TheLukePhone Member


  • Not my best photo, I know. 34 actually ;) I'm gonna go 31.
  • I absolutely struggle with carbs too.. some people crave sweets, I crave bread and pasta. Makes me crazy!
  • I am a straggler! How do I link pictures in here? Or can I? Perhaps I'll just have to post a link to a picture of my montly ride results.. 215.63km as of yesterday! I might get another ride in tonight..we'll see how I feel. :)
  • The Kona Dew bikes are very nice for the price (around $400) and are hybrid bikes. Trek has the 7.2's that are a little bit more, but also very nice. Cannondale has the Quicks, which are very nice also.
  • When I first started, I was only recording what I ate, just to see a benchline. I was consistently around 3-3500. I set a 1500 soft limit, and tried to more less stick to it. I then set a 1500cal hard limit, and stuck to that, and it was tough.. I upped to 2000, and felt a bunch better, but I feel like it's not quite low…
  • This is the kind of reward that means a lot. Even if there's no action on the scale, the fact that you can fit back into something is still a win. :)
    in NSV Comment by TheLukePhone April 2012
  • I'd love to get to the seriously lean look of Brad Pitt in Fight Club, or Cam Gigandet in Never Back Down. Interesting note, Pitt was 165lbs for Fight Club. I'm 225 right now, my goal is 180, but I'm thinking it might be hard for me to hit that as I'm gaining muscle too.. I'll probably balance out around 190.
  • I actually ran into him in a motorcycle shop in Edmonton a few years back, nice guy. :)
  • Haha.. see? I said "Trust me, Im a musician" and I meant it :D Every song is an *kitten* kicker, and the tempos are all more or less around my pedaling cadence, so this list is killer for making you want to move fast.
  • I did a 90 day trial of no caffeine at all, and found that the headaches came on after 3-4 days of no caffeine, and they were literally devastating.. for 1 day. It was manageable, but I dont recommend the cold turkey approach if you are a big caffeine drinker. I was 3+ energy drinks per day, so I not only stopped a $350+…
  • Are you exercising too? I found that I actually had to increase my intake a little bit to start losing weight. I went from 1500cal/day to 2000cal/day (my bmr was 2500), and I exercise daily as well as am quite active most days at work. My weight loss has resumed after nothing for 3 weeks (locked myself at 1500 cal,…
  • Mine is all guitar rock, definitely "music to drive fast to", which of course makes me super motivated to run/ride/whatever. Check out ANY of my songs, trust me. I'm a musician. :) Audrey, Start the Revolution - Anberlin Io - Keith Merrow Scissors - Emery The Undeveloped Story - Anberlin Godspeed - Anberlin Sing Along…
  • I did mission one on Sunday.. was a blast! I turned off the zombie chases, since I was out walking with my wife and kids (in a jogging stroller). When I go out by myself, i'll turn the chases on, so I actually have to hoof it to stay alive. :) I love that you can log your runs now, it's great fun. After mission one, I'm up…
  • OMG.. I laughed quite loudly at that ecard. Awesome. :) I'm battling the bulge of the middle myself, it's a process for sure. :)
  • Results of day 1: Tons more energy, generally better mood. Did 26km on the bike tonight, could have gone farther if I didnt have the resistance at 85% for the whole thing. :) For me: 2000 cal is working out much better so far. I'll update more once I get on the scale on Sunday.
  • So here I am, the first day of my new and improved "eat your workout" routine. I have to say that waking up today after a 2400cal day yesterday, I feel awesome. Better than I've felt in probably 2 weeks. Walking up the stairs at work, I had no pain/burning in my legs like I have been experiencing lately. My mood and energy…
  • I'm going to try this also. Reading up on this, it's made me think, and reviewing my calorie intake on my week of biggest weight loss, I was consistenly around 2k/day, up to 2500. Pushed up my limit to 2k/day, and did 2400 today.. mmm.. burger for dinner. :)
  • Did you know that A&W will make a 10 patty burger if you ask for it? I did that once.
  • New clothing for sure. :) And a new goal. And maybe some travel?
  • On the less healthy side, Deep fried tofu is sooooo good. :) That was my first adventure with tofu, and it was very tasty. You can desert tofus, very much like a cross between a pudding and a jello, and in different flavors. The Sunrise Maple Caramel flavor is great! They also do coconut, mango, etc, and only 90 cals per…
  • It can be hard to accept that eating more will mean you end up weighing less, but I agree that you sound like you are way under where you should be. :)
  • Workout clothes, same outfit every time I get on the scale. Also, same day/time each week. I figure that's the most accurate I can get.
  • I'm with Sleekit on this one, drink water before you eat, and it'll reduce your hunger for sure. I have been eating back my workouts too, but I'm finding that my progress is slowing down. As a result I'm dropping my intake to 1500/day, and trying to not eat back my workouts. It's tough to stick to the calorie intake,…
  • I really enjoyed the book.. plowed through it in 2 days! I've already seen things in the trailer that made me go, "Oh no.. that's not in the book", and "why is he an axe ninja?" etc. Going to see it with low expectations, I'm sure I will enjoy it anyways.