lots of vegetables/huge salads. When I…
  • I had been diagnosed with b12 deficiency and didn't pay any attention to it... Eventually I became shaky, couldn't move my legs properly, felt drunk while perfectly sober, etc. coupled with untreated severe panic/anxiety disorder I literally thought I was going to collapse and die any minute and was a complete and utter…
  • It's my major fitness goal one day. I feel as if I am actually making good use of my time when actively training for the zombie apocalypse as opposed to just exercising.
  • I've seen that app too, I am considering getting it. Do you have to run really far, should I wait a bit?
  • Thanks! I will look into the couch 2 5K - I think I saw an app for the iPhone too, which would help me keep track. I don't mind putting in the time, I am sure it takes a lot of time to go from where I am to actually running. That bra looks like serious business, I think I am a 38/40 E as well, although maybe less since…
  • I am fat because I used to just take my dog to the end of the street once or twice a day. Now we walk around the whole neighbourhood at least three times a day. Also, I ate pizza pops and no salads. Now I eat salads and no pizza pops.
  • I am at 1800 and I think it's open- if not add me :)
  • Will you adopt me?
  • 26 lbs down. Not done yet. But happy enough to take a picture of myself :)
  • I am curious as well. I drink a few cans of diet coke per day. I HAVE noticed though, that since no longer eating much sugar, it doesn't taste as good. I can taste the artificial sweetner more and it's a bit gross. Like the other day when I ordered a skinny caramel macchiato (sugar free syrup) and it tasted like *kitten*.
  • A b-12 deficiency will mess you up. I had one and I felt like I was drunk 24/7. Dizzy, shaky, my legs wouldn't move properly like they were disconnected from my body.. my doctor asked if I was a vegan because my levels were so low (I'm not). Sometimes this can be remedied with b-12 shots OR oral b-12 but you might have a…
  • But....but... my Kashi pumpkin pie and dark chocolate coconut granola barssssss :( I used to like Kashi cereal but then I discovered Jordan's Muesli... it's ONLY fruit, seeds, nuts and grains. There is no salt, sugar, or oil added. And it's not bad considering there is nothing added to it but actual food items. Edited to…
  • I don't think you need to be overly concerned with sugar consumption when it comes to good sugars, unless you have health problems (diabetes) or are low-carbing it. I go over my sugars every day because I liked to eat a banana at breakfast and an apple with lunch. I probably wouldn't go over if I didn't have that apple,…
  • I just roast it in the oven with some pepper and a pinch of cinnamon. Or if I buy those pre-cut trays of it, I microwave them until they're soft. If you don't eat much processed sweets or sugar it tastes yummy just like this. OR you can make this butternut squash/spinach/carmelized onion lasagna that I've been too lazy to…
  • 5'6, lots to lose... I eat between 1600-1800 per day. MFP had me on 1300-1500 and it wasn't doable. Exercise is walking... lots of walking. Sometimes uphill on uneven terrain, but just walking. Looking for a way to increase this. I lose about 1.5-2.5 lbs per week. 2.6 the first week I started eating 1800 and I was at 2.5…
  • My eggs (xtra large) are only 70-80 calories each.
  • I have high cholesterol (well at least I did a year or so ago before I started eating better)... my doctor gave me a list of foods I couldn't eat anymore that included eggs and coconuts... I seem to have misplaced it :) But egg yolks are too yummy. If I am home alone with no one to make dinner for my dinner is two poached…
  • 1. Make your diary public so people can see what you are eating and make suggestions. :) 2. Don't starve yourself. Find out your BMR and play around with your daily caloric goals to determine what works best for you. (I eat 1800 a day) 3. Vegetables are your friend :) Salt and foods that come in a box are not.
  • I just heat firm tofu chunks in a pan until they are browned on the outside and coat them liberally in hot sauce and a bit of Parmesan.... Sometimes by itself or in pasta/salad as a replacement for chicken. I'm weird though and I actually like the taste of tofu.
  • It's working fine :) MFP started me at 1600 for 1.5 lbs per week, and I was okay doing that... then I went to 2 lbs per week (100 or so to lose) and it put me at 1370 which made me extremely grumpy. I proactively (I did not wait for a plateau) upped them to 1800 after one "cheat" evening where I ate good healthy meals…
  • I found that part interesting! Everyone carries their weight so differently...
  • 155 is my goal weight, and I am 5'6. It's the smallest I remember being, and I may even be overshooting it. I may have been a teenager at that weight, I can't remember. I told my mom, who is 5'8 (works out like a crazy person and plays sports on men's teams) and who is also slender-boned with little wrists and legs up to…
  • Many people suggest 4-6 small meals a day... I've read that your meals should be no more than 500 at one time for weight loss, I've heard no more than 800 at one time, and many other different viewpoints on the issue. Personally, I am doing absolutely fine with a breakfast of 200-300 calories, lunch @ 400-500 or so and…
  • Ice cream is my biggest weakness....so I got an ice cream maker and made chocolate gelato with cocoa powder and a bit of sugar. I guess you could add some skim milk for a more milk chocolately taste because the gelato is like super dark chocolate. This way I can control what's in it... I LOVE skinny cow but the selection…
  • I weight myself all of the time, but I "officially" weigh and record Monday morning when I wake up. Throughout the day is a bad idea and can get discouraging because of how your weight can fluctuate. I can weigh 5 lbs more in the afternoon than I do in the morning, and I'm certainly not eating 5 lbs of food before that…
  • I hate the BMI. I cannot physically fit into their healthy weight range for my height. At my thinnest I figured I could lose *maybe* 20 more pounds and I was still obese... it expected at least 40.